S30 - For All Factions
Research Name: Vacuumancy
Requirement: Have 4000 Mana. (This Game)
Cost: 95.88 Dqag (9.588E130)
Effect: Increase maximum mana and mana regeneration rate based on time spent in this game.
Formula: Max Mana:(0.1 * x), where x is your Playtime (This Game) stat in seconds.
Formula: Mana Regeneration:(0.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is your Playtime (This Game) stat in seconds.
S105 - For All Factions
Research Name: Mysticism
Hint: I am a Research among Researches.
Requirement: 600 Researches (Total)
Cost: 1.544 Spqag (1.544E144)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of research made.
Formula: floor(x ^ 0.5), where x is number of researches made.
S180 - For Fairy
Research Name: Incantation
Requirement: Research Enchanting (S1) & Mysticism (S105)
Cost: 3.273 UQig (3.273E156)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the number of assistants you own.
Formula: floor(16 * x ^ 0.6) / 10, where x is the number of assistants you have.
S400 - For All Factions
Research Name: Capacity
Requirement: Research Projection (S215) & Domination (W275)
Cost: 13.66 QaSxg (1.366E196)
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the highest amount of spells cast in a single game.
Formula: (1.2 * log10(x) ^ 4.8), where x is your Spell Cast (Max) stat.
S500 - For All Factions
Research Name: Heirlooms
Hint: I wonder when will I have enough for my collection?
Requirement: 40 Artifacts (as Drow)
Cost: 5.554 Spg (5,554E213)
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana and Mana Regeneration based on the amount of artifacts you own.
Maximum Mana Formula: (75 * x ^ 1.1), where x is amount of artifacts you own.
Mana Regeneration Formula: (5 * x ^ 1.05), where x is amount of artifacts you own.
S3200 - For All Factions
Research Name: Manipulation
Hint First spell, many served.
Requirement: 1B (1e9) Tax Collections (This R), (Calefaction A1325) and (Psionics S1500).
Cost: 695.7 Sxg (6.957e185)
Effect: Each active spell increases mana regen by an additional 8% (Share Benefits tiers also count).
Effect: Also increases offline spell cast amount multiplicatively by 1200%.
S5375 - For Chaos
Research Name: Invocation
Requirement: R177+, Forgotten Relic, Mana Loom artifact and upgrade
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana additively and multiplicatively based on the activity time of your least used spell.
Additive: (1000 + 80 * x ^ 0.8), where x is spell activity time in seconds.
Multiplicative: (0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is spell activity time in seconds.
S5625 - For All Factions
Research Name: Leylines
Requirement: R179+, Forgotten Relic, Mana Loom artifact and upgrade
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on assistants owned.
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.25), where x is assistants
C25 - For Angel
Research Name: Light Condenser
Hint: I've cast a spell on you. Now you cast more.
Requirement: 12,000 Spells cast (This R)
Cost: 12.63 Dqag (1.263E130)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of spells cast.
Formula: floor(10 * x ^ 0.3) / 10, where x is your Spells Cast (This Game) stat.
C330 - For All Factions
Research Name: Overload
Requirement: Research Aeromancy (S250) & Critical Strike (W225)
Cost: 6.443 Sxg (6.443E183)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of research made.
Formula: (3.5 * x ^0.35), where x is researches made.
C3100 - All Factions
Research Name: Engineering
Hint: Spend some quality time with the Mercenaries.
Requirement: 15 days Mercenary time spent (Across all R's).
Cost: 769.3 OcQig (7.693e179)
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the total amount of clicks made (This R).
Formula: (65 * x ^ 0.35), where x is clicks made.
C5875 - For All Factions
Research Name: Genuineness
Requirement: R181+, Forgotten Relic, Factory artifact and upgrade
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Maximum Mana based on lowest Lineage level.
Formula: (50 + 1.5 * x ^ 0.95), where x is the lowest lineage.
D135 - For All Factions
Research Name: Illumination
Hint: Blue regeneration combo.
Requirement: 250 m/s Mana Regen(as Angel)
Cost: 296 Ocqag (2.96E149)
Effect: Increases mana regeneration based on the amount of gems you own.
Formula: floor(1.25 * ln(1 + x)) / 10), where x is amount of gems you own.
