C105 - For All Factions
Research Name: Woodcraft
Hint: 25k reiterations of the same movement.
Requirement: 25,000 clicks (This Game)
Cost: 1.544 Spqag (1.544E144)
Effect: Increase the chance to find Faction Coins based on the amount of Unique Buildings you own.
Formula: floor(1.5 * x ^ 1.05)%, where x is the number of Unique Buildings you own.
C250 - For All Factions
Research Name: Magnetism
Requirement: Research Tinkering (C150) & Critical Strike (W225).
Cost: 52.7 Qiqig (5.27E169)
Effect: Increase the chance to find Faction Coins by a multiplicative 50%
Effect: Increase the chance to find faction coins based on total time spent offline. (in minutes)
Formula: floor(7.5 * x ^ 0.75), where x is your Time Spent Offline (Total) in minutes stat.
C400 - For All Factions
Research Name: Gravitation
Requirement: Research Magnetism (C250) & Weighting (C300)
Cost: 13.66 QaSxg (1.366E196)
Effect: Increase the chance to find Faction Coins based on the amount of Faction Coins found in this game.
Effect: Also increase the chance to find Faction Coins by a multiplicative 100%.
Formula: floor(3.5 * ln(x + 1) ^ 3), where x is your Faction Coins Gained (This Game) stat.
C520 - For Dwarf
Research Name: Blacksmithing
Requirement: Research Reinforcing (C135) & Metallurgy (C405)
Cost: 18.47 USpg (1.847E217)
Effect: Increase clicking reward for Diamond Pickaxe based on the amount of Dwarven Forges you own.
Effect: Also increase Faction Coin find chance bonus of Diamond Pickaxe based on the amount of Dwarven Forges you own.
Formula: Clicking Reward: (2.5 * x^0.3)%, where x is the number of Dwarven Forges you own.
Formula: Diamond Pickaxe: (20 * x^0.4)%, where x is the number of Dwarven Forges you own.
C5375 - For Neutral
Research Name: Manufacture
Requirement: R177+, Forgotten Relic, Factory artifact and upgrade
Effect: Increase Faction Coin Find Chance additively and multiplicatively based on Clicks made in this game.
Additive: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is clicks in this game
Multiplicative: (x ^ 0.35), where x is clicks in this game
D50 - For Elf
Research Name: Hallowing
Hint: Have you been good enough?
Requirement: 15,000 Good Buildings(as Angel)
Cost: 318.8 Tqag (3.188E134)
Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins based on the amount of Elven Training Grounds you own.
Formula: floor(1.5 * x ^ 1.05)%, where x is the number of Elven Training Grounds you own.
D150 - For All Factions
Research Name: Retribution
Requirement: Research Betrayal (W120) & Transfixion (D55).
Cost: 129.6 Noqag (1.296E152)
Effect: Increase chance to find faction coins based on the amount of total research points bought.
Formula: floor(x ^ 1.25), where x is the amount of total research points bought.
E30 - For All Factions
Research Name: Diplomacy
Hint: Exchange more.
Requirement: 1000 Exchanges (This Game)
Cost: 95.88 Dqag (9.588E130)
Effect: Increases Faction Coin find chance and Royal Exchange bonus based on time spent in this game.
Formula: Faction Coin Chance: floor(1.5 * x ^ 1.05)%
Formula: Royal Exchange bonus: floor(x^0.6)%, where x is Playtime (This Game in minutes).
E320 - For All Factions
Research Name: Smuggling
Hint: You shouldn\'t abdicate so poorly.
Requirement: Have 2x Gems in Abdication Treasury
Cost: 1.117 NoQig (1.117E180)
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of Unique Buildings owned.
Effect: Also increase FC chance find chance by a multiplicative 100%.
Formula: 5 * x ^ 0.9, where x is Unique Building owned
E5875 - For All Factions
Research Name: Prosperity
Requirement: R181+, Forgotten Relic, Vault artifact and upgrade
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on your faction spell activity in this game.
Formula: (0.4 * x ^ 0.4), where x is your least used faction spell (This game)
Note: Only checks the base faction spell of your faction(s). On mercs, scales off Share Benefits and the two chosen Faction Spells.
A305 - For All Factions
Research Name: Engraving
Hint: Druidic experience.
Requirement: 2 days as Druids (Total across all R)
Cost: 255.2 OcQig (2.552E179)
Effect: Increase your chance to find Faction Coins based on the amount of spells cast in this game.
Effect: Also increase Faction Coins find chance by a multiplicative 100%.
Formula: floor(3.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 3.5)%, where x is your Spells Cast (This Game) stat
A1500 - For Druid,Dragon
Research Name: Sublimation
Hint: How long required to achieve a Grand Balance?
Requirement: 21600s (6 hours) Grand Balance Cast Time (This Game), Research D590 & A1325, Druid,Dragon
Cost: 3.843 Spvg (3.843e84)
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of Unique Buildings you own.
Effect: Also increase Faction Coin find chance by a multiplicative 250%.
Formula: (40 * x * 0.8), where x is Unique Buildings owned.
A3400 - For All Factions
Research Name: Chemistry
Hint: Get attracted to Faction Coins.
Requirement: 1 No (1e30) FC (Found this Game), (Customizing C3000) & (Manipulation S3200).
Cost: 894.5 QiQig (5.69e197)
Effect: Increases Faction Coin find chance based on the total amount of Lineage levels you have.
Effect: Also increases Faction Coin find chance by a multiplicative 300%.
Formula: 3 * x ^ 2.25, where x is total Lineage levels.
W50 - For Undead
Research Name: Exertion
Hint: Bad times!
Requirement: 12 hours of Evil Play Time this R, Note: Play as any Evil faction, but you must be Demon to unlock this.
Cost: 318.8 Tqag (3.188E134)
Effect: Increase faction coin find chance based on the number of Undercities you own.
Formula: (floor(1.5 * x ^ 1.1))% where x is the number of Undercities you own.
W275 - For Faceless
Research Name: Domination
Hint: How many people are required to throw a party?
Requirement: 300 Base Assistants (as Faceless)
Cost: 1.331 SpQig (1.331E174)
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on the highest amount of assistants you had in a single game.(This R)
Effect: Also a 50% multiplicative Faction Coin find chance.
Formula: (200 * x ^ 0.55), where x is your Assistants (Max) stat.
W1375 - For All Factions
Research Name: Scavenging
Hint: GUD? More like Evil.
Requirement: 604800s 7 days spent as evil (Across all Rs)
Cost: 137.8 Qavg (1.378e77)
Effect: Increases Faction Coin find chance by a multiplicative 200%.
Effect: Increase the chance to find Faction Coins based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: (100 * x ^ 0.5), where x is assistants.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
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