Spells are an active component of the game mechanics that boost production. They require mana to be cast and only work while playing online.
Their duration, resource gain, mana-cost, and mana regeneration speed can be altered by getting specific Faction, Heritage, Challenge, or Research upgrades. Different aspects of the spells can also be used in other upgrades (eg: while a spell is active, the number of spell casts, based on mana produced, etc.).
The trick to use spells efficiently relies on finding the best setting: Which spell combination to cast, at what timing, with which automatic-casting tool, and where to set the contingency arrow. Like for upgrades, these choices can make a crucial difference for your game progress.
Tier unlock time depends on your spell activity time this Reincarnation, and is reduced by the amount of reincarnations you make, as well as by the amount of spell tiers you have already unlocked of any spell (not just the spells available).
Because of above factors, if one tiers multiple spells at once, tier unlock time will reduce while tiering. For this reason it is difficult to show how long your current tiering target will take, because of the factors involved.
The chart below will only show how long it takes to unlock a tier with no other spell tiering in the meantime.
Please use the following tool for a full tiering timeline.
At R40 you can unlock Tiered Autocasting, At R42 you can unlock spell tiers |
Click here to see your unlocked tiers |
Input the Tier and the R you want to unlock it at and the amount of unlocked tiers (tiers gotten above tier 1 in any spell) then click Show |
Tiers | - |
Total Unlocked Tier Upgrades | |
Reincarnations | - |
Unlock Spell Active Time (Total) Per R# & Tier |
All Spells Tiers
Note: Each tier also increase offline production based on mana statistics. (Not Tax Collection)
Formula: (m + 100 * r) ^ (1 + 0.15 * t) where m is max mana, r is regen, t is tier.
Note: Tier 1-6 is + 0.1 per tier and is considered an A1 upgrade, Tier 7 is + 0.2 per tier and is considered an A2 upgrade, a T7 spell is ^0.26 in A2
Tiered Autocasting
Requirement: R40+, 200M Mana Produced (Total this R).
Note: This trophy unlocks at R40, The uprade is available at R40, but tiers do not unlock until R42.
Upgrade Cost: 100 Qid (1.0e50), A2+ Free
Effect: Allows you to set the maximum tier you wish to autocast each spell to.
Note: In the spell tooltip, use the diamond icon to change its mode until you get to the desired maximum tier number. Spells will still follow their previous priority rules.
Effect: Only while offline, increase mana produced by an additional 10% (for a total of 90%) of your mana regeneration per second and your spells cast amount multiplicatively based on your offline mana regeneration.
Formulas: (1000 * log10(1 + x))
From R42+, for each default spell, tier 6 spell upgrades become available. Each tier gives 1 additional spell cast, and with all tiers combined, allows to cast a single spell up to 6 times simultaneously.
The generalized formula for spell tiers is B^T, where B is the base spell production and T is the tier of the spell. The exceptions to this are Gem Grinder, which increases its production by a linear amount, and Dragon's Breath, which simply adds one new type of Dragon Breath to the current breaths in effect. Other peripheral effects, such as the tripling of assistants granted from Fairy Chanting, are also not impacted by spell tiers.
Note: Dragon's Breath will cast a random Dragon's Breath color for 6th and above casts.
From R100+, for each default spell, tier 7 spell upgrades becomes available.
Tier upgrade names start with the default spell's name followed by the tier number, starting from 2 to 7 (Holy Light 2, Holy Light 3, etc.)
Tiered Autocasting will automatically set the autocasted spell tier at the highest you have bought, but you can change it to a lower tier if you wish.
Offline bonus for spell tier: (m + 100 * r)^(1 + 0.15 * (t)) where m is max mana, r is regen, t is tier.
Note: For offline bonuses, A1 tier upgrades count as A0 upgrades and A2 tier upgrades count as A1 upgrades for ascension penalty purposes.
Unlock Formulas
Each Tier Spell upgrade requires Time (Total), Coins, and Faction Coins (except for Call to arms)
Time for tier: Formula: (57600 * (0.4 + 0.1 * T) * ((T ^ 2 + 1) / (0.1 * U + 1)) * (0.97 ^ (R - 35))) Where T is Tier, U is number of unlocked tier upgrades in all spells (Aka tiers above tier 1), R is reincarnation count.
Diamond Coins for tier n + 1: Formula: x^{1 + 0.25 * (n - 1)}
Faction Coins for tier n + 1: Formula: x^{1 + 0.25 * (n - 1)}
where x is costs (see above table), R is your Reincarnation count, and n + 1 is number of upgrades.
