At R99 the Reincarnation button will change to Ascension. Things will be reduced as it was with Ascension 1.
Most production upgrades effects will be heavily scaled down. Currency will change to Emerald Coins, and all upgrades costing Diamond Coins will be free to purchase.
When Ascending to Ascension 2, all Lineages will be set back to level 25 if higher
Starting at R100, 3 new Alignments and 1 new spell for each, each new Alignment will work with the existing Alignments. And finally, You will have access to 9 new Unique Buildings, these will allow you to have 2 Unique Buildings with each Faction.
Ascension 2 will give you access to Tier 7 spells. (See spell page for time required).
Proof of Order
Determine your rulership in an efficient and stable fashion, making the best out of well-planned strategies to let your realm grow even further.
Choosing this alignment will remove Ascension penalties on all alignment spells and let you affiliate with the following factions.
Angel (Good), Undead (Evil), and Titans (Neutral)
Cost: 1 Qa (1e15) Emerald Coins
Temporal Flux
Cost: 5000 Mana
Effect: Increase Unique building production by time spent this game.
Effect: Also multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on time spent in this game.
Formula: (3.5 * (x / 60) ^ 0.825)%, where x is time in seconds this game.
Good - Angels
Holy Site Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 2M (2e6) Mana Regeneration
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Holy Site Quest
Effect: Gives Holy Site Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Cathedrals to Holy Sites, boosting their production based on time spent as good and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on time spent as good.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: (0.08 * x ^ 0.8)%, where x is time in second as good in this R.
Angels Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Angel Coins
Requirement: Holy Sites Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Increase Mana Regeneration based on mana produced in this game.(Multiplicative)
Formula: (2.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is mana produced.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Heaven's Brilliance
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Angels Union
Effect: Increase the bonus multiplier for all spells at tier 7 and above based on the amount of Holy Sites you own. Gem Grinder and all Dragon's Breath effects are increased based on the amount of Holy Sites you own.
Formula: (0.01 * ln(1 + x)), where x is amount of Holy Sites owned.
Gem Grinder and Dragon's Breath Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is amount of Holy Sites owned.
Angelic Fortitude
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Angels Union
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the sum of all your spells' activity time (this R).
Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds in current spells.
Seraphim Wings
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Angels Union
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Maximum Mana, Mana Regeneration, Faction Coin find chance and assistants by 200%
Evil - Undead
Flesh Workshop Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 85M% offline production bonus
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Flesh Workshop Quest
Effect: Gives Flesh Workshop Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Orcish Arenas to Flesh Workshops, boosting their production based on your mana regeneration rate and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Requirement: Flesh Workshop Quest
Effect: Increase production based on mana regen.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: (35 * x ^ 0.65), where x is mana regen per second.
Undead Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Undead Coins
Requirement: Flesh Workshop Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on your Offline Bonus.
Formula: (100 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.25), where x is offline bonus multiplier.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Flesh Servants
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Undead Union
Effect: Increase assistants based on the amount of Flesh Workshops you own.
Formula: (1.25 * x ^ 0.75), where x is amount of Flesh Workshop owned.
Zombie Apocalypse
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Undead Union
Effect: Gain assistants based on the total amount of time spent offline. (This R)
Formula: (20 * x ^ 0.9), where x is offline time this R.
Eternal Servitude
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Undead Union
Effect: Increase base production of Undercity by +10000, and then increase this effect based on time spent in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (10000 + x ^ 1.05), where x is time spent in this Reincarnation.
Note: Also effects Flesh Workshops.
Neutral - Titans
Mountain Palace Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 3750 royal exchanges
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Mountain Palace Quest
Effect: Gives Mountain Palace Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Deep Mines to Mountain Palaces, boosting their production based on buildings owned and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on buildings owned.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.75), where x is buildings owned.
Titans Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Angel and Goblin Coins
Requirement: Mountain Palace Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on time spent in this game.
Formula: (50 * (x / 3600) ^ 0.85), where x is time spent in this game.(per hours).
