Note: All trophy/artifact/spell trophy upgrades become visible when you've earned its price (this game).
Grinding Dedication
Requirement: 7 Hours Playtime (Total)
Cost: 1 Sx (1E21), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 0.7%.
Proof of Good Deed
Cost: 25,000, A1+ Free
Effect: Enables to join Good Factions.
Heroic Certificate
Requirement: 750 Good Buildings
Cost: 100 T (1E14), A1+ Free
Alignment: Good
Effect: Increase the production of all Good buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 0.7%.
Heroic Validation
Requirement: 1500 Good Buildings
Cost: 100 Qi (1E20), A1+ Free
Alignment: Good
Effect: Increase the production of all Good buildings by 300%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 14.9%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 1.4%.
Heroic Affirmation
Requirement: 12000 Good buildings
Cost: 100 Qaq (1E47), A1+ Free
Alignment: Good
Effect: Increase the production of all Good buildings by 700%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 23.1%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 2.1%.
Heroic Proclamations
Requirement: Ascension 1+, 20000 Good buildings (16667 with Dwarf 5 on)
Cost: 10 No (1E31), A2+ Free
Alignment: Good
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 100%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Good buildings by 7.18%.
Proof of Evil Deed
Cost: 25,000, A1+ Free
Effect: Enables to join Evil Factions
Villainous Certificate
Requirement: 750 Evil Buildings
Cost: 100 T (1E14), A1+ Free
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 0.7%.
Villainous Validation
Requirement: 1500 Evil Buildings
Cost: 100 Qi (1E20), A1+ Free
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 300%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 14.9%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 1.4%.
Villainous Affirmation
Requirement: 12000 Evil buildings
Cost: 100 Qaq (1E47), A1+ Free
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 700%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 23.1%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 2.1%.
Villainous Proclamations
Requirement: Ascension 1+, 20000 Evil buildings (16667 with Dwarf 5 on)
Cost: 10 No (1E31), A2+ Free
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 100%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Evil buildings by 7.18%.
Proof of Neutrality
Requirement: At least one neutral faction unlocked
Cost: 10 Qa (1E16), A1+ Free
Effect: Enables to join Neutral Factions
True Neutrality
Requirement: 24 Hours Playtime as Neutral (Total)
Cost: 500 T (5E14), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 0.7%.
Neutral Certificate
Requirement: 3,500 Neutral Buildings
Cost: 2 No (2E30), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 0.7%.
Neutral Validation
Requirement: 7,000 Neutral Buildings
Cost: 4 Dd (4E39), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 0.7%.
Neutral Affirmation
Requirement: 20,000 Neutral Buildings
Cost: 8 NoQag (8E150), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 0.7%.
Neutral Proclamations
Requirement: 50000 Neutral buildings
Cost: 16 Novg (1.6e91), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 100%.
Effect: A1, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 7.18%.
Effect: A2, Increase the production of all Neutral buildings by 0.7%.
Proof of Order
Determine your rulership in an efficient and stable fashion, making the best out of well-planned strategies to let your realm grow even further.
Requirement: R100+
Cost: 1 Qa (1e15) Emerald Coins, A3+ Free
Effect: Choosing this alignment will remove Ascension penalties on all alignment spells and let you affiliate with the following factions.
Angel (Good), Undead (Evil), and Titans (Neutral)
Proof of Chaos
Resign your will to eternal entropy that forms and maintains the world itself, prospering in the glory of extreme bursts of random fortune.
Requirement: R100+
Cost: 1 Qa (1e15) Emerald Coins, A3+ Free
Effect: Choosing this alignment will remove Ascension penalties on all alignment spells and let you affiliate with the following factions.
Fairies (Good), Demons (Evil), and Faceless (Neutral)
Proof of Balance
Avoid fixating yourself to the rules while not falling to madness as well, Take advantage of everything you can gather and maximize your gains with any possible means.
Requirement: R100+
Cost: 1 Qa (1e15) Emerald Coins, A3+ Free
Effect: Choosing this alignment will remove Ascension penalties on all alignment spells and let you affiliate with the following factions.
Elves (Good), Goblins (Evil), and Druid (Neutral)
Sun Blessing
Requirement: Elven Spell Upgrade, (Activate Moon Blessing between 6am and 1pm.)
Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Effect: Autoclicks 15 times per second while the Moon Blessing spell is active.
Elven Bloodline
Requirement: R7+
Effect: Increase the chance to find Faction Coins based on Faction Coins found in this game.
Formula: (10 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.75), where x is number of Faction Coins found in this game.
Effect: Autoclick 3 times per second. Autoclicks made this way benefit from a 100 times higher clicking reward and Faction Coin find chance.
Effect: Also multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of clicks made in this game.
Formula: (10 * floor(log10(1 + x)), where x is clicks made in this game.
Sturdy Treasure Series
6 Upgrades:
Requirement: Click 100, 500, 2,500, 10,000, 50,000 and 100,000 times.
Cost: 500, 5,000, 5M (5E6), 5B (5E9), 50T (5E13), A1+ Free
Effect: Add 1 click per second while offline. (per upgrade - 6 Total)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 4. While offline, generate 1 click per second per upgrade.
C590: For: Elf, Dwarf - Research Name: Alloys
Requirement: 200 Dwarf Exchanges (as Dwelf), Research Fusion(A105) and Blacksmithing(C520).
Cost: 39.16 QiSpg (3.916E229), A1+ Free
Effect: Autoclicks 10 times per second.
Effect: Increase clicking reward based on your chance to find Faction Coins, (if your FC chance is 10k%, this will be 10k%).
Elven Lineage
Requirement: R60+
Cost: 400 Elven Royal Exchanges.
Effect: Gives 1 autoclick per Lineage level.
Effect: Also increase clicks count by a multiplicative 5000% per level.
Level 5
Elven Perk 1
Requirement: Reach Lineage Level 5.
Effect: Increase autoclicks provided by Elven Bloodlines to 9 per second and their multiplier to x10000.
Level 10
Effect: x100 Elven Faction Coin find chance.
Level 15
Elven Perk 2
Requirement: Reach Lineage Level 15.
Effect: Unlocks Elven Lineage Challenge.
Challenge: 7777 autoclicks in the first 5 minutes of a run.
Effect: Unlocks Faction spell. (Moon Blessing)
Level 20
Elven Perk 3
Requirement: Reach Lineage Level 20.
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 5% of Unique Building production for every 777 of them.
Sturdy Treasure
Requirement: 100 Clicks (Total)
Cost: 500, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 4. While offline, generate 1 click per second per upgrade.
Durable Treasure
Requirement: 500 Clicks (Total)
Cost: 5,000, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 45. While offline, generate 1 click per second.
Reinforced Treasure
Requirement: 2,500 Clicks (Total)
Cost: 5M (5E6), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 4,950. While offline, generate 1 click per second.
Resilient Treasure
Requirement: 10,000 Clicks (Total)
Cost: 5B (5E9), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 500,000. While offline, generate 1 click per second.
Unbreakable Treasure
Requirement: 50,000 Clicks (Total)
Cost: 50T (5E13), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 50M (1E7). While offline, generate 1 click per second.
Eternal Treasure
Requirement: 100,000 Clicks (Total)
Cost: 5 Qa (5E16), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 50B (5E10). While offline, generate 1 click per second.
Filled Treasure
Requirement: 5,000 Coins by clicking (This Game)
Cost: 10,000, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 25% and the production of all buildings by 25%.
Effect: A1, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 2.26%.
Effect: A2, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 0.22%.
Rich Treasure
Requirement: 5 M (5E6) Coins by clicking (This Game)
Cost: 50M (5E7), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 25% and the production of all buildings by 25%.
Effect: Post A1, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 2.26%.
Effect: Post A2, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 0.22%.
Wealthy Treasure
Requirement: 5 B (5E9) Coins by clicking (This Game)
Cost: 100B (1E11), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 25% and the production of all buildings by 25%.
Effect: A1, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 2.26%.
Effect: A2, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 0.22%.
Opulent Treasure
Requirement: 5 T (5E12) Coins by clicking (This Game)
Cost: 150 T (1.5E14), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Pre Ascension, Increase clicking reward by 25% and the production of all buildings by 25%.
Effect: A1, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 2.26%.
Effect: A2, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 0.22%.
Overflowing Treasure
Requirement: 5 Qa (5E15) Coins by clicking (This Game)
Cost: 200 Qa (2E17), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 25% and the production of all buildings by 25%.
Effect: A1, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 2.26%.
Effect: A2, Increase clicking reward by 2.26% and the production of all buildings by 0.22%.
Precious Treasure
Requirement: Produce 100,000 Coins (Total)
Cost: 50,000, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 1% of your total production.
Ornate Treasure
Requirement: 100 M (1E8) Coins by clicking (Total)
Cost: 50 M (5E7), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 1% of your total production.
Adorned Treasure
Requirement: 100 B (1E11) Coins by clicking (Total)
Cost: 50 B (5E10), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 1% of your total production.
Embellished Treasure
Requirement: 100 T (1E14) Coins by clicking (Total)
Cost: 50 T (5E13), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 1% of your total production.
Resplendent Treasure
Requirement: 100 Qa (1E17) Coins by clicking (Total)
Cost: 5 Qa (5E15), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 1% of your total production.
Mana Droplet
Requirement: 200 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 10,000, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +0.50.
Mana Rain
Requirement: 2,000 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 20 M (2E7), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +0.50.
Mana Surge
Requirement: 5,000 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 30 B (3E10), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +0.50.
Mana Fountain
Requirement: 10,000 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 40 T (4E13), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +0.50.
Mana Shower
Requirement: 20,000 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 50 Qa (5E16), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +0.50.
Mana Stream
Requirement: 100,000 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 60 Qi (6E19), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +0.50.
Mana Flood
Requirement: 200,000 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 70 Sx (7E22), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +0.50.
