Makers Champion
Requirement: R125+, 12 faction upgrades (this includes faction treaty)
Alignment: Balance
Unlock Requirements: First, Second, and Third Stone Fragment
First Stone Fragment
Clue: Click to Carve.
Description: Made from stone so ancient it is unknown to the current world. Two parts seem to be missing.
Requirements: R125, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Elf
Chance: (log10(1 + x) ^ 3) / 20000 (20K))%, where x is clicks this game
Second Stone Fragment
Clue: Stone to stone, buildings to buildings.
Description: Made from stone so ancient it is unknown to the current world. Two parts seem to be missing.
Requirements: R125, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Druid
Chance: (x / 20000000 (20M))%, where x is amount of buildings.
Third Stone Fragment
Clue: Might be collected with taxes.
Description: Made from stone so ancient it is unknown to the current world. Two parts seem to be missing.
Requirements: R125, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Goblin
Chance: (log10(1 + x) ^ 3) / 125000 (125K))%, where x is Tax Collections this game.
Makers Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Stone Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buidings by 10000% and gain 1 M (1e6) assistants.
Makers Quest
Requirements: R125+, Collect all 3 Stone Fragments and accumulate 2 days of All Creation activity time in this Reincarnation.
Cost: 1 Ocqag (1e147)
Effect: Unlocks Makers Faction
Faction spell
Infinite Spiral
Effect: Increase assistants based on Maximum Mana.
Formula: (10 * (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.25), where x is Maximum Mana.
Effect: Increase max mana based on FC chance.
Formula: (1.5 * log10(1 + x) ^ 1.5), where x is FC chance.
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on Excavations made, including resets, in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (10 + 0.05 * (x * y) ^ 0.75), where x is excavations done this R (NOT current excavation count), y is free and ruby resets this R.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade
Reality Crater
Requirements: R125+, Cast Infinite Spiral with at least 10 free and ruby excavation resets this game.
Cost: 10 Octg (1e118)
Effect: Infinite Spiral also reduces excavation cost multiplier based on assistants owned.
Formula: (0.001 * log(1 + x)), where x is assistants owned.
Note: Elite Faction Upgrades can only be purchased with Mercenary Upgrade 4, 8, 12 and 16.
Note: Elite spells can only be bought from the Mercenary Sorcery contract.
Tier 1 Upgrades
Makers Trade Treaty
Description: The legendary old race which is said to have created the world, their watchful eye aims to keep all forces in check. Affiliating with them will increase your ability to dominate all your resources.
Requirements: Vanilla and Prestige Union
Cost: 1 Oc (1e27) Elven and Goblin Coins
Effect: Unlocks Makers Upgrades
Hand of the Makers
Cost: 1 NoQag (1e150)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of clicks made in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is clicks made in this Reincarnation.
Everlasting Materials
Cost: 10 NoQag (1e151)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the highest amount of buildings built in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.85), where x is highest amount of buildings built this Reincarnation.
Infinite Improvements
Cost: 100 NoQag (1e152)
Effect: Increase the production of All Buildings based on time spent as Balance.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.7), where x is time spent as balance this R in seconds.
Tier 2 Upgrades
Makers Friendship Pact
Cost: 1 No (1e30) Elven and Goblin Coins
Effect: Unlocks Makers Upgrades
Magical Shards
Cost: 100 UQig (1e158)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on artifacts found.(Multiplicatively)
Formula: (x ^ 0.95), where x is artifacts found.
Treasure Mosaic
Cost: 1 DQig (1e159)
Effect: Additionally increase Maximum Mana based on Faction Coins found in this game.(additively)
Formula: (27.5 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2.75), where x is Faction Coins found in this game.
Art of Commerce
Cost: 10 DQig (1e160)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Royal Exchange bonus based on their quantity.
Formula: (0.2 * x ^ 0.65), where x is Royal Exchange quantity.
Tier 3 Upgrades
Makers Alliance
Cost: 1 Dc (1e33) Elven and Goblin Coins
Effect: Unlocks Makers Upgrades
Cost: 10 TQig (1e163)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on excavations made in this Reincarnation, including resets.
Formula: (30 + 0.3 * (x * y) ^ 0.7), where x is excavations done this R (NOT current excavation count), y is free and ruby excavation resets this R.
Past Trade
Cost: 100 TQig (1e164)
Effect: Remove 1 Ascension penalty from Royal Exchange Overall Bonus.
Note: Stacks with E1225 for no A-nerf.
Structural Stability
Cost: 1 QaQig (1e165)
Effect: Increase the production of building tiers directly above or below Unique Buildings based on spells cast in this game.
Formula: (0.2 * x ^ 0.4), where x spells cast in this game.
Note: If affected twice, stacks multiplicatively.
Makers Heritage
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Elven and Goblin Coins
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on Tax Collections cast in this game.
Formula: (2 * log10(1 + x) ^ 1.75), where x is Tax Collections cast this game.
Hall of Origination Quest
Description: Hello, child! Your realm progress looks kinda... obsolete. Would you mind if we help improve your realm with our advanced perks? Please gather more Faction Coins to generate more energy!
Requirements: R130+, Gather 5 TD (5e42) Faction Coins
Cost: 1 QaQig (1e165)
Hall of Origination Upgrade
Requirements: Hall of Origination Quest.
Cost: 1 QiQig (1e168)
Effect: Gives Hall of Origination Unique Building.
Upgrade Halls of Legends to Halls of Origination, boosting their production based on assistants owned and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is assistants owned.
Requirement: Hall of Origination Quest.
Effect: Grants access to Faction Union.
Makers Union
Requirements: R130, Unique Building
Cost: 1 Dd (1e39) Elven and Goblin Coins
Effect: All Creation production effect is based on the highest mana regeneration rate in this Reincarnation.
Note: Does not effect FC chance.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Valuable Antiquity
Requirements: Makers Union
Cost: 100 QiQig (1e170)
Effect: Artifacts count more based on time spent in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.45 * x ^ 0.45), where x is time spent this Reincarnation.(in seconds)
Bedrock Foundations
Requirements: Makers Union
Cost: 1 SxQig (1e171)
Effect: Increase the base production of all buildings by 1000 per building tier.
Reality Marble
Requirements: Makers Union
Cost: 10 SxQig (1e172)
Effect: Gain assistants based on clicks made in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (2.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is clicks made this Reincarnation.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
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