Effect: Also increase Maximum Mana based on time spent in this game.
Formula: (20 * x ^ 0.75), where x is time spent in this game.(in seconds)
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Giant Market
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Titan Union
Effect: Increase Royal Exchanges count based on the amount of Mountain Palaces you own.
Formula: (1.25 * x ^ 0.725), where x is amount of Mountain Palaces owned.
Titanic Authority
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Titan Union
Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on the amount of Royal Exchanges you made.
Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of Royal Exchanges you made.
Colossus Kingdom
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Titan Union
Effect: Additively gain assistants based on total time spent as Order.
Formula: (25 * x ^ 0.7), where x is seconds this R.
Proof of Chaos
Resign your will to eternal entropy that forms and maintains the world itself, prospering in the glory of extreme bursts of random fortune.
Choosing this alignment will remove Ascension penalties on all alignment spells and let you affiliate with the following factions.
Fairies (Good), Demons (Evil), and Faceless (Neutral)
Cost: 1 Qa (1e15) Emerald Coins
Cost: 3500 Mana
Effect: Increase the production of three random buildings based on one of these stats in this game, chosen at random: mana produced, trophies unlocked, Faction Coins found or amount of assistants
Mana (0.02 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 5)%, where x is mana produced this game.
Trophy Formula (2.5 * x ^ 0.9)%, where x is trophies unlocked.
Faction Coins (0.01 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 4)%, where x is faction coins found this game.
Assistants (0.25 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 5)%, where x is amount of assistants.
Good - Fairies
Swarming Towers Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 200K Assistants
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Swarming Towers Quest
Effect: Gives Swarming Towers Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Wizard Towers to Swarming Towers, boosting their production based on the amount of active spells and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on the amount of active spells.
Formula: (0.4 * x ^ 2.4)%, where x is active spells.
Effect: Grants access to Faction Union.
Fairies Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Fairy Coins
Requirement: Swarming Towers Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Increase assistant production based on amount of Enchanted Fields, Inns and Blacksmiths if building count is even, or all other buildings if building count is odd.
Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is Enchanted Fields, Inns and Blacksmiths (If building count is even)
Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is T4-T11 Buildings (If building count is odd)
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Bubble Swarm
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Fairies Union
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the amount of Swarming Towers you own.
Formula: (sumOfDigits(x) * 100 * x ^ 0.45), where x is amount of Swarming Towers owned.
Bubble Swarm Count - FR10 Table
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Fairies Union
Effect: Gain assistants based on time spent affiliated with Fairies. (This R)
Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 0.75), where x is time spent affiliated with Fairies. (This R)
Dream Catchers
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Fairies Union
Effect: multiplicative increase mana regen by a random amount. Grows additively every 30 minutes (starts at 0% on upgrade bought)
Formula: Every 30 minutes, ((upgrade bonus) + rand(1.5 - 7.5))% (averages out to 216% per day).
Evil - Demons
Burning Abyss Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 120 seconds long Call to Arms.
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Burning Abyss Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Burning Abyss Quest
Effect: Gives Burning Abyss Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Hall of Legends to Burning Abyss, boosting their production based on time spent as Evil and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on spent time as Evil.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: for each digit of floor(1.25 * x): sum(digit ^ (2 + (floor(log10(1 + 1.25 * x) + 1) / 10))% where x is evil time this R.
Demons Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Demon Coins
Requirement: Burning Abyss Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: 1% of all Non-Evil spells cast in this game count as Evil.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Effect: Trophies count 100% more.
Abyssal Furnace
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Demons Union
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of Burning Abysses you own. Higher tiers get better bonuses.
Formula: (0.5 * (t ^ 2) * (x ^ 0.5)), where x is Hall of legends count, t is building tier.
Demonic Fury
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Demons Union
Effect: Multiplicatively increase faction coin find chance based on least time spent between Evil and Chaos this R.
Formula: (0.25 * min(x, y) ^ 0.75), where x is evil time in seconds and y is chaos time in seconds.