Mana Wave
Requirement: 20M (20E6) Mana Produced (Total), R40+
Cost: 80 Sp (8E25), A2+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +50.00.
Mana River
Requirement: 1B (1E9) Mana Produced (Total), R40+
Cost: 90 Oc (9E28), A2+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +50.00.
Mana Lake
Requirement: 20 B (2E10) Mana Produced (Total), R40+
Cost: 100 No (1E32), A2+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by +50.00.
Mana Sea
Requirement: 1 T (1E12) mana produced, R40+
Cost: 12.5Uqag No (1.25e127), A2+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana regeneration by +50.00.
Mana Ocean
Requirement: 2 T (2E12) mana produced, R40+
Cost: 150 Noqag (1.5e152), A2+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana regeneration by +50.00.
Mana Spring
Requirement: 100 T (1E14) mana produced, R100+
Cost: Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana regeneration by +100.00.
Mana Falls
Requirement: R100+, Produce 200 Qi (2e20) mana.
Cost: Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana regeneration by +100.00.
Automatic Casting
Requirement: 60,000 Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 100 B (1E11), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Allows autocasting of spells by CTRL+Clicking them.
Effect: While offline, spells are not cast, instead increases mana produced amount by 10% of your mana regen per second.
Improved Autocasting
Requirement: 2 M (2E6) Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 200 Qi (2E20), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases mana regeneration by 5%.
Effect: While offline, increases mana produced amount by an additional 15% of your mana regeneration per second.
Masterful Autocasting
Requirement: 6 M (6E6) Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 300 Oc (3E29), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases mana regeneration by 10%.
Effect: While offline, increases mana produced amount by an additional 35% of your mana regeneration per second.
Priority Autocasting
Requirement: 12 M (1.2E7) Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 400 Ud (4E38), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Allows you to prioritize the order of spell casting, You can set it using CTRL+Click.
Effect: Spells with lower priority will be cast only if the higher priority spells are already active.
Effect: While offline, improves spell cast amount by 1 per minute.
Contingency Autocasting
Requirement: 20 M (2E7) Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 500 Qad (5E47), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Allows you to set a minimum amount of mana before starting to Autocast. A slide bar will appear when you CTRL+Click on the mana bar. Contingency-slidebar By adjusting its height you will set a minimum amount of mana below which spells won't be cast. Once your mana reaches the threshold, spells will follow the priority rules. The contingency loop will break when you can't cast a spell, at which point the cycle will reset.
Effect: While offline, improves spell cast amount by an additional 2 per minute.
Planned Autocasting
Requirement: 30 M (3E7) Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 600 Spd (6E56), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Allows you to set Primary and Secondary spells. Primary spells (Set with CTRL+Click) will fire when you have max mana with Contingency Autocasting. Secondary spells (Set with SHIFT+Click) will fire as soon as you have the mana, as long as the primary spells are ALL still active.
Effect: While offline, increases mana produced by an additional 10% of your mana regeneration per second and your spells cast amount by an additional 2 per minute.
Efficient Autocasting
Requirement: 50 M (5E7) Mana Produced (Total)
Cost: 700 Vg (7E65), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Allows you to select Independent Spells, (a bronze icon set with CTRL+SHIFT+Click) to work outside of contingency settings. These spells disregard your contingency rules and are casted as soon as you have enough mana for them.
Effect: While offline, increases mana produced amount by an additional 10% of your mana regen per second and spell cast amount by 2 per minute.
Reverse Autocasting
Requirement: Reach 1.5e8 mana and unlock the Reverse Autocasting upgrade. Can only be unlocked after Ascension 1 at Reincarnation 40+.
Cost: 3.2 Dc (3.2e33), A3+: Free
Effect: Allows you to manually reset spells with a 2 second cooldown per spell.
Note: Can not reset spells with a fixed duration.
Note: Only while offline, increase your mana produced amount by an additional 10% of your Mana Regeneration per second, and your spells cast amount multiplicatively based on your offline Mana Regeneration.
Formula: (1000 * log10(1 + x)), where x is Mana Regeneration
Tiered Autocasting
Requirement: R40+, 200M Mana Produced (Total this R)
Cost: 100 Qid (1e50), A2+ Free
Alignment: Any
Only for Tier upgraded Spells (R42+). Allows you to set the maximum tier you wish to autocast each spell to.
In the spell tooltip, use the diamond icon to change its mode until you get to the desired maximum tier number. Spells will still follow their previous priority rules.
Only while offline, increase mana produced by an additional 10% (for a total of 100%) of your mana regeneration per second and your spells cast amount multiplicatively based on your offline mana regeneration. (1000 * log10(1 + x)).
Note: The trophy and offline bonus can not be acquired before R40.
Enchanted Fields
Requirement: 2250 Farms + R16
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Fairy
Effect: Upgrade Farms to Enchanted Fields, boosting their production by 750% per assistant you own and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Elven Training Grounds
Requirement: 1750 Barracks + R16
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Elf
Effect: Upgrade Warrior Barracks to Elven Training Grounds, boosting their production based on the total amount of clicks you made and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: ((50 * x^0.85) + 50 * ln^6(1 + x))%, where x is your Treasure Clicks (Total) stat.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Heaven's Domain
Requirement: 1500 Heaven's Gate + R16
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Angel
Effect: Upgrade Heaven's Gates to Heaven's Domains, boosting their production by x250 per spell affecting them and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Goblin Banks
Requirement: 1750 Witch Conclaves + R16
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Goblin
Effect: Upgrade Witch Conclaves to Goblin Banks, boosting their base production based on the amount of gold you own and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: 650 + 10000 * (log10(1+x))^(3.1/(1+0.1*(y+1)))/30)), where x is your current amount of Coins and y is ascension.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Requirement: 1750 Necropolises + R16
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Undead
Effect: Upgrade Necropolises to Undercities, boosting their production based on time spent in this game and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (10 * (2x)^0.75)%, where x is your Playtime (This Game) stat.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Infernal Realms
Requirement: 1500 Hell Portals + R16
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Demon
Effect: Upgrade Hell Portals to Infernal Realms, boosting their production by 100% per trophy you unlocked and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Olympian Halls
Requirement: 2000 Hall of Legends + R22
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Titan
Effect: Upgrade Halls of Legend to Olympian Halls, boosting their production by 15% per Royal Exchange you purchased and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Stonehenge Circles
Requirement: 2000 Stone Pillars + R22
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Druid
Effect: Upgrade Stone Pillars to Stonehenge Circles, boosting their production by 30% per point of Maximum Mana and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Sunken Cities
Requirement: 2000 Labyrinths + R22
Cost: 10 Ttg (1E103), A1+ Free
Alignment: Faceless
Effect: Upgrade Labyrinths to Sunken Cities, boosting their production based on time spent in your longest game session and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (75 * x ^ 0.9), where x is your Playtime (Longest Session) stat.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Dwarven Forges
Requirement: Dwarven Forge Quest + R28
Cost: 10 USxg (1E187), A1+ Free
Alignment: Good
Effect: Upgrade Blacksmiths to Dwarven Forges, boosting their production based on mana regen and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (80 * x ^ 0.8)%, where x is your Mana per Second stat.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Spider Sanctuary
Requirement: Spider Sanctuary Quest + R28
Cost: 10 USxg (1E187), A1+ Free
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Upgrade Dark Temples to Spider Sanctuaries, boosting their production based on time spent offline and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (32 * x ^ 0.8), where x is your Time Spent Offline (Total) stat.
Effect: Also allows access to the Research Facilities.
Wyrm's Den
Requirement: Wyrm's Den Quest
Cost: 10 Nod (1.e61), A2+ Free
Alignment: Neutral
Effect: Upgrade Iron Stronghold to Wyrm's Den, boosting their production based on the total amount of Faction Coins you collected and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (0.065*(ln(1+x/2+y))^3.65) %)
Mercenary Camp
Requirement: Mercenary Encampment Quest, Good Alignment
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e129), A3+ Free
Effect: Upgrade Knights Jousts to Mercenary Camps, boosting their production based on the amount of Non-Unique buildings you own and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (1.25 * (1 + x) ^ 1.05), where X is number of Non-Unique Buildings.
Effect: Unlocks Round Table
Effect: Allows access to Research Facilities
Tyrant Garrison
Requirement: Mercenary Encampment Quest, Evil Alignment
Cost: 1 Tqag (1e129)
Effect: Upgrade Evil Fortresses to Tyrant Garrisons, boosting their production based on Offline Production Bonus and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (log10(x) ^ 3.5), where x is Offline Production Bonus.
Effect: Unlocks Dark Covenant
Effect: Allows access to Research Facilities
Freemason's Hall
Requirement: Mercenary Encampment Quest, Neutral Alignment
Cost: 1 Tqag (1e129)
Effect: Upgrade Inns to Freemason's Hall, Boosting their production based on the highest amount of assistants you had in a single game (This R) and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (20 + 20 * x), where x is assistants you had in a single game (This R).
