Use strategical prowess and manpower to manipulate the production system in your favor.
Increases: Demon, Titan, and Drow production.
Pointing to this ingame will tell you how many Slots (R16-R159) / Points (R160+) are available also tells you your total research points.
Research Point Production
Formula: 100000 * (1 + 0.01 * x ^ 0.7), where x is RP total of facility affinities.
W1 - For Demon
Research Name: Assault
Cost: 750 Qag (7.50E125)
Effect: Increase the production of Infernal Realms based on the amount of Hellfire Blasts cast in this game.
Formula: (70 * x ^ 0.7)%, where x is Hellfire Blasts Cast This Game.
W10 - For Elf
Research Name: Dueling
Hint: Too many soldiers. More barracks!
Requirement: 2000 Warrior Barracks
Cost: 28.83 Uqag (2.883E127)
Effect: Increase the production of all other buildings by 90% per Elven Training Grounds you own.
W25 - For Goblin
Research Name: War Funds
Hint: Get rich.
Requirement: 1 Tqag (1E132) Coins Gained (This Game)
Cost: 12.63 Dqag (1.263E130)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of Tax Collections cast in this game.
Formula: round(5 * x ^ 0.6)%, where x is Tax Collections Cast This Game.
W50 - For Undead
Research Name: Exertion
Hint: Bad times!
Requirement: 12 hours of Evil Play Time this R, Note: Play as any Evil faction, but you must be Demon to unlock this.
Cost: 318.8 Tqag (3.188E134)
Effect: Increase faction coin find chance based on the number of Undercities you own.
Formula: (floor(1.5 * x ^ 1.1))% where x is the number of Undercities you own.
W120 - For All Factions
Research Name: Betrayal
Hint: How big of an army can you muster?
Requirement: 250 base assistants
Cost: 676 Spqag (6.76E146)
Effect: Increase the production of non-unique buildings based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: round(1.5 * x^1.5)%, where x is the amount of assistants you own.
W135 - For All Factions
Research Name: Rampage
Hint: Light up those cups!
Requirement: 580 Trophies(as Demon)
Cost: 296 Ocqag (9.6E149)
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the number of trophies you have unlocked.
Formula: floor(1.3 * x ^ 1.1), where x is the amount of trophies unlocked.
W150 - For All Factions
Research Name: Invasion
Requirement: Research War Funds (W25) & Rampage (W135)
Cost: 129.6 Noqag (1.296E152)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: round(32 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is the amount of assistants you own.
W175 - For Demon
Research Name: Overwhelm
Requirement: Research Assault (W1) & Invasion (W150)
Cost: 3.273 Uqig (3.273E156)
Effect: You gain additional assistants based on total amount of evil spells cast.
Formula: (8 + 0.8 * x ^ 0.8), where x is the amount of evil spells cast.
W180 - For All Factions
Research Name: Formation
Requirement: 1000 Call to Arms (This R), Research Dueling (W10) & Exertion (W50)
Cost: 24.85 Uqig (2.485E157)
Effect: Each building counts 15 times for Call to Arms purposes.
W200 - For All Factions
Research Name: Crusade
Requirement: Research Hallowing (D50) & Formation (W180)
Cost: 82.65 Dqig (8.265E160)
Effect: Gain additional assistants based on time spent as Good this R.
Formula: floor(0.065 * x ^ 0.5), where x is your Time Spent Being Good (This R) stat.
W205 - For All Evil Factions
Research Name: Berserking
Requirement: 850 Blood Frenzy (This R), Research Rampage (W135) & Retribution (D150)
Cost: 627.6 Dqig (6.276E161)
Effect: While Blood Frenzy is active, increase mana regeneration based on the amount of assistants you own.
Effect: Also increases offline spell cast amount multiplicatively by 300%.
Formula: floor(0.25x^0.9), where x is your Assistants stat.
W225 - For Angel
Research Name: Critical Strike
Requirement: Research Dueling (W10) & Transfixion (D55)
Cost: 2.087 Qaqig (2.087E165)
Effect: Holy Light empowers Heaven’s Domains based on Holy Light activity time in this game.
Formula: (5 * x ^ 0.65)%, where x is Holy Light Active Time This Game in seconds.
W250 - For All Factions
Research Name: Swarming
Requirement: Research Overwhelm (W175) & Berserking (W205)
Cost: 52.7 Qiqig (5.27E169)
Effect: Gain additional assistants based on the amount of trophies you unlocked.
Formula: floor(x / 8), where x is the amount of trophies unlocked.
W260 - For Titan
Research Name: Athletics
Hint: Too many legends! Need more room!
Requirement: 3,000 Olympian Halls
Cost: 3.039 SxQig (3.039E171)
Effect: Increase the production of all other buildings by 100% per Olympian Hall you own.
W275 - For Faceless
Research Name: Domination
Hint: How many people are required to throw a party?
Requirement: 300 Base Assistants (as Faceless)
Cost: 1.331 SpQig (1.331E174)
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on the highest amount of assistants you had in a single game.(This R)
Effect: Also a 50% multiplicative Faction Coin find chance.
Formula: (200 * x ^ 0.55), where x is your Assistants (Max) stat.
W290 - For All Factions
Research Name: Entrench
Hint: Dig, dig, dig the hole.
Requirement: 2,000 Excavations
Cost: 582.7 SpQig (5.827E176)
Effect: Increase the production of Unique buildings based on the amount of Excavations you made.
Formula: round(15 * x ^ 0.8)%, where x is the amount of excavations made.