D275 - For Druid
Research Name: Meditation
Hint: Maximum magical concentration.
Requirement: Have 10,000 Mana (as Druid)
Cost: 1.331 SpQig (1.331E174)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on your current mana.
Effect: Also increases offline spell cast amount multiplicatively by 300%.
Formula: (0.35 * x ^0.35 + 0.035 * log(x) ^3.5), where x is max mana.
D290 - For All Factions
Research Name: Transubstantiation
Hint: A small buried stone.
Requirement: 1 Rough Stone Artifact
Cost: 582.7 SpQig (5.827E176)
Effect: Each artifact you discover increases Maximum Mana additively and multiplicatively.
Additive Formula: (50 * x ^1.1), where x is the number of artifacts found.
Multiplicative Formula: (x ^ 0.95), where x is the number of artifacts found.
D560 - For Drow
Research Name: Ritualism
Requirement: Research Necromancy(S225) and Heirlooms(S500)(as drow)
Cost: 204.2 TSpq (2.042E224)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of trophies you unlocked.
Formula: (floor(0.7 * x) / 10), where x is the amount of Trophies Unlocked.
D5375 - For Good
Research Name: Zealotry
Requirement: R177+, Forgotten Relic, Mythos artifact and upgrade
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on Royal Exchanges purchased in this game.
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is royal exchanges this game
E250 - For All Factions
Research Name: Trade Routes
Requirement: Research Forgery (E225) & Royal Demand (E145)
Cost: 52.7 Qiqig (5.27E169)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Royal Exchanges you purchased.
Formula: floor(10 * x ^ 0.55) / 10, where x is your Royal Exchanges Made stat.
E275 - For Titan
Research Name: Offering
Hint: Offer Faction Coins, gain production.
Requirement: 1,250 Royal Exchanges(as Titans)
Cost: 175.2 SxQig (1.752E173)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on your Royal Exchange Bonus.
Formula: (x ^ 0.95), where x is your Royal Exchange Bonus.
A50 - For Angel
Research Name: Gilding
Hint: Regeneration magic.
Requirement: 120 m/s Mana Regen(as Undead)
Cost: 318.8 Tqag (3.188E134)
Effect: Heaven's Domains further increase your mana regeneration rate.
Formula: (1.45 * x ^ 0.45), where x is the number of Heaven's Domains you own.
A300 - For Faceless
Research Name: Creeping
Hint: Blue Production.
Requirement: Produce 5M mana (This game, as Druid)
Cost: 33 OcQig (3.36E178)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on mana produced in this game.
Formula: floor(30 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.2) / 10, where x is your Mana Produced (This Game) stat.
A545 - For All Factions
Research Name: Mineralogy
Hint: Full Showcase.
Requirement: 700 trophies
Cost: 466.3 DSpg (4.663E221)
Effect: Increases mana regeneration based on Gems you own.
Formula: log10(x) / 2, where x is Gems you own.
A1325 - For All Factions
Research Name: Calefaction
Hint: Excavate me out!
Requirement: 4500 Excavations (This R)
Cost: 144.9 Tvg (1.449e74)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of excavations made.
Formula: floor(0.02 * x), where x is current excavations
Tip: E290 and end of R54.
W135 - For All Factions
Research Name: Rampage
Hint: Light up those cups!
Requirement: 580 Trophies(as Demon)
Cost: 296 Ocqag (9.6E149)
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the number of trophies you have unlocked.
Formula: floor(1.3 * x ^ 1.1), where x is the amount of trophies unlocked.
W205 - For All Evil Factions
Research Name: Berserking
Requirement: 850 Blood Frenzy (This R), Research Rampage (W135) & Retribution (D150)
Cost: 627.6 Dqig (6.276E161)
Effect: While Blood Frenzy is active, increase mana regeneration based on the amount of assistants you own.
Effect: Also increases offline spell cast amount multiplicatively by 300%.
Formula: floor(0.25x^0.9), where x is your Assistants stat.
W1400 - For Dragon
Research Name: Cataclysm
Requirement: Research W400, A1200, Affiliated Dragon
Cost: 4.249 Qivg (4.249e78)
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the amount of clicks made in this game.
Formula: (650 * x ^ 0.35), where x is clicks (this game).
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
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