Effect: Unlocks Secret Exchange
Effect: Allows access to Research Facilities
Holy Site
Requirement: Holy Site Quest, Good alignment, Proof of Order
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Cathedrals to Holy Sites, boosting their production based on time spent as good and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (x ^ 0.85), where x is time in second as good in this R.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Swarming Tower
Requirement: Swarming Towers Quest, Good alignment, Proof of Chaos
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Wizard Towers to Swarming Towers, boosting their production based on the amount of active spells and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 2.5)%, where x is active spells.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Arboreal City
Requirement: Arboreal City Quest, Good alignment, Proof of Balance
Cost:1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Citadels to Arboreal Cities, boosting their production based on Faction Coin find chance and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: floor(20 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 2), where x is FC chance.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Flesh Workshop
Requirement: Flesh Workshop Quest, Evil alignment, Proof of Order
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Orcish Arenas to Flesh Workshops, boosting their production based on your mana regeneration rate and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (35 * x ^ 0.65), where x is mana regen per second.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Burning Abyss
Requirement: Burning Abyss Quest, Evil alignment, Proof of Chaos
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Hall of Legends to Burning Abyss, boosting their production based on time spent as Evil and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: for each digit of floor(1.25 * x): sum(digit ^ (2 + (floor(log10(1 + 1.25 * x) + 1) / 10))% where x is evil time this R.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Slave Market
Requirement: Slave Market Quest, Evil alignment, Proof of Balance
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Slave Pens to Slave Markets, boosting their production based on assistants and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: floor(0.25 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is amount of assistants.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Mountain Palace
Requirement: Mountain Palace Quest, Neutral alignment, Proof of Order
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Deep Mines to Mountain Palaces, boosting their production based on buildings owned and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is buildings owned.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Forbidden Library
Requirement: Forbidden Library Quest, Neutral alignment, Proof of Chaos
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Monasteries to Forbidden Libraries, boosting production based on spells cast and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (18 * (ln (1 + x) / ln(x % 10 + 2)) ^ 1.8)%, where x is spells cast.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Requirement: Ziggurat Quest, Neutral alignment, Proof of Balance
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Effect: Upgrade Ancient Pyramids to Ziggurats, boosting their production based on lineage levels and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: floor(x ^ 1.2)%, where x is total level of lineages.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
High Bastion
Requirement: High Bastion Quest, Good alignment
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80)
Effect: Upgrade Royal Castles to High Bastions, boosting their production based on clicks made in this reincarnation and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is clicks this Reincarnation.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Requirement: Brothel Quest, Evil alignment
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80)
Effect: Upgrade Inns to Brothels, boosting their production based on Royal Exchanges made and unlocking more unique perks for the buildings.
Formula: (10 * x ^1.05), where x is royal exchanges this game
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Dragon Pasture
Requirement: Dragon Pasture Quest, Neutral alignment
Cost: 100 Qivg 1e80
Effect: Upgrade Farm to Dragon Pastures, boosting their production based on your max mana and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (0.63 * x ^ 0.63), where x is your max mana.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Gem Power
Requirement: 1 Gem
Cost: 1 Coin
Alignment: Any
Effect: Unlocks the power of gems, each of which will Increase your overall production by 2% and slightly improve your chance of obtaining faction coins.
Gem Potency
Requirement: 1M (1E6) Gems
Cost: 10 Sp (1E25)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Gem production bonus is Increased by an additional 1%.
Gem Supremacy
Requirement: 1 Dd (1E39) Gems
Cost: 10 Dvg (1E70)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Gem production bonus is Increased by an additional 1%.
Gem Sovereignty
Requirement: 1 Vg (1E63) Gems
Cost: 10 Qitg (1E109)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Gem production bonus is Increased by an additional 1%
Ruby Power
Requirement: Find 1 Ruby
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Unlocks the power of Rubies, increasing the production of all buildings by 100% and allowing you to purchase upgrades which increases all aspects of your production.
Ruby Power starts at 100% and increases based on the amount of rubies you have.
Rubies are not affected by soft-resets.
Ruby power upgrades are permanent unless reset
Ruby Assistant
Requirement: Unlocked by Ruby Power
Cost: 1 Ruby (+ 1 for every time this upgrade has been purchased)
Effect: Adds 1 assistant
Ruby Mana Regeneration
Requirement: Unlocked by Ruby Power
Cost: 1 Ruby (+ 1 for every time this upgrade has been purchased)
Effect: Adds 0.5 mana regen
Ruby Max Mana
Requirement: Unlocked by Ruby Power
Cost: 1 Ruby (+ 1 for every time this upgrade has been purchased)
Effect: Adds 25 mana
Ruby Gem Bonus
Requirement: Unlocked by Ruby Power
Cost: 1 Ruby (+ 1 for every time this upgrade has been purchased)
Effect: Adds 0.5% to the gem production bonus
Ruby Royal Trading
Requirement: Unlocked by Ruby Power
Cost: 1 Ruby (+ 1 for every time this upgrade has been purchased)
Effect: Adds 1.5% to the royal exchange production bonus
Ruby Bonus Reset
Reset all the ruby powers to 0 and get all your rubies back.
Cost: 1 Ruby (+1 for every 50 upgrades purchased)
Ruby Tier: 1
Requirement: 50 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 100% to 200%.
Note: 58 rubies can be purchased in the Shop for 125 kreds (160 kreds for $15 with 35 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 2
Requirement: 100 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 100% to 300%.
Note: 104 rubies can be purchased for 200 kreds (225 kreds for $20 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 3
Requirement: 150 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 100% to 400%.
Note: 152 rubies can be purchased for 300 kreds (335 kreds for $30 with 35 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 4
Requirement: 250 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 200% to 600%.
Note: 280 rubies can be purchased for 500 kreds (500 kreds for $45 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 5
Requirement: 350 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 200% to 800%.
Note: 350 rubies can be purchased for 650 kreds (675 kreds for $60 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 6
Requirement: 450 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 200% to 1000%.
Note: 454 rubies can be purchased for 850 kreds (900 kreds for $80 with 50 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 7
Requirement: 550 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 200% to 1200%.
Note: 560 rubies can be purchased for 1000 kreds (1015 kreds for $90 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 8
Requirement: 650 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 200% to 1400%.
Note: 664 rubies can be purchased for 1200 kreds (1200 kreds for $105 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 9
Requirement: 800 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 300% to 1700%.
Note: 800 rubies can be purchased for 1475 kreds (1485 kreds for $130 with 10 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 10
Requirement: 950 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 300% to 2000%.
Note: 954 rubies can be purchased for 1725 kreds (1765 kreds for $155 with 40 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 11
Requirement: 1100 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 300% to 2300%.
Note: 1120 rubies can be purchased for 2000 kreds (2050 kreds for $180 with 50 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 12
Requirement: 1250 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 300% to 2600%.
Note: 1256 rubies can be purchased for 2275 kreds (2300 kreds for $200 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 13
Requirement: 1400 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 300% to 2900%.
Note: 1400 rubies can be purchased for 2500 kreds (2525 kreds for $220 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 14
Requirement: 1600 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 400% to 3300%.
Note: 1608 rubies can be purchased for 2900 kreds (2915 kreds for $255 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 15
Requirement: 1800 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 400% to 3700%.
Note: 1806 rubies can be purchased for 3250 kreds (3250 kreds for $285 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 16
Requirement: 2000 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 400% to 4100%.
Note: 2008 rubies can be purchased for 3600 kreds (3610 kreds for $315 with 10 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 17
Requirement: 2200 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 400% to 4500%.
Note: 2200 rubies can be purchased for 3975 kreds (4015 kreds for $350 with 40 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 18
Requirement: 2400 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 400% to 4900%.
Note: 2402 rubies can be purchased for 4325 kreds (4350 kreds for $380 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 19
Requirement: 2650 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 500% to 5400%.
Note: 2656 rubies can be purchased for 4775 kreds (4825 kreds for $420 with 50 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 20
Requirement: 2900 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 500% to 5900%.
Note: 2904 rubies can be purchased for 5200 kreds (5215 kreds for $455 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 21
Requirement: 3150 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 500% to 6400%.
Note: 3150 rubies can be purchased for 5650 kreds (5665 kreds for $495 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 22
Requirement: 3400 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 500% to 6900%.
Note: 3408 rubies can be purchased for 6100 kreds (6135 kreds for $535 with 35 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 23
Requirement: 3650 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 500% to 7400%.
Note: 3650 rubies can be purchased for 6525 kreds (6540 kreds for $570 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 24
Requirement: 3900 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 600% to 8000%.
Note: 3920 rubies can be purchased for 7000 kreds (7010 kreds for $610 with 10 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 25
Requirement: 4200 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 600% to 8600%.
Note: 4200 rubies can be purchased for 7500 kreds (7515 kreds for $655 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 26
Requirement: 4500 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 600% to 9200%.
Note: 4502 rubies can be purchased for 8050 kreds (8050 kreds for $700 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 27
Requirement: 4800 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 600% to 9800%.
Note: 4808 rubies can be purchased for 8600 kreds (8615 kreds for $750 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 28
Requirement: 5150 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 600% to 10400%.
Note: 5154 rubies can be purchased for 9225 kreds (9250 kreds for $805 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 29
Requirement: 5500 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 600% to 11000%.
Note: 5504 rubies can be purchased for 9875 kreds (9875 kreds for $860 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 30
Requirement: 5850 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 700% to 11700%.
Note: 5880 rubies can be purchased for 10500 kreds (10510 kreds for $915 with 10 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 31
Requirement: 6200 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 700% to 12400%.
Note: 6208 rubies can be purchased for 11100 kreds (11140 kreds for $970 with 40 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 32
Requirement: 6550 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 700% to 13100%.
Note: 6554 rubies can be purchased for 11725 kreds (11725 kreds for $1020 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 33
Requirement: 6900 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 700% to 13800%.
Note: 6904 rubies can be purchased for 12375 kreds (12400 kreds for $1080 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 34
Requirement: 7300 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 700% to 14500%.
Note: 7302 rubies can be purchased for 13050 kreds (13100 kreds for $1140 with 50 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 35
Requirement: 7700 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 800% to 15300%.
Note: 7712 rubies can be purchased for 13800 kreds (13800 kreds for $1200 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 36
Requirement: 8100 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 800% to 16100%.
Note: 8120 rubies can be purchased for 14500 kreds (14525 kreds for $1265 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 37
Requirement: 8500 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 800% to 16900%.
Note: 8504 rubies can be purchased for 15200 kreds (15225 kreds for $1325 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 38
Requirement: 8900 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 800% to 17700%.
Note: 8910 rubies can be purchased for 15950 kreds (15965 kreds for $1390 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 39
Requirement: 9350 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 800% to 18500%.
Note: 9354 rubies can be purchased for 16725 kreds (16775 kreds for $1460 with 50 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 40
Requirement: 9800 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 900% to 19400%.