Unlocking Tier spell upgrades only need to be done once, but you will still need to gather the coins and FCs necessary to purchase them after each abdication.
Tier Mana Cost: Mana cost for tiers is c*(2^t-1), where c is base mana cost and t is tier (Each tier has double the cost of the previous tier)
While offline: Spells set on autocasting will gain "Active Time (This game)", but no spell casts will be counted. Instead, a generic non-specific spell will increase your "Spell Casts" entry in the stats.
Offline Activity Time Gain Formula (Requires Masterful Autocast)
Formula: t * min(1, m * d / (n * c ^ 1.5)), where t is offline time, m is mana regen per second, d is spell duration in seconds, c is spell mana cost (as tier 1), and n is number of spells set to autocast
Note: Tax Collection does not count against spells in autocast for offline activity time generation.
Tax Collection (All Factions)
Works For: All - Cost: 200 Mana - Duration: 0 seconds
Effect: Instantly gain 30 seconds worth of coin production from buildings and assistants.
Call to Arms (All Factions)
Works For: All - Cost: 400 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of buildings you own.
Formula: ((25 + 0.3 * x) ^ 0.975)%, where x is your Buildings Owned (This Game) stat.
Call to Arms Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Tier: 2
Cost 51 Sxd (5.1e52) - FC 0
Tier: 3
Cost 766.4 Vg (7.664e65) - FC 0
Tier: 4
Cost 11.52 Qivg (1.152e79) - FC 0
Tier: 5
Cost 173.1 Novg (1.731e92) - FC 0
Tier: 6
Cost 2.601 Qatg (2.601e105) - FC 0
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 0
Spiritual Surge (R14+) (All Factions)
Works For: All (R14+) - Cost: 2500 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of times you reincarnated and ascended.
Formula: (2500 * (R ^ 1.05)) ^ (1 + A * 0.5)%, where R is the number of times you have reincarnated and A is how many times you ascended.
Reincarnation | Tier | Active Druid Lineage Level | PB | Production bonus | D1375 production bonus | |
without D1375 | with D1375 | |||||
Spiritual Surge Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Fairy, Elven, Angel, Goblin, Undead, Demon, Dwarven, Drow
Tier: 2
Cost 66 Uvg (6.6e67) - FC 10 T (1e13) each
Tier: 3
Cost 5.949 Spvg (5.949e84) - FC 891.3 T (8.913e14) each
Tier: 4
Cost 53.61 Utg (5.361e97) - FC 79.43 Qa (7.943e16) each
Tier: 5
Cost 48.33 Octg (4.833e118) - FC 7.079 Qi (7.079e18) each
Tier: 6
Cost 4.356 Qaqag (4.356e135) - FC 631 Qi (6.31e20) each
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 56.23 Sx (5.623e22) each
Holy Light (Any Good Faction)
Works For: Good - Cost: 900 Mana - Duration: 10 seconds
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 1750%
Holy Light Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Fairy, Elven, Angel, Dwarf
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 1 B (1e9)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 22.39 B (2.239e10)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 501.2 B (5.012e11)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 5 Qa (1.122e13)
Tier: 6
Cost 251.2 T Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 10 Qa (2.514e14)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 5.623 (5.623e15)
Blood Frenzy (Any Evil Faction)
Works For: Evil - Cost: 600 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Increases the production of all Evil buildings by 1250%.
Blood Frenzy Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Goblin, Undead, Demon, Drow
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 1 B (1e9)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 22.39 B (2.239e10)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 501.2 B (5.012e11)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 11.22 T (1.122e13)
Tier: 6
Cost 2.916 Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 251.2 T (2.512e14)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 5.623 Qa (5.623e15)
Gem Grinder (Any Neutral Faction)
Works For: Neutral - Cost: 1000 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Increase production bonus from Gems
Note: Gem Grinder formula changed to work with Reincarnations and Ascensions.
Tier Formula: ((5000 * (1 + 0.1 * R)) ^ (0.8 ^ A)), where R is Reincarnation and A is Ascension
Gem Grinder Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Fairy, Elven, Angel, Goblin, Undead, Demon, Dwarven, Drow
Tier: 2
Cost 60 Nod (6E61) - FC 5 B (5e9)
Tier: 3
Cost 166.9 Qavg (1.669E77) - FC 142.5 B (1.425e11)
Tier: 4
Cost 464.7 Novg (4.647E92) - FC 4.0161 T (4.061e12)
Tier: 5
Cost 1.293 Qitg (1.293E108) - FC 115.7 T (1.157e14)
Tier: 6
Cost 3.6 Qag (3.6e123) - FC 3.299 Qa (3.299e15)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 94.02 Qa (9.402e16)
Fairy Chanting (Fairies)
Works For: Fairy - Cost: 1000 Mana - Duration: 10 seconds
Effect: Increase the production of Farms, Inns and Blacksmiths by 50,000%
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Fairy Choir
Requirement: Cast Fairy Chanting while having 45 or more assistants.