W320 - For All Factions
Research Name: Shattering
Hint: Down all the way.
Requirement: 2,650 Excavations
Cost: 1.117 NoQig (1.117E180)
Effect: Increase your clicking reward based on the amount of Excavations you made.
Formula: round(10 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is the amount of excavations made.
W330 - For All Factions
Research Name: Heroism
Requirement: Research Crusade (W200) & Athletics (W260).
Cost: 6.443 Sxg (6.443E183)
Effect: Increase your click reward based on the amount of trophies you unlocked.
Formula: round(2.5 * x)%, where x is the amount of trophies unlocked.
W350 - For Druid
Research Name: Survival
Requirement: Research Creeping (A300) & Synthesis (A270).
Cost: 21.42 USxg (2.142E187)
Effect: Increase the production of all other buildings based on the production of your Stonehenge Circles.
Formula: (75 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 1.3))%, where x is the production of your Stonehenge Circles.
W400 - For All Factions
Research Name: Siege
Requirement: Research Architecture (C251) & Entrench (W290).
Cost: 13.66 QaSxg (1.366E196)
Effect: Each building in the three highest building tiers count as 2 buildings for all purposes.
W405 - For Drow
Research Name: Ambush
Requirement: Secrets of the Underworld (as Drow)
Cost: 103.7 QaSxg (1.037E197)
Effect: Increase the production of Spider Sanctuaries based on offline Bonus
Formula: (3.25 * log10(1 + x) ^ 3.25)%, where x is offline production bonus multiplier.
W520 - For Drow
Research Name: Stalking
Requirement: Research Exertion (W50) and Ambush (W405)
Cost: 18.47 Uspg (1.847E217)
Effect: Gain 1 assistant for every 100 seconds of Combo Strike activity time. (This Game)
W525 - For Evil
Research Name: Bloodlust
Requirement: 129600s (1d 12hours) as Evil (This R), Research Berserking (W205) and Focus (S460)
Cost: 140.2 USpg (1.402E218)
Effect: Increase Blood Frenzy multiplier based on the amount of times you cast faction spell in this game.
Formula: (300 * floor(x ^ 0.3))%, where x is Faction Spells' Cast This Game.
W560 - For Dwarf
Research Name: Resilience
Requirement: Research Eternity (D330) and Mercy (D480)
Cost: 204.2 TSpg (2.042E224)
Effect: Increase clicking reward based on the amount of clicks made in this game.
Formula: (4 * x ^ 0.4)%, where x is your Treasure Clicks (This Game) stat.
W590 - For Demon,Drow
Research Name: Torture
Requirement: 200 Drow Exchanges as Dromon, Research Soulrending (D245) and Stalking (W520)
Cost: 39.16 QiSpg (3.916E229)
Effect: Increase assistants production based on total time spent being Evil. (This R)
Formula: (8 * x ^ 0.8)%, where x is your Time Spent Being Evil stat.
W1275 - For All Factions
Research Name: Authority
Hint: How long does your Call to Arms last?
Requirement: 43200s (12 hours) Call to Arms Cast Time (This game).
Cost: 152.4 Dvg (1.524e71)
Effect: Increase the duration of all spells based on the amount of Non-Unique buildings you own.
Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5)%, where x is the amount of Non-Unique buildings you own.
W1375 - For All Factions
Research Name: Scavenging
Hint: GUD? More like Evil.
Requirement: 604800s 7 days spent as evil (Across all Rs)
Cost: 137.8 Qavg (1.378e77)
Effect: Increases Faction Coin find chance by a multiplicative 200%.
Effect: Increase the chance to find Faction Coins based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: (100 * x ^ 0.5), where x is assistants.
W1400 - For Dragon
Research Name: Cataclysm
Requirement: Research W400, A1200, Affiliated Dragon
Cost: 4.249 Qivg (4.249e78)
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the amount of clicks made in this game.
Formula: (650 * x ^ 0.35), where x is clicks (this game).
W3050 - For Mercenary
Research Name: Flanking
Requirement: 50000 Base Assistants, (Authority W1275) and (Intimidation E1325).
Cost: 809 SpQig (8.09e176)
Effect: Increases the production of buildings one tier directly above or below a Unique Building based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: (2 * x ^ 0.8), where x is assistants.
W3150 - For All Factions
Research Name: Upheaval
Hint: More of the baseline production buildings!
Requirement: 60000 Farms, Inns and Blacksmiths.
Cost: 731.6 NoQig (7.316e182)
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings based on their tier, giving the highest bonus to the lowest.
Formula: (150 * (12 - T) ^ 2.15), where T is building tier.
W5125 - For All Factions
Research Name: Sovereignty
Requirement: R175+, Forgotten Relic, Battlefield artifact and upgrade
Effect: Increase the production of two highest tier buildings based on assistants you own.
Formula: (x ^ 0.3), where x is assistants
W5375 - For Evil
Research Name: Officers
Requirement: R177+, Forgotten Relic, Battlefield artifact and upgrade
Effect: Gain assistants multiplicatively based on amount of trophies unlocked.
Formula: (2.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is trophies
W5625 - For All Factions
Research Name: Concealment
Requirement: R179+, Forgotten Relic, Battlefield artifact and upgrade
Effect: Offline time counts more based on Mana Produced in this game.
Effect: (2.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is mana produced (This game)
W5875 - For All Factions
Research Name: Patience
Requirement: R181+, Forgotten Relic, Battlefield artifact and upgrade
Effect: Time spent with Prestige Counts 500% more.
Effect: Time spent with Elite factions Counts 1000% more.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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