Note: 9800 rubies can be purchased for 17500 kreds (17525 kreds for $1525 with 25 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 41
Requirement: 10250 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 900% to 20300%.
Note: 10254 rubies can be purchased for 18350 kreds (18400 kreds for $1600 with 50 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 42
Requirement: 10700 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 900% to 21200%.
Note: 10710 rubies can be purchased for 19150 kreds (19190 kreds for $1670 with 40 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 43
Requirement: 11150 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 900% to 22100%.
Note: 11150 rubies can be purchased for 19950 kreds (20000 kreds for $1740 with 50 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 44
Requirement: 11650 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 900% to 23000%.
Note: 11654 rubies can be purchased for 20850 kreds (20860 kreds for $1815 with 10 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 45
Requirement: 12150 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 1000% to 24000%.
Note: 12154 rubies can be purchased for 21725 kreds (21765 kreds for $1895 with 40 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 46
Requirement: 12650 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 1000% to 25000%.
Note: 12658 rubies can be purchased for 22625 kreds (22640 kreds for $1970 with 15 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 47
Requirement: 13150 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 1000% to 26000%.
Note: 13160 rubies can be purchased for 23500 kreds (23500 kreds for $2045 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 48
Requirement: 13650 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 1000% to 27000%.
Note: 13658 rubies can be purchased for 24425 kreds (24425 kreds for $2125 with 0 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 49
Requirement: 14200 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 1000% to 28000%.
Note: 14208 rubies can be purchased for 25400 kreds (25410 kreds for $2210 with 10 kreds extra).
Ruby Tier: 50
Requirement: 14750 Rubies
Cost: 1 Coin
Effect: Increases ruby power by 1100% to 29100%.
Note: 14768 rubies can be purchased for 26400 kreds (26450 kreds for $2300 with 50 kreds extra).
Absent Ruler
Requirement: 12 consecutive hours offline
Cost: 1 B (1E9)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases offline production by 200%.
Missing Ruler
Requirement: 24 consecutive hours offline
Cost: 1 Qi (1E18)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases offline production by 500%.
Nonexistent Ruler
Requirement: 36 consecutive hours offline
Cost: 10 Spd (1E55)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases offline production by 1500%
Archaeology & Artifact Upgrades
Ancient Stone Slab 1
Clues: We discovered an ancient stone slab written in old scriptures. It appears to say something about Halls of Legends.
Requirement: 5th Excavation
Effect: Unlocks 1st clue required to unlock the Titan Alliance.
Fossilized Piece of Bark 1
Clues: We discovered a fossilized piece of Bark with the image of a Faction Coin carved into it.
Requirement: 10th Excavation
Effect: Unlocks 1st clue required to unlock the Druid Alliance.
Bone Fragment 1
Clues: We discovered a sundial shaped artefact, probably made of animal bones.
Requirement: 15th Excavation
Effect: Unlocks 1st clue required to unlock the Faceless Alliance.
Ancient Stone Slab 2
Clues: We discovered an ancient stone slab written in old scriptures.We can recognize the number 300.
Requirement: 20th Excavation
Effect: Unlocks 2nd clue required to unlock the Titan Alliance.
Fossilized Piece of Bark 2
Clues: We discovered a fossilized piece of Bark with the symbol of One Million.
Requirement: 25th Excavation
Effect: Unlocks 2nd clue required to unlock the Druid Alliance.
Bone Fragment 2
Clues: We discovered an artefact shaped like the number 36, probably made of animal bones.
Requirement: 30th Excavation
Effect: Unlocks 2nd clue required to unlock the Faceless Alliance.
Key to the Lost City
Clues: Despite being thousands of years old, it's still shiny.
Requirement: 1500th Excavation (total), R23+
Effect: Unlocks Neutral Research
Ancient Device
Clues: This strange Device seems to react to the Ancient Races magical capabilities. We may channel its power to increase their research potential!
Requirement: Play a Neutral Faction and have over 2,000 excavations, Unique Building.
Cost: 100 QiSxg (1E200)
Alignment: Neutral
Effect: Gives upgrade with the same name
Effect: Provides 2 additional slots: 1 for each related Neutral Faction Facility you are playing.
Chance: 0.2% per excavation (multi-buy or not)
Earth Core
Clues: This piece of rock is continuously shifting its shape, responding to mysterious energy sources.
Requirement: 2750th Excavation
Effect: Unlocks Part of the Prestige research quest
Horn of the Kings
Clues: It is said that when this horn is blown, the voices of past Dwarven Kings can be heard in the Wind.
Requirement: have Dwarven Forges, 3250+ Excavations (as Dwarf) Chance: 0.5%
Cost: 10 SxSpg (1E232) and 10m Dwarven Coins
Alignment: Dwarf
Effect: Gives research upgrade Legacy of the Kings
Effect: Provides additional slots to research: 2 for Craftsmanship and 1 to the faction's facility you are playing
Flame of Bondelnar
Requirement: Have Spider Sanctuaries (as Drow) Excavations: 3250+ Chance: 0.5%
Cost: 10 SxSpg (1E232), 10m Drow Coins
Alignment: Drow
Effect: Gives research upgrade The Dark Light of Bondelnar
Effect: Provides additional slots to research: 2 for Warfare and 1 to the faction's facility you are playing
Spiky Rough Egg
Clues: What a weird egg... it looks ages old, yet something alive is inside. Perhaps if you wait long enough, something will hatch?
Requirement: R46+, 1500, Excavations
Effect: The Hatch! Egg
Chance: (Chance: 2%)
Obsidian Shard
Description: Extremely hard and black as darkness itself, this material cannot apparently be carved or melted. It is a mystery how you can make this thing into a sword.
Unlocks: Secrets of the Warriors
Requirement: 8000th Excavation as any Faction, R75+
Rough Stone
Description: A common, totally uninteresting stone.
Rewards: Unlocks Research D290
Requirement: Chance: 2% On the first excavation of a run, after abdication or reincarnation.
Scarab of Fortune
Description: You found the rarest of relics. This golden scarab will grant you 7 days of good luck, starting from now. Make good use of it.
Rewards: Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases the production of all buildings by 0.1% for each trophy you unlocked.
Chance: (#Ancient Pyramids)% / 1000.
Cost: 7 Td (7E42)
Alignment: Any
Fossilized Rodent
Description: What's this, a prehistoric mouse...?
Rewards: Awards an upgrade of the same name that will Increase clicking reward based on the amount of artifacts you discovered.
Formula: (10 * x), where x is number of artifacts you discovered.
Chance: (# Treasure clicks this R / 5,000,000) %
Cost: 100 Qid (1E50)
Alignment: Any
Power Orb
Description: Throbbing with Arcane Power
Rewards: Increases mana regeneration by 2.5%.
Requirement: +3000 max mana
Chance: (max mana / 15,000) %
Cost: 1 QaVg (1E75), A1+: Free
Alignment: Any
Vanilla Flavor Juice
Description: An essence from extremely savory vanilla beans.
Rewards: Increase the production of all buildings by 2500% for the first 25 minutes of the game (this game) for all Vanilla factions. Doesn't work while offline.
Note: Effect is canceled if you Prestige.
Requirement: +R16
Chance: 20% in the first 5m of a game
Cost: 1 coin
Alignment: Any Vanilla Faction
Know Your Enemy, Part I
Description: All the knowledge you need, stored in a handy book.
Rewards: Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases the production of all buildings based on time spent as Non-Mercenary. ("Time allied with..." in the stats)
Formula: (0.5 * x^0.75)%, where x is amount of time spent as non-mercenary factions (in seconds).
Requirement: Play as Mercenaries, have upgrades from each 11 factions. +R12
Chance: 10%
Cost: 100 Vg (1E65)
Alignment: Mercenary
Voodoo Doll
Description: You are now CURSED! And you feel a sting in your lower rear.
Rewards: Increase the production of all building by 0.1% for each trophy you have unlocked
Requirement: Play as Evil (Only required to get Witch Conclaves)
Cost: 20 Qig (2E154)
Chance: (number of Witch Conclaves / 10000)%
Alignment: Any
Wall Fragment
Description: A fragment of an utterly and completely unbreakable wall. Enjoy your paradox.
Rewards: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier.
Formula: (3 * (11 - T) ^ 3)%, where x is the building tier, starting at 1 for Halls of Legends and increasing to 11 for Farms.
Requirement: At least 1 Ascension
Chance: 10%
Cost: 1 M (1E6)
Alignment: Any
Description: Only found during sunrise hours. Emits a faint glow.
Rewards: With the Duskstone artifact, awards the Sun Force upgrade, which grants different effects based on time of the day.
Requirement: Excavate between 5:00am and 8:00am (Local Time)
Chance: (Excavation count / 10,000)%
Description: Only found during sunset hours. Absorbs light in a small radius.
Rewards: With Both the Duskstone and Dawnstone artifacts, awards the Sun Force upgrade, which grants different effects based on time of the day. See details.
Requirement: Excavate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm (Local Time)
Chance: (Excavation count / 10,000)%
Note: All times are based on UTC Time
12 AM - 6 AM
Effect: Gain additional assistants based on the amount of Gems you own.
Formula: (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.35)), where x is amount of Gems you own.
6 AM - 12 PM
Effect: Increase Mana Regeneration based on the amount of assistants you own. (Additive)
Formula: (1.75 * ln(1 + x) ^ (1.75 + 0.5 * A)), where x is amount of assistants you own.
12 PM - 6 PM
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of Faction Coins you collected in this game.
Formula: (ln(1+ x) ^ (3 + 3 * A)), where x is your total faction coins stat.
6 PM - 12 AM
Effect: Increase offline production based on the amount of buildings you own.
Formula: (x ^ (0.85 + 0.15 * A)), where x is the number of buildings you own.
Ancient Heirloom
Requirement: Have at least 1 Lineage level purchased.