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Demons Union
Effect: Increase production of three highest building tiers based on mana regen.
Formula: (4.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 4.5), where x is mana regen.
Neutral - Faceless
Forbidden Library Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 5000 Excavations
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Forbidden Library Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Forbidden Library Quest
Effect: Gives Forbidden Library Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Monasteries to Forbidden Libraries, boosting production based on spells cast and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on spells cast.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: (18 * (ln (1 + x) / ln(x % 10 + 2)) ^ 1.8)%, where x is spells cast.
Faceless Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Fairy and Undead Coins
Requirement: Forbidden Library Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Increase assistants additively based on amount of time spent as a random faction. Updates every 3 minutes.
Formula: (60 * x ^ 0.6), where x is random faction all time in seconds.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Primal Knowledge
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Faceless Union
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of Forbidden Libraries you own. Grows over time and resets every 15 minutes.
Formula: (y % 900) / 60 * x ^ 0.4), where x is Forbidden Libraries count, y is time this game.
Forbidden Language
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Faceless Union
Effect: Increase spell durations based on the amount of Reincarnations made.
Formula: (x ^ 1.1), where x is Reincarnations made.
Dimension Door
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Faceless Union
Effect: Increase Unique Building production based on highest max mana this reincarnation.
Formula: (0.1 * x ^ 0.65), where x is highest max mana this R.
Proof of Balance
Avoid fixating yourself to the rules while not falling to madness as well, Take advantage of everything you can gather and maximize your gains with any possible means.
Choosing this alignment will remove Ascension penalties on all alignment spells and let you affiliate with the following factions.
Elves (Good), Goblins (Evil), and Druid (Neutral)
Cost: 1 Qa (1e15) Emerald Coins
All Creation
Cost: 6000 Mana
Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on mana regeneration rate.
Effect: Also multiplicative increase Faction Coin find chance based on your mana regeneration rate.
Formula: (0.15 * ln(x) ^ 3.5 + 0.9 * x ^ 0.27), where x is mana per seconds.
Good - Elven
Arboreal City Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 1e23 Elf Faction Coins found.
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Arboreal City Quest
Effect: Gives Arboreal City Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Citadels to Arboreal Cities, boosting their production based on Faction Coin find chance and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on Faction Coin find chance.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: floor(20 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 2), where x is FC chance.
Elven Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Elven Coins
Requirement: Arboreal City Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Also autoclicks 10 times per second.
Effect: Increase click production based on faction coins found in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (3 * ln(x) ^ 3), where x is faction coins found in this Reincarnation.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Wooden Dice
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Elven Union
Effect: When Elven Luck triggers, 100000 automatic Tax Collections are cast.
Effect: Increase Elven Luck chance to activate and its effects based on the amount of Arboreal Cities you own.
Elven Luck Formula: (x ^ 0.3), where x is Arboreal Cities count.
Production Formula: (32 * x ^ 0.8), where x is Arboreal Cities count.
Faction Coin Formula: (1.45 * x ^ 0.75), where x is Arboreal Cities count.
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Elven Union
Effect: Assistants and Clicks count 1,000% more for all purposes and increase assistant production based on assistant amount.
Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is amount of Flesh Workshop owned.
Note: Applies to formulas that use Assistant count, but not actual assistants.
Elven Discipline
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Elven Union
Effect: Increase assistants additively and multiplicatively based on the amount of Faction Coins found in this game.
Formula: (100 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.35), where x is Faction Coins found in this game.(additively)
Formula: (1.45 * ln(x)), where x is Faction Coins found in this game.(multiplicatively)
Evil - Goblins
Slave Market Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 30K Neutral buildings.
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Slave Market Quest
Effect: Gives Slave Market Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Slave Pens to Slave Markets, boosting their production based on assistants and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on assistants.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: floor(0.25 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is amount of assistants.
Goblins Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Goblin Coins
Requirement: Slave Market Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coins find chance based on spells cast in this game.
