Each Faction has its own unique and universal Heritage that you can unlock and buy in each subsequent abdication.
To unlock them, you need to unlock the
Champion Trophy of that faction, which requires buying the 12 faction upgrades in this game (this includes Trade Treaty, Friendship Pact and Alliance)
Once unlocked, its price is in Faction Coins, the number depending on the faction's tier:
Vanilla: 5000
Neutral: 25000 each of two factions
Prestige: 75000
Mercenary (R3+): 100000 each of all.
Neutral Prestige (R46+): 400 B (4e11) each of Dwarf and Drow
Elite (R125+): 1 Ud (1e36) each of two factions
Vanilla Heritages
Fairy Heritage
Cost: 5000 Fairy Coins
Requirements: Fairy Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 0.075% per Farm, Inn and Blacksmith you own.
Elven Heritage
Cost: 5000 Elven Coins
Requirements: Elven Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins by 5% and increase your click reward based on your chance to find Faction Coins.
Formula: (x / 2)%, where x is your chance to find faction coins.
Angelic Heritage
Cost: 5000 Angel Coins
Requirements: Angel Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase Mana production by 10%.
Goblin Heritage
Cost: 5000 Goblin Coins
Requirements: Goblin Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of gems you own.
Formula: floor(7.5 * log10(1 + x))%, where x is the amount of gems you have.
Undead Heritage
Cost: 5000 Undead Coins
Requirements: Undead Champion Trophy
Effect: You gain additional assistants based on the time spent in this game.
Formula: floor(1 + 1.5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is your Playtime (This Game) stat in hours.
Demonic Heritage
Cost: 5000 Demon Coins
Requirements: Demon Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 0.3% per Hall of Legends you own.
Titan Heritage
Cost: 25,000 Angel Coins, 25,000 Goblin Coins
Requirements: Titan Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase Royal Exchanges production bonus by an additional 15% each.
Druid Heritage
Cost: 25,000 Elven Coins, 25,000 Demon Coins
Requirements: Druid Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase maximum Mana by 1 every 15 buildings you own.
Faceless Heritage
Cost: 25,000 Fairy Coins, 25,000 Undead Coins
Requirements: Faceless Champion Trophy
Effect: Your production is increased based on the highest amount of buildings purchased in a single game.
Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is your Buildings Owned (Max) stat.
Dwarven Heritage
Cost: 75,000 Dwarven Coins
Requirements: Dwarven Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the total amount of Excavations you made.
Formula: (2 * (x ^ 0.9))%, where x is the number of excavations you've purchased.
Drow Heritage
Cost: 75,000 Drow Coins
Requirements: Drow Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase the production of assistants based on the amount of royal exchanges you purchased in this game.
Formula: (2 * x ^ 0.8), where x is your Royal Exchanges Made stat.
Mercenary Badge
Cost: 100,000 (of each) Faction Coins
Unlock Requirements: Mercenary Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the highest amount of coins you gained in a single game.
Formula: floor(5 * log10(1 + x)), where x is your Coins Gained (Max) stat.
Notes: Not affected by Demon Challenge 1 (Since its a 'Badge', not a Heritage)
Dragon Heritage
Cost: 400b (4e11) Dwarven and Drow coins
Requirements: Dragons Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase assistants production based on time spent affiliated with Dragons.
Formula: (0.55 * x ^ 0.55)%, x is hours affiliated with dragon at all R's
Archon Heritage
Note: Not available till R125
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Angel and Undead Coins
Requirements: Archon Champion Trophy
Effect: Buildings, Assistants, Royal Exchanges, Spells cast and Clicks count more, by 10%.
Djinn Heritage
Note: Not available till R125
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Fairy and Demon Coins
Requirements: Djinn Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on Limited Wish activity time in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.65), where x is Limited Wish activity time in this Reincarnation in seconds.
Makers Heritage
Note: Not available till R125
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Elven and Goblin Coins
Requirements: Makers Champion Trophy
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on Tax Collections cast in this game.
Formula: (2 * log10(1 + x) ^ 1.75), where x is Tax Collections cast this game.
Advanced Heritages appear in R116+, and can be unlocked for all but the Elite Prestige and Mercenary factions.
To unlock them, you need to unlock the
Master Trophy of that faction, which requires buying the 16 faction upgrades in this game (this includes Trade Treaty, Friendship Pact, Alliance and Union), while having Level 30 in their respective lineage, and then get 8 hours of spell activity time this game in their respective spell.
Advanced Heritages: 1 Sp (1e24) (of each of two factions for Neutral)
Note: When using their lineage, Advanced Heritage powers are multiplied by the level of the lineage.
Formula: (1 + 0.3 * level)
Note: Faction Ruler doubles Advanced Heritage powers.
Advanced Fairy Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Fairy Coins
Requirements: Fairy Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Fairy Chanting.
Effect: Gain assistants based on amount of Farms, Inns and Blacksmiths (additive).
Formula: (2 * x ^ 0.8), where x is amount of Farms, Inns and Blacksmiths you own.
Advanced Elven Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Elven Coins
Requirements: Elven Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Moon Blessing.
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of clicks made in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.25 * ln(x) ^ 2), where x is amount of clicks this reincarnation.
Advanced Angelic Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Angel Coins
Requirements: Angel Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of God's Hand.
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of spells cast in this game.
Formula: +(5 * x ^ 0.25), where x is spells cast this game.
Advanced Goblin Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Goblin Coins
Requirements: Goblin Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Goblin's Greed.
Effect: Tax Collections are worth more seconds of production based on Gems owned. (multiplicative).
Formula: (0.25 * log10(1 + x) ^ 0.95)%, where x is gems owned.
Advanced Undead Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Undead Coins
Requirements: Undead Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Night Time.
Effect: Assistants count more based on your Offline Bonus.
Formula: (0.025 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2)%, where x is offline bonus multiplier.
Advanced Demonic Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Demon Coins
Requirements: Demon Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Hellfire Blast.
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on trophies unlocked.
Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is amount of trophies unlocked.
Advanced Titan Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Angel and Goblin Coins
Requirements: Titan Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Lightning Strike.
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the amount of Royal Exchanges purchased.
Formula: (0.85 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.15)%, where x is Royal Exchanges purchased.
Advanced Druid Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Elven and Demon Coins
Requirements: Druid Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Grand Balance.
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the sum of all your spells durations.
Formula: (9 * x ^ 0.3)%, where x is the sum of all your spell durations.
Advanced Faceless Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Fairy and Undead Coins
Requirements: Faceless Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Brainwave.
Effect: Gain assistants based on the amount of Unique Buildings owned (additive).
Formula: (2.5 * x ^ 0.8), where x is Unique Buildings owned.
Advanced Dwarven Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Dwarven Coins
Requirements: Dwarf Master Trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Diamond Pickaxe.
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of current excavations and excavation resets. (This R).
Formula: (0.025 * (x * (1 + y)) ^ 0.65)%, where x is current excavations and y is ruby and free excavation resets this R.
Advanced Drow Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Drow Coins
Requirements: Drow Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Combo Strike.
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on offline bonus and time spent in this game.
Formula: (0.0008 * log10(1 + x) * y ^ 0.8)%, where x offline bonus and y is time spent this game.
Advanced Dragon Heritage
Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Dwarven and Drow Coins
Requirements: Dragon Master trophy and 8 hours activity time (This Game) of Dragon's Breath.
Effect: The amount of active spells counts 5% more for all purposes.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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