Chance: Total Lineage levels/2000
Effect: Reduces the cost multiplier of Lineage by 10%, (Except for the highest one) (Instead of 10x more per level it is 9x more per level)
Formula: Without Ancient Heirloom 25 * 10 ^ (8 + lineage level)
Formula: With Ancient Heirloom (25 * 10^ (8 + lineage level)) ^ 0.9
Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)
Know Your Enemy, Part 2
Clue: Even an expert Mercenary should learn by all other cultures.
Description: Much more knowledge than you need, stored in a handy book.
Requirement: R76+, Upgrade from all 12 Factions
Chance: 5%
Effect: Awards an upgrade of the same name.
Upgrade Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on time spent as Non-Mercenaries.
Note: Only available to Mercenaries
Formula: 0.065 * x ^ 0.65 where x is amount of time spent as non-mercenary factions (in seconds).
Cost: 100 Noqag (1e152)
Veteran Figurine
Description: The warrior of a thousand battles, ultimate champion of the Realms.
Requirement: R90+, Dragon Challenge 6
Chance: 5%
Effect: Passive effect: allows Mercenaries to benefit from all challenges.
Wall Chunk
Description: A bigger piece of the infamous Ascension Wall.
Requirement: R100+
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier.
Cost: 1 Sx (1e21) Emerald Coins
Formula: (100000*(11-x)^3)%, where x is building tier.
Excavated Mirage
Description: You know all too well this does not exist, yet it fills you with hope and optimism.
Requirement: R100+
Chance: (log10(x) / 100)%, where x is FC chance.
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance by a multiplicative 200%.
Cost: 1 Sx (1e21) Emerald Coins
Ancient Cocoa Bean
Description: Despite being centuries old, it still smells like top-quality cocoa.
Requirement: Neutral, R22+, Must be Neutral Faction to buy upgrade
Effect: Gives an upgrade named Chocolate Flavored Juice
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 2500% for the first 15 minutes of the game for all Neutral factions.
Chance: 10%"
Note: Does not work while offline.
Ancestral Hourglass
Clue: Really, raise your chances.
Description: The silver sands contained within seem to never stop flowing.
Requirement: R100+
Effect: Awards an upgrade of the same name.
Upgrade Effect: Lower Lineage cost exponent based on Reincarnations made.
Note: FC cost is reset when you purchase a new lineage level.
Formula: (0.01 * R), R is Reincarnations made.
Lineage Cost Formula: (25 * 10 ^ (8 + level - hourglass.formula)) ^ 0.9 (if ancient heirloom).
Cost: 1 Novg (1e90) Emerald Coins
Chance:: 2 * (x / 10000000000000000 (10 QA))%, where x is FC chance.
Archon Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Iron Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130).
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance by 500%.
Djinn Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Crystal Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana by 150%.
Makers Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Stone Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buidings by 10000% and gain 1 M (1e6) assistants.
Note: Most of these upgrades can only be purchased once, and do not count toward your cumulative total of maximum upgrades. Those that do count, will be indicated.
Fragment of a Titan Statue
Requirement: 2 Titan quest artifacts,300 Halls of Legends
Cost: 1 No (1E30), 25,000 Angel Coins, 25,000 Goblin Coins
Alignment: Any
Effect: Unlocks the Titan Faction.
Druidic Runestone
Requirement: 2 Druid quest artifacts,1M (1E6) faction coins
Cost: 1 No (1E30), 25,000 Elf Coins, 25,000 Demon Coins
Alignment: Any
Effect: Unlocks the Druid Faction.
Octopus Shaped Spine
Requirement: 2 Faceless quest artifacts,36 hours playtime (This game)
Cost: 1 No (1E30), 25,000 Fairy Coins 25,000 Undead Coins
Alignment: Any
Effect: Unlocks the Faceless Faction.
Sturdy Bearded Man's Quest
Requirement: To make it appear: Puchase the "Passage to the Underworld" archeology upgrade.
Requirement: To unlock: Play a Good Alignment, Build 800 Inns, 7000 Buildings Owned (This Game), 10000 treasure clicks (Total)
Cost: 10Qad (1E46), 10K Fairy Coins, 10K Elven Coins, 10K Angel Coins.
Alignment: Good
Effect: Unlocks the Dwarven Faction and the Underworld Diplomacy upgrade.
Cloaked Shady Figure's Quest
Requirement: To make it appear: Puchase the "Passage to the Underworld" archeology upgrade.
Requirement: To unlock: Play an Evil Alignment and build 650 Dark Temples. Have 325 trophies and 10,000 spells casts (Total)
Cost: 10Qad (1E46), 10K of each Goblin, Undead and Demon Coins
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Unlocks the Drow Faction and the Underworld Diplomacy upgrade.
Underworld Diplomacy
Requirement: Purchase the Dwarf or Drow Invitation upgrade
Cost: 1 Qad (1E45)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Unlocks Drow and Dwarven Faction Coins, Royal Exchanges and Heritages. Required each run until R3.
Mercenary Encampment Quest
We salute you, commander. Your strategical skills had not gone unnoticed within our ranks. We have decided to offer you a chance to establish a formal encampment within your boundaries... Build more structures to strengthen our city.
Requirement: 150K buildings
Cost: 10 Notg (1e121)
Note: Only needs bought once.
Unlocks: Mercenary Unique Buildings
Holy Site Quest
Requirement: 2M Mana Regeneration, R100+, Good Alignment, Proof of Order
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Flesh Workshop Quest
Requirement: 45000 offline bonus, R100+, Evil Alignment, Proof of Order
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Mountain Palace Quest
Requirement: 3750 royal exchanges
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building, R100+, Neutral Alignment, Proof of Order
Swarming Towers Quest
Requirement: 200K Assistants, R100+, Good Alignment, Proof of Chaos
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Burning Abyss Quest
Requirement: 120 seconds long Call to Arms, R100+, Evil Alignment, Proof of Chaos
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Forbidden Library Quest
Requirement: 5000 Excavations
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building, R100+, Neutral Alignment, Proof of Chaos
Arboreal City Quest
Requirement: 1e23K Elf Faction Coins found, R100+, Good Alignment, Proof of Balance
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Slave Market Quest
Requirement: 30K Neutral buildings, R100+, Evil Alignment, Proof of Balance
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Ziggurat Quest
Requirement: 12K Stonehenges, R100+, Neutral Alignment, Proof of Balance
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Archon Quest
Requirement: R125+, Collect all 3 Iron Fragments and accumulate 2 days of Temporal Flux activity time in this Reincarnation.
Cost: 1 Ocqag (1e147) Emerald Coins
Effect: Unlocks Archon Faction
Djinn Quest
Requirement: R125+, Collect all 3 Crystal Fragments and accumulate 2 days of Maelstrom activity time in this Reincarnation.
Cost: 1 Ocqag (1e147) Emerald Coins
Effect: Unlocks Djinn Faction
Makers Quest
Requirement: R125+, Collect all 3 Stone Fragments and accumulate 2 days of All Creation activity time in this Reincarnation.
Cost: 1 Ocqag (1e147) Emerald Coins
Effect: Unlocks Makers Faction
Assistant Trade Union
Requirement: 10 Assistants
Cost: 150 Qi (1.5E20)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase production of all buildings by 1% per Assistant.
Assistant Syndicate
Requirement: 100 Assistants
Cost: 300 Qivg (3E80)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase production of all buildings by 1% per Assistant.
Assistant Cartel
Requirement: 300 Assistants
Cost: 5 Qitg (5E108)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase production of all buildings by 1% per Assistant.
Hover over them.
Royal Exchanges, also written REs, are bought by clicking on the faction coin buttons in the upgrades tab. Each exchange initially (without any upgrades), increases the production of all buildings by 10%. They can be bought multiple times but the price increases each time.
The formula for the cost of your next exchange is: (with the above in mind, and without any upgrades.)
Formula: floor(20\{1.1}^x), where x is the actual exchanges you have.
The cost for multiple exchanges is
Cost: 20 FC (Base) x1.1 per additional exchange in each faction
Formula: 20 ({1.1}^{y}-{1.1}^{x}), where x is the actual exchanges you have, and y the exchanges you are buying up to.
Requirement: Trade Treaty of any faction
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 10% (additional with all other Royal Exchanges).
Note: As the first REs are very cheap, it can be beneficial to exchange a few before saving up to buy the more expensive Faction Heritage upgrades.
Note: These upgrades do not count to your total of maximum upgrades.
Fossilized Rodent
Requirement: Find the Fossilized Rodent artifact.
Cost: 100 Qid (1E50)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase clicking reward based on the amount of artifacts you discovered.
Formula: (10 * x), where x is number of artifacts you discovered.
Ancient Device
Requirement: Find the Ancient Device artifact.
Cost: 100 QiSxg (1E200)
Alignment: Neutral
Effect: Provides 2 additional slots: 1 for each related Neutral Faction Facility you are playing.
Legacy of the Dwarven Kings
Requirement: Find the Horn of the Kings artifact.
Cost: 10 SxSpg (1E232), 100m Dwarven Coins
Alignment: Good
Effect: Adds 3 extra research slots: 2 for Craftsmanship and 1 to the good faction's facility you are playing.
Dark Light of Bondelnar
Requirement: Find the Flame of Bondelnar artifact.(Requires Spider Sanctuaries and 3250 Excavations - To reach excavations above 3250 to obtain the flame, use Droblet of Fire (Flame of Bondelnar) (R34+) research build.
Cost: 10 SxSpg (1E232), 100m Drow Coins
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Adds 3 extra research slots: 2 for Warfare and 1 to the evil faction's facility you are playing.
Scarab of Fortune
Requirement: Excavate Chance: (#Ancient Pyramids)% / 1000
Cost: 7 Td (7E42)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings by 0.1% for each trophy you unlocked.