Formula: (2.25 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2.25), where x is spells cast in this game.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Fools Gems
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Goblins Union
Effect: Increase production bonus from Gem based on the amount of Slave Markets you own.
Formula: x ^ 0.5, where x is Slave Market you own.
Money is Magic
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Goblins Union
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Tax Collections cast in this game.
Formula: (2 * (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.2)), where x is amount of Tax Collections cast.
Lousy Architecture
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Goblins Union
Effect: Reduce Non-Unique buildings cost multiplier.
Formula: (-0.02)
Effect: Increase Non-Unique buildings production based on their quantity.
Formula: (x ^ 0.65), where x is amount of Non-Unique buildings.
Neutral - Druids
Ziggurat Quest
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Emerald Coins
Requirement: 12K Stonehenges
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Cost: 1 Td (1e42) Emerald Coin
Requirement: Ziggurat Quest
Effect: Gives Ziggurat Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Ancient Pyramids to Ziggurats, boosting their production based on lineage levels and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect: Increase production based on based on total lineage levels.
Effect: Also grants access to Faction Union.
Formula: floor(x ^ 1.1)%, where x is total level of lineages.
Druids Union
Cost: 1 Qi (1e18) Elven and Demon Coins
Requirement: Ziggurat Unique Building
Effect Requirement: R111+
Effect: Increase the production of Non-Unique buildings based on your total Lineage level and the maximum amount of Grand Balance targets.
Formula: (3 * x * y ^ 1.5), where x is total Lineage levels and y is amount of buildings targeted by Grand Balance.
Effect: Grants access to Union Upgrades.
Building Vines
Cost: 1 Nod (1e60) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Druids Union
Effect: Increase Non-Unique building count based on the amount of Ziggurats you own.
Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is Ziggurats count.
Lunar Cycle
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Druids Union
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana additively based on time spent online in this game.
Online Formula: (50 * x ^ 0.85), where x is time spent online in this game.
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana multiplicatively based on time spent offline in this game.
Offline Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is time spent offline in this game.
Grove Farming
Cost: 100 Tg (1e95) Emerald Coins
Requirement: Druids Union
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on their tier. Middle tiers get better bonuses.
Formula: (0.8 * ((6 - abs(6 - T)) ^ 5)), where T is building tier.
Good - Dwarf
High Bastion Quest
Description: Aye lad! Yer castle looks solid, but we think we can do better, yes? Excavate to yer best and then again from the start, we'll have a deal.
Requirement: 5 free excav resets this R
Cost: 100 Vg (1e65)
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Unique Building Upgrade
Requirement: High Bastion Quest
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80)
Effect: Gives High Bastion Unique Building.
Unique Building
Effect: Upgrade Royal Castles to High Bastions, boosting their production based on clicks made in this reincarnation and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (ln(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is clicks this R
Dwarven Union
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Dwarven coins
Effect: Unlock Union Upgrades.
Other Effects
Proof of Order: Increase all building production based on time spent this Reincarnation.
Formula: (3.5 * x ^ 0.65), where x is time spent this Reincarnation.
Proof of Balance: Increase mana regen based on clicks made this Reincarnation.
Formula: (1.25 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.45), where x is amount of clicks made this Reincarnation.
Proof of Chaos: Chaotically Multiplicatively increase assistant count based on spells cast this R.
Formula: ((y = floor(log10(1 + x) + 1) / 10 + 2), for each digit of x, ((sum(digit ^ y)) ^ 0.9)
Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase production bonus from Gems based on the amount of High Bastion you own.
Formula: (1.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is High Bastion.
Cost: 100 Qitg (1e110)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the highest between max mana and mana regeneration.
Formula: (0.055 * max(x, y) ^ 0.55), where x is max mana and y is mana regen.
Refined Minerals
Cost: 1 Notg (1e120)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase mana regen and max mana based on highest time spent as Order, Balance or Chaos.