Power Orb
Description: Throbbing with Arcane Power
Rewards: Increases mana regeneration by 2.5%.
Requirement: +3000 max mana
Chance: (max mana / 15,000) %
Cost: 1 QaVg (1E75), A1+: Free
Alignment: Any
Vanilla Flavor Juice
Requirement: +R16 Chance: Excavate 20% in the first 5m of a game.
Cost: 1 Coin
Alignment: Any Vinilla Faction
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings by 2,500% for the first 25 minutes of the game (this game) for all Vanilla factions. Doesn't work while offline.
Know Your Enemy Part 1
Requirement: Play as Mercenaries, have upgrades from each 11 factions, R12+ Excavate
Cost: 100 Vg (1E65)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings based on time spent as Non-Mercenary. ("Time allied with..." in the stats)
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.6), where x is amount of time spent as non-mercenary factions (in seconds).
Chance: 10%
Voodoo Doll
Requirement: Play as Evil, Chance: (number of Witch Conclaves/10,000)= 1%
Cost: 20 Qig (2E154)
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Increases the production of all building by 0.1% for each trophy you have unlocked.
Wall Fragment
Requirement: R40, At least 1 Ascension
Cost: 1 M (1E6)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings based on their tier.
Formula: (3 * (11 - T) ^ 3)%, where x is the building tier, starting at 1 for Halls of Legends and increasing to 11 for Farms.
Chance: 10% (Should get it with 10 Excavations or less)
Requirement: Have 1337 coins at any given time.
Cost: 10 M (1E6)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 1.337%
Requirement: Have exactly 1 of every building.
Cost: 1111, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 1.11111111%
Building Hater
Requirement: Reach 100,000 coins without building anything.
Cost: 1, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 25%
Grand Diplomat
Requirement: Ally with each Vanilla and Prestige faction at least once.
Cost: 6 T (6E12)
Alignment: All (1 at a time)
Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins by an additional 1%
Exchange Master
Requirement: Purchase 500 Royal Exchanges in a single game.
Cost: 500 Dc (5E35)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus by 5%
Lucky Neutral
Requirement: 7777 minutes being Neutral across all reincarnations (5d + 9:37:00)
Cost: 30 No (3E31)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of Neutral buildings by 50%
Perfectly Good
Requirement: 333 hours being good across all reincarnations (13d + 21:00)
Cost: 30 No (3E31)
Alignment: Good
Effect: Increase the production of Good buildings by 50%.
Diabolical Evil
Requirement: 6 days, 66 hours, 666 minutes and 666666 seconds being Evil across all reincarnations (16d + 22:17:06)
Cost: 30 No (3E31)
Alignment: Evil
Effect: Increase the production of Evil buildings by 50%.
Assistant Squasher
Requirement: Click 100 times on the little assistant beside the treasure.
Cost: 100, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Instantly add 1 additional assistant
Requirement: Abdicate after producing at least 1 Oc (1E27) Coins.
Cost: 1 Oc (1E27)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 8%
Faction Grinder
Requirement: Purchase all the Faction Heritage upgrades in a single Game.
Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase your chance (and chance cap) to find Faction Coins by additional 1%
Master Archeologist
Requirement: Discover and purchase all the relics of the Ancient Races.
Cost: 1 Ud (1E36)
Alignment: Neutral
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 5% when you are playing as Titan, Druid or Faceless.
Requirement: Cast Tax Collection while having 3 other spells active.
Cost: 4333, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Mana production by 5%
Requirement: Reach 1M (1E6) coins in less than 5 minutes, without using Gem Power
Cost: 10 coins
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase your base clicking reward by 1M
Requirement: With no less than 3 days of playtime, have less than 1 minute of playtime difference for the 3 alignments.(This R)
Cost: 1 Qad (1E45)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 100%.
Beard Carpet
Requirement: Have at least 3km beards on your assistants (using Dwarf 2,3)
Cost: 3000, A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase assistants production by 10%
Requirement: Have at least 850 Dark Temples before affiliating with the Drow.
Cost: 50 Ocd (5E58)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase maximum Mana by 250.
Fast Forward
Requirement: 88 hours offline (Total)
Cost: 8 Oc (8E27)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase offline production by 200%
Need a Head Start?
Requirement: Don't do anything for 5 minutes after starting a new game.
Cost: 0 Coins
Alignment: Any
Effect: Instantly adds 10 gold coins.
Realm Digger
Requirement: Excavate 400 times.
Cost: 100 Nod (1E62)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases production of all buildings by 0.15% per excavation.
Requirement: As a Mercenary, purchase one upgrade from all 11 different factions.
Cost: 5 Qivg (5E78)
Alignment: Any but need to be Mercenary,
Effect: Increases production of all buildings by x3%, where x is the number of Faction upgrades you have bought. (This game)
Requirement: As a Good Mercenary, purchase only Evil faction upgrades or vice versa.
Cost: 5 Qivg (5E78)
Alignment: Mercenary
Effect: Increases production of all non-neutral buildings by 300%
Requirement: From bottom to top, have building amounts exactly equal to ^2tier = 1 Halls of Legends, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 Blacksmiths, 512 Inns, and 1024 Farms
Cost: 1 Td (1E42)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings by 10% per tier (10% for Halls, the 20% for the next building up, etc).
Coin Pillage
Requirement: Cast 30 Tax Collections in less than 5 seconds.
Cost: 1 Dc (1E33)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Tax Collection also collects Faction Coins.
Mercenary Spirit
Requirement: Reincarnate while playing as a Mercenary.
Cost: 1 Ocd (1E57)
Alignment: Mercenary
Effect: Increases production of all buildings by 15% per reincarnation.
Requirement: Purchase 100 of each A0 faction upgrades.
Cost: 1 Tg (1E93)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings based on the time spent with the Bloodline's Faction.
Effect: When playing as Mercenary: Your mercenary time is multiplied by the number of Bloodline's faction upgrades, divided by twelve, is added as time spent with the Bloodline's Faction.
Formula: 0.1*x0.65%, where x is your (adjusted) time spent affiliated with the bloodline's faction in seconds.
Unlimited Mana
Requirement: Have a mana regeneration rate of at least 300 per second.
Cost: 80 Vg (8E64)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase mana regeneration by +2.
For Science!
Requirement: Purchase all the research facilities.
Cost: 1 Qag (1E123), A1+ Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 100% when you can access Research.
Neutral Challenger
Requirement: Complete all the Neutral Challenges.
Alignment: Neutral
Effect: Increase the overall production of Neutral Factions by 25%. (Not A-Nerfed)
Novice Researcher
Requirement: Research 600 Times across all fields.
Cost: 1 Tqag (1E132)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the overall production of Vanilla Factions by 100%.
Exchange Lord
Requirement: Purchase 1500 Royal Exchanges in a single game.
Cost: 500 Qag (5E125)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus by 5%
Requirement: Discover at least 10 spellcraft researches.
Cost: 250 Noqag (2.5E152)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Spellcraft upgrade slots by 1.
Requirement: Discover at least 10 craftsmanship researches.
Cost: 250 Noqag (2.5E152)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Craftsmanship upgrade slots by 1.
Requirement: Discover at least 10 divine researches.
Cost: 250 Noqag (2.5E152)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Divine upgrade slots by 1.
Requirement: Discover at least 10 Economics researches.
Cost: 250 Noqag (2.5E152)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Economics upgrade slots by 1.
Requirement: Discover at least 10 Alchemy researches.
Cost: 250 Noqag (2.5E152)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Alchemy upgrade slots by 1.
Requirement: Discover at least 10 Warfare researches.
Cost: 250 Noqag (2.5E152)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Warfare upgrade slots by 1.
Vanilla Researcher
Requirement: Discover all the Vanilla researches.
Cost: 1 Spqig (1E174)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on research done.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of research done.
Vanilla Challenger
Requirement: Complete all the Vanilla Challenges.
Cost: 10 Coins
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the overall production of Vanilla Factions by 25%. (Not A-Nerfed)
Faction Run
Requirement: Earn 1.5M (1.5E6) Faction Coins in less than 5 minutes, without using Gem Power, Excavations or any spell.
Cost: 10 Coins
Alignment: Any
Effect: +10% Faction Coin find chance
Intermediate Researcher
Requirement: Research 1800 times across all fields.
Cost: 1 QiQig (1E168)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Intermediate Researcher upgrade, increases production of all Neutral Factions by 100%
Ancient Researcher
Requirement: Discover all the Neutral researches.
Cost: 1 NoSxg (1E210)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Ancient Researcher upgrade, increases the production of all buildings based on acquired research.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of research done.
No Recruiting
Requirement: Reach 1 NoVg (1E90) gems in a Reincarnation without ever affiliating with the Mercenaries.
Cost: 1 Tg (1E93)
Alignment: Not Mercenary
Effect: Increase Mercenary production by 1% per Reincarnation. (Not A-Nerfed)
That Excavated Quickly
Requirement: Excavate 1000 times in the first 30 seconds of playtime.
Cost: 1 Qag (1E123)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the chance to excavate Faction Coins by 5%.
glho kohhl snod
Requirement: In the Save tab, try to import this text: glho kohhl snod.
Cost: 1000
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 50%.
Mana Matrix
Requirement: Have exactly 4767 maximum mana.
Cost: 1000
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase maximum mana by 15%.
Suggestion Master
Requirement: Have the changelog interface open for 3 minutes. (Click the version number in the Save tab).
Cost: 1000
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings base on mysterious events.
Formula: (10 * a) + b + (0.1 * d) * (0.01 * c)%, where a, b, c and d are the respective game version numbers (a.b.c.d). Not A-nerfed.
Rule 'dis
Requirement: Abdicate 10 times within 3 minutes. (Click abdicate ten times in a row)
Cost: 1000
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase mana regeneration by 1 m/s.
Because I Like to Grind
Requirement: Spend at least 3 hours playing in this game.
Cost: 1000
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus by an additional 1.
Expert Researcher
Requirement: Research 2750 times across all fields.
Cost: 1 QiQig (1E168)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the overall production of Prestige Factions by 100%.
Triple Weirdness
Requirement: Have exactly 333 of each Royal Exchange, R40+
Cost: 1 TTg (1E102), A2+ Free
Effect: Increase Faction Coins generation while offline based on your mana regeneration.
Formula: 300 * log10(1 + x)^3, where x is base mana regen (no spells)
Underworld Researcher
Requirement: Discover all the Underworld researches.
Cost: 1 NoSxg (1E210)
Alignment: Non-neutral
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on research done.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of research done.
Stoic Resistance
Requirement: Gather 1 Oc gems without abdicating. (1 Oc = Cost of the 1st reincarnation)
Gems Needed: A0 = 1 Oc (1e27), A1+ = 177.8 Qi (1.778e20)
Cost: 10
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase base clicking reward by 1T (1E12)
Requirement: Reach on Offline Bonus of at least 1 Qa% (Post-Ascension: 1895%).
Cost: 10 Noqag (1E151)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on offline bonus.
Formula: 1.25 * log10(1+x) ^ 1.25 where x is the pre-A offline multiplier
Iron Rush
Requirement: Reach 725 Iron Strongholds in 5 minutes without use of Gem Power and Reincarnation Power.
Cost: 3 SxSxg (3.8E201)
Alignment: Neutral
Effect: Iron strongholds count as 5% more for all purposes.
Colorful Autocasting
Requirement: Have each type of autocasting active simultaneously.
Cost: 5 Sxd (5E51)
Alignment: Any
Effect: Increases mana regeneration by 10%
Advisor Insight
Requirement: Click the Hint button 100 times.
Cost Pre Ascension: 100 No (1e32)
Cost Post Ascension: Free
Alignment: Any
Effect: (Pre Ascension - Increase the production of all buildings by 10%.)
Effect: (Post Ascension - Increase the production of all buildings by 0.96%.)
Spell Cataclysm
Requirement: Have at least 4 spells active on tier 5 or higher.
Cost: 90 Novg (9E91)
Effect: Increases maximum mana by 75%
Dragon Tamer
Requirement: Fully develop your Spiky Egg into an Elder Dragon, R46+
Cost: 1.0e65
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 200% and doubles Faction Coin find chance.
Eternal Researcher
Requirement: Discover all the Dragon researches, R55+
Cost: 1 Novg (1e90)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on research done.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of research done.
Helden Sterben Nicht
Requirement: Join Mercenaries, then Undead, then Angels within 15 minutes since the beginning of a new game session.(Abdication or Reincarnation)
Cost Pre Ascension: 5.0e75
Cost Post Ascension: Free
Effect: Increase mana regeneration and maximum mana by 10%.
Mana Waste
Requirement: Have mana regeneration higher than max mana.
Cost Pre Ascension: 1 Td (1e42)
Cost Post Ascension: Free
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on spells cast in this game.
Formula: (127*(log10(1+x))^2.7), where x is spells cast.
Master Researcher
Requirement: Research 10000 times across all fields.
Cost Post Ascension: 1 Qavg (1e75)
Effect: Increase the overall production of Dragons by 100%.
Prestige Challenger
Requirement: Complete all the Prestige Challenges, R63+
Cost: Free
Effect: Increase the overall production of Prestige Factions by 25%. (Not A-Nerfed)
Elite Challenger
Requirement: Complete all the MAD Challenges, R153+
Cost: 10, A3+ Free
Effect: Increase the overall production of Elite Factions by 25%. (Not A-Nerfed)
Description: Only found during sunrise hours. Emits a faint glow.
Requirement: Excavate between 5:00am and 8:00am (Local Time)
Effect: With Both the Dawnstone and Duskstone artifact, awards the Sun Force upgrade, which grants different effects based on time of the day.
Chance: (Excavation count / 10,000)%
Description: Only found during sunset hours. Absorbs light in a small radius.
Requirement: Excavate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm (Local Time)
Effect: With Both the Duskstone and Dawnstone artifacts, awards the Sun Force upgrade, which grants different effects based on time of the day. See details.
Chance: (Excavation count / 10,000)%
Note: All times are based on UTC Time
12 AM - 6 AM
Effect: Gain additional assistants based on the amount of Gems you own.
Formula: (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.35)), where x is amount of Gems you own.
6 AM - 12 PM
Effect: Increase Mana Regeneration based on the amount of assistants you own. (Additive)
Formula: (1.75 * ln(1 + x) ^ (1.75 + 0.5 * A)), where x is amount of assistants you own.
12 PM - 6 PM
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of Faction Coins you collected in this game.
Formula: (ln(1+ x) ^ (3 + 3 * A)), where x is your total faction coins stat and A is Ascension count.
6 PM - 12 AM
Effect: Increase offline production based on the amount of buildings you own.
Formula: (x ^ (0.85 + 0.15 * A)), where x is the number of buildings you own and A is Ascension count.
Prismatic Mana
Requirement: Cast the same amount of Faction spells with all Vanilla and Neutral Factions with a minimum of 100 casts(This R).
Requirement: R40+, Does not need Dwarf, Drow nor Dragon spells.
Cost: 100 No (1e32)
Effect: 25% Mana Regeneration (multiplicative).
Warning: All Spells have to be exact same count, Tiered casting may go over the count you need.
Ancient Heirloom (Lore Artifact)
Requirement: Have at least 1 Lineage level purchased.
Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)
Effect: Reduces the cost of Lineages(Except for the highest one).
Formula: Without Ancient Heirloom 25 * 10^(15+lineages)
Formula: With Ancient Heirloom (25 * 10^(15+lineages))^0.9
Chance: Total Lineage levels/2000
Requirement: Perform 40 autoclicks in 1 second, R60+
Cost: 100 Qaq (1e125)
Effect: Multiply Faction Coin find chance by x5 for automatic clicks only
Know Your Enemy, Part 2
Clue: Even an expert Mercenary should learn by all other cultures.
Description: Much more knowledge than you need, stored in a handy book.
Requirement: R75+, Mercenary Unique Building, Upgrade from all 12 Factions
Chance: 5%
Effect: Awards an upgrade of the same name.
Upgrade Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on time spent as Non-Mercenaries.
Note: Only available to Mercenaries
Formula: 0.065 * x ^ 0.65 where x is amount of time spent as non-mercenary factions (in seconds).
Cost: 100 Noqag (1e152)
Grandmaster Researcher
Requirement: Research 18500 times across all fields.
Cost: 10 SpQig (1e175)
Effect: Increase the overall production of Mercenaries by 150%.
Warrior Researcher
Requirement: Discover all the Mercenary researches.
Cost: 1 DSpg (1e219)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on research done.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.7), where x is total of research done.
Upgrade: Good for Mercenary
Exchange High Lord
Requirement: 5000 Royal Exchanges
Cost: 10 DQig (1e160)
Effect: Increase royal exchange bonus by 250%.
Requirement: Have a total of 300 Lineage levels across all Lineage.
Cost: 1 NoQig (1e180)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the total amount of lineage levels you have.
Formula: (2.5 * x ^1.35), where x is total amount of lineage levels you have.
Wall Chunk
Description: A bigger piece of the infamous Ascension Wall.
Requirement: R100+
Chance: 10%
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier.
Cost: 1 Sx (1e21) Emerald Coins
Formula: (100000*(11-x)^3)%, where x is building tier.
Excavated Mirage
Description: You know all too well this does not exist, yet it fills you with hope and optimism.
Requirement: R100+
Chance: (log10(x) / 100)%, where x is FC chance.
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance by a multiplicative 200%.
Cost: 1 Sx (1e21) Emerald Coins
Chocolate Flavor Juice
Requirement: R22+, Neutral Faction, Ancient Cocoa Bean
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 5.68% for the first 15 minutes of the game for all Neutral factions. Does not work offline.
Cost: Free
Fortune Teller Machine
Requirement: Artifact, R40+
Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buildings bassed on total time spent. (Time in seconds this R)
Cost: 100 Qi (1e20), A2+ Free
Formula: 6.5 * x ^ 0.65, where x is time this R
Ancestral Hourglass
Clue: Really, raise your chances.
Description: The silver sands contained within seem to never stop flowing.
Requirement: R100+
Effect: Awards an upgrade of the same name.
Upgrade Effect: Lower Lineage cost multiplier based on Reincarnations made.
Note: FC cost is reset when you purchase a new lineage level.
Formula: (0.01 * R), R is Reincarnations made.
Lineage Cost Formula: (25 * 10 ^ (15 + level - hourglass.formula)) ^ 0.9 (if ancient heirloom).
Cost: 1 Novg (1e90) Emerald Coins
Chance:: 2 * (x / 10000000000000000 (10 QA))%, where x is FC chance.
Holy Frenzy
Requirement: A2+, In a single reincarnation, have a 3 day combined activity time of Holy Light and Blood Frenzy.
Effect: While Blood Frenzy or Holy Light are active, increase the production of all buildings.
Cost: 100 Dc (1e35)
Note:Upgrade scales from Holy Light/Blood Frenzy tiers.
Formula: (250 * t ^ 2)
Requirement: A2+, Have no less than 3 days of playtime with at least 24 hours each Order, Chaos and Balance and have less than 1 minute of playtime between them. (This R)
Effect: Increases production of all buildings based on time spent as least used alignment.
Cost: 100 Qid (1e50)
Formula: (0.72 * min(x, y, z, s, t, u) ^ 0.72), where x is neutral time, y is good time, z is evil time, s is balance time, t is chaos time, u is order time (All this R in seconds).
Art of the Crow Trophy
Requirement: Have any 6 complete Faction Artifact Sets.
Effect: Gives upgrade with the same name.
Art of the Crow Upgrade
Requirement: Faction and Set Alignments has to match to buy the upgrade (Evil, Good, Neutral).