Formula: (0.03 * max(x, y, z) ^ 0.7), where x is order time, y is balance time, and z is chaos time (All in seconds this R).
Evil - Drow
Brothel Quest
Description: Yawn... Kivvil, your realm is starting to bore us. We need better places to have fun and Rest. Show us your spellcasting ability and we'll teach you a few new things about underworld fun.
Requirement: 1 B (1e9) spells cast this game
Cost: 100 Vg (1e65)
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Brothel Upgrade
Requirement: Brothel Quest
Cost: 100 Qivg (1e80)
Effect: Gives Brothel Unique Building.
Unique Building
Effect: Upgrade Inns to Brothels, boosting their production based on Royal Exchanges made and unlocking more unique perks for the buildings.
Formula: (10 * x ^1.05), where x is royal exchanges this game
Drow Union
Cost: 1e24 Drow coins
Effect: Unlocks Union Upgrades
Other Effects
Proof of Order: Increase offline bonus based on max mana.
Formula: (0.1 * x ^ 0.85), where x is max mana
Proof of Balance: Multiplicatively Increase max mana based on Tax Collections cast this game.
Formula: (0.07 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.7), where x is Tax Collections cast this game.
Proof of Chaos: Increase the production of a specific building tier, depending on the amount of buildings you own, based on time spent offline in this Reincarnation.
Production Formula: (8 * x ^ 0.8), where x is time offline this R
Chosen Building Tier Formula: (1 + floor(x % 11)), where x is building amount
Union Upgrades
Spider Clerics
Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus based on Brothel amount.
Formula: (1.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is Brothels
Ancillae Obscurae
Cost: 100 Qitg (1e110)
Effect: Increase Non-Unique building production based on amount of Unique Buildings.
Formula: (50 * x ^ 0.5), where x is amount of Unique Buildings.
Crystal Servants
Cost: 1 Notg (1e120)
Effect: Multiplicatively gain assistants based on current gem amount.
Formula: (0.5 * (log10(x) ^ 1.5), where x is amount of current gems.
Neutral - Dragon
Dragon Pasture Quest
Description: Insignificant creature, you have much to do to gain our full respect. Our hatchlings need more food... yes, this would be a task worthy of your stature. Show your ability to maintain powerful magic at the same time, and we will let you serve us.
Requirement: 42 active spells
Cost: 1e65
Effect: Grants access to Unique Building.
Dragon Pasture Upgrade
Requirement: Dragon Pasture Quest
Cost: 1e80
Effect: Gives Dragon Pasture Unique Building.
Unique Building
Effect: Upgrade Farm to Dragon Pastures, boosting their production based on your max mana and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (0.63 * x ^ 0.63), where x is your max mana.
Dragon Union
Cost: 100 Sp (1e26) Dwarven and Drow coins
Effect: Unlock Union Upgrades.
Other Effects
Proof of Order: Increase the production of all buildings based on time spent as Order.
Formula: (7 * x ^ 0.7), where x is time spent as Order this R.
Proof of Balance: Multiplicatively increase max mana based on your current Lineage level.
Formula: (1.3 * x ^ 1.3)%, where x is Lineage level.
Proof of Chaos: Increase the production of Unique or Non-Unique buildings based on the amount of assistants you own. Target buildings depend on (ln(x)) where x is FC chance (even for Unique, odd for Non-Unique).
Formula: Non-Unique (0.2 * x ^ 0.8), where x is assistant count.
Formula: Unique (0.6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is assistant count.
Fang Food
Cost: 10 Dtg (1e100)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Dragon Pastures you own.
Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65), where x is Dragon Pastures you own.
Wyrm's Rest
Cost: 100 Qitg (1e110)
Effect: Gain assistants based on the amount of time spent as Dragon this Reincarnation.
Formula: (15 * x ^ 0.65), where x is time spent as Dragon this Reincarnation.
Draconic Supremacy
Cost: 1 Notg (1e120)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on your max mana.
Formula: (0.6 * x ^ 0.45), where x is max mana.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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