Cost: 1 Qavg (1.0e75)
Proof of OrderEffect: Multiplicatively increase max mana.
Effect: Multiplicatively increase assistants.
Balance: Multiplicatively increase mana regeneration.
Good Effect: The amount increased is based on Excavations made.
Formula: (0.05 * x ^ 1.1), where x is excavation count.
Evil Effect: The amount increased is Based on production bonus from Gems.
Formula: (30 + 30 * x ^ 0.3), where x is production bonus from Gems.
Neutral Effect: The amount increased is based on Royal Exchanges made
Formula: (x ^ 0.75), where x royal exchanges made.
Faction Ruler
Requirement: Unlock all the Advanced Heritages
Cost: 120 Notg (1.2e122)
Effect: Double Advanced Heritage powers if they match any of your alignments (cumulative).
Archon Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Iron Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance by 500%.
Djinn Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Crystal Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana by 150%.
Makers Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Stone Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buidings by 10000% and gain 1 M (1e6) assistants.
Mad Masks
Requirement: R125+, Find all fragments of the Makers, Archon and Djinn masks.
Cost: 1 SpQag (1.e144)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the highest amount of excavations made in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 0.6), where x is highest amount of excavations made in a this Reincarnation.
Planetary Force
Clue: Try every day for better luck! Missing a day is the same as breaking a mirror, you know.
Description: Planets aligning seem to affect your realm in different ways...
Requirement: R100+
Cost: 100 Qi (1e20)
Effect: Gives upgrade with the same name
Effect: Activates all Sun Force effects at once.
Chance: ((x ^ 2.5) / 5000)%, where x is amount of consecutive days logged in.
Note: Restarting the game is required to increase the counter
Future Linkin
Requirement: A2+, Abdicate with at least 150,000 Unique Buildings.
Cost: 10 SpTg (1e115)
Effect: Gives upgrade with same name.
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on time spent in the last game session.
Formula: (214 + 0.03 * x ^ 0.7), where x is time spent in last game.
God's Fingers
Requirement: Reach 100 M (1e8) automatic clicks in this Reincarnation.
Cost: 200 QiSxg (2e200), A1+ Free
Effect: Gives Upgrade with same name.
Effect: Clicks count 100% more and autoclicks 5 times per second.
True Harlequin
Requirement: As a Mercenary, purchase one upgrade from 15 different factions.
Cost: 1e152 (100 Noqag)
Effect: Gives Upgrade with same name.
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of different factions involved in your Mercenary upgrades.
Formula: (x ^ 3), where x is different upgrades from different factions (up to 3375% maximum possible).
Coin Pillage
Cost: 1 Dc (1E33)
Requirement: Cast 30 Tax Collection in less than 5 seconds.
Effect: Tax Collection also finds 30 seconds worth of Faction Coins.
Fairy Choir
Cost: 1 M (1E6)
Requirement: Cast Fairy Chanting while having 45 or more assistants.
Effect: Fairy Chanting triples your assistants for its duration.
Sun Blessing
Cost: 1 M (1.E6)
Requirement: Cast the Elven spell Moon Blessing between 6 am and 1 pm (midnight)
Effect: Autoclicks 15 times per second while Moon Blessing is active.
God's Rest
Cost: 1 M (1E6)
Requirement: Cast Angel's God's Hand on a Sunday.
Effect: While this spell is active, you will find random Faction Coins based on your mana regen each time you cast an other spell.
Cost: 100 Sxd (1E53)
Requirement: Find 30,000 faction coins from the Dwarf spell Diamond Pickaxe in a single game.
Effect: Increase Diamond Pickaxe bonus to Faction Coin find chance to 300%.
Greed Drive
Cost: 1 M (1E6)
Requirement: Cast 100 Goblin's Greed spells in a row. The chain is interrupted by casting other spells.
Effect: Goblin's Greed costs 150 less mana.
True Night
Cost: 1 M (1.E6)
Requirement: Cast Undead's Night Time spell between 11 pm and 6 am.
Effect: Increase Night Time boost to assistants production to 40% per Necropolis.
Hell Rush
Cost: 1 M (1E6)
Requirement: Cast Demon's Hellfire Blast spell in the first 60 seconds of playtime.
Effect: Hellfire Blast also boosts Hall of Legends.
Perfect Combo
Cost: 100 Sxd (1E53)
Requirement: Cast 100 Drow's Combo Strike spell in a row. The chain is interrupted by casting other spells.
Effect: Increase Combo Strike bonus.
Formula: (40 * (x ^ 0.9))%, where x is the number of times you have cast Combo Strike.
Lightning Storm
Cost: 10 Dd (1E40)
Requirement: Cast 100 Titan's Lightning Strike spell in a single game.
Effect: Increase Lightning Strike multiplier to 5x Iron Strongholds.
Faceless Overmind
Cost: 10 Dd (1E40)
Requirement: Affiliate with the Faceless 5 times in a row.
Effect: Increase Brainwave ticks to 3% per second.
Halls of Balance
Cost: 10 Dd (1E40)
Requirement: Have Druid's Grand Balance spell affect Hall of Legends.
Effect: Increase Grand Balance duration to 24 seconds and lower its cost by 200.
Dragon's Roar
Requirement: Cast Dragon's Breath while having at least 4 other active spells.
Cost: 1 Qad (1.0e45)
Effect: Dragon's Breath multiplicatively increases Faction Coin find chance based on its duration.
Formula: (6 * x ^0.6), where x is duration in seconds.
Round Table
Requirement: Mercenary Camp, Mercenary Good Alignment
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect 1: Gives 1 additional upgrade from any of the Good factions.
Effect 2: Upgrades Tax Collection spell to Share Benefits. Increases the production of all buildings and Faction Coin find chance based on this spell tier level for 20 seconds. Can be cast up to 36 tiers.
Note: Tier 41 and above cost x4/x2.25 (with S1275) instead of x2/x1.5 (with S1275) than each previous tier.
Formula: 125 ^ (0.25 * t), where t is tier (FC chance multiplier)
Formula: ((2.20 ^ T) - 1) * 100, multiplicative (production multiplier)
Dark Covenant
Requirement: Tyrant Garrison, Mercenary Evil Alignment
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect 1: Gives 1 additional upgrade from any of the Evil factions.
Effect 2: Upgrades Tax Collection spell to Reap Interests Additional casts of Reap Interests increase its seconds worth of production.
Effect 2: Removes 1 Ascension Penalty from Heresiarchs
Formula: (y ^ (1 + 0.24 * log10(1 + x))) , where y is TC original power and x is amount of TC casts.
Secret Exchange
Requirement: Freemason's Hall, Mercenary Neutral Alignment
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect : Upgrades Tax Collection spell to Appraisal Vantage, Generates additional Faction Coins based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: (y * x ^ 1.25), where y is FC%, x is assistants owned.
Chrono Loading
Requirement: R125+, Cast Precognition with at least 100 Qa (1e17) mana regeneration.
Effect: A fraction of Precognition duration is added to time spent in this game.
Effect: Scale off invisible spell duration modifiers.
Formula: (3600 + 60 * x ^ 0.4), where x is Precognition duration.(seconds)
Cost: 10 Octg (1e118)
Note: Precognition raises regen itself. Make sure that you have 100 Qa (1e17) with it not active
Persistent Entropy
Requirement: R125+, Cast Limited Wish 100 times within 30 minutes of a new game.
Effect: Adds 150 casts to Limited wish formula.
Cost: 10 Octg (1e118)
Reality Crater
Requirement: R125+, Cast Infinite Spiral with at least 10 excavation resets this game.
Effect: Infinite Spiral also reduces excavation cost multiplier based on assistants owned.
Formula: (0.001 * log(1 + x)), where x is assistants owned.
Cost: 10 Octg (1e118)
A complete list of building upgrades
In order from Neutral to Good to Evil with Halls of Legends at the bottom.
Each building has 23 upgrades except Halls of Legends, it has 29 upgrades.
Farm Upgrades (Alignment: Any-None)(Always considered Neutral)
Inn Upgrades (Alignment: Any-None)(Always considered Neutral)
Blacksmith Upgrades (Alignment: Any-None)(Always considered Neutral)
Deep Mine Upgrades (Alignment: Neutral)(Always considered Neutral)
Stone Pillars Upgrades (Alignment: Neutral)(Always considered Neutral)
Alchemist Lab Upgrades (Alignment: Neutral)(Always considered Neutral)
Monastery Upgrades (Alignment: Neutral)(Always considered Neutral)
Labyrinth Upgrades (Alignment: Neutral)(Always considered Neutral)
Iron Stronghold Upgrades (Alignment: Neutral)(Always considered Neutral)
Ancient Pyramid Upgrades (Alignment: Neutral)(Always considered Neutral)
Warrior Barracks Upgrades (Alignment: Good)(Always considered Good)
Knights Joust Upgrades (Alignment: Good)(Always considered Good)
Wizard Tower Upgrades (Alignment: Good)(Always considered Good)
Cathedral Upgrades (Alignment: Good)(Always considered Good)
Citadel Upgrades (Alignment: Good)(Always considered Good)
Royal Castle Upgrades (Alignment: Good)(Always considered Good)
Heaven's Gate Upgrades (Alignment: Good)(Always considered Good)
Slave Pen Upgrades (Alignment: Evil)(Always considered Evil)
Orcish Arena Upgrades (Alignment: Evil)(Always considered Evil)
Witch Conclave Upgrades (Alignment: Evil)(Always considered Evil)
Dark Temple Upgrades (Alignment: Evil)(Always considered Evil)
Necropolis Upgrades (Alignment: Evil)(Always considered Evil)
Evil Fortress Upgrades (Alignment: Evil)(Always considered Evil)
Hell Portal Upgrades (Alignment: Evil)(Always considered Evil)
Hall of Legends Upgrades (Alignment: Any)(Always considered Neutral)
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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