Effect: Triples your assistants while Fairy Chanting is active.
Upgrade Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Fairy Orchestra (R18+)
Effect: Each assistant generates 3 times as many faction coins while Fairy Chanting is active.
Fairy Chanting Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Fairy
Effect: Increases the duration of the spell by 10 seconds per tier.
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 10 B (1e10)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 316.2 B (3.162e11)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 10 T (1e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 316.2 T (3.162e14)
Tier: 6
Cost 2.916 Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 10 Qa (1e16)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 316.2 Qa (3.162e17)
Moon Blessing (Elves)
Works For: Elf - Cost: 700 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on Treasure Clicks (Total).
Formula: (0.7 * x ^ 0.7)%, where x is your Treasure Clicks (Total) stat.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Sun Blessing
Requirement: Activate Moon Blessing between 6am and 1pm.
Effect: Moon Blessing auto-clicks the treasure 15 times per second.
Upgrade Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Star Blessing (R18+)
Effect: Automatic clicks from Sun Blessing always trigger Elven Luck.
Moon Blessing Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Elven
Effect: Increase click reward by an additional 35.6% per tier.
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 10 B (1e10)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 316.2 B (3.162e11)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 10 T (1e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 316.2 T (3.162e14)
Tier: 6
Cost 2.916 Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 10 Qa (1e16)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 316.2 Qa (3.162e17)
God's Hand (Angel)
Works For: Angel - Cost: 900 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by 150x your mana regeneration rate.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: God's Rest
Requirement: Cast God's Hand on any Sunday.
Effect: Gives random Faction Coins based on your Faction Coin find chance for each other spell you cast while God's Hand is active.
Formula: (floor(x ^ 1.1), where x is FC chance.
Upgrade Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: God's Throne (R18+)
Effect: Mana regeneration is increased by 50% while God's Hand is active.
Effect: Also increase offline spells cast amount multiplicatively based on your offline Mana Regeneration.
Formula: (10 * log10(1 + x)), where x is offline mana regeneration.
God's Hand Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Angel
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 10 B (1e10)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 316.2 B (3.162e11)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 10 T (1e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 316 Qa (3.162e14)
Tier: 6
Cost 2.916 Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 10 Qa (1e16)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 316.2 Qa (3.162e17)
Diamond Pickaxe (Dwarf)
Works For: Dwarf - Cost: 1000 Mana - Duration: 12 seconds
Effect: Increase clicking reward by 25% per Excavation you made and increase your Faction Coin find chance by 200%.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Minedwarf
Requirement: Find 30,000 Faction Coins using Diamond Pickaxe in a single game.
Effect: Increases Diamond Pickaxe bonus to "Faction Coin Find Chance" to 300%.
Upgrade Cost: 100 Sxd (1e53), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Iron Grip (R33+)
Effect: Increase Diamond Pickaxe duration by 8 seconds, and its bonus to Faction Coin find chance is passively applied as a multiplier to excavations Faction Coin rewards.
Diamond Pickaxe Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Dwarf
Effect: Increases FC find chance per tier.
Tier: 2
Cost 63 Vg (6.3e64) - FC 1 T (1e12)
Tier: 3
Cost 998.1 Qivg (9.981e80) - FC 63.1 T (6.31e13)
Tier: 4
Cost 15.81 Utg (1.581e97) - FC 3.981 Qa (3.981e15)
Tier: 5
Cost 250.5 Sxtg (2.505e113) - FC 251.2 Qa (2.512e17)
Tier: 6
Cost 3.969 Dqag (3.969e120) - FC 15.85 Qi (1.585e19)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 1 Sx (1e21)
Goblin's Greed (Goblins)
Works For: Goblin - Cost: 800 Mana - Duration: 5 seconds
Effect: Instantly produces Faction Coins based on gems you own Also increases production of all buildings based on the number of Faction Coins found in this game.
FC Formula: (20 + ln(1 + x) ^ 3), where x is your current gems.
Production Formula: (0.75 * ln(1 + x) ^ 3.15)%, where x is your Faction Coins Gained (This Game) stat.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Greed Drive
Requirements: Cast Goblin's Greed 100 times in a row and do not cast any other spell.
Note: The Goblin Central Bank upgrade does not interfere with getting this trophy.
Effect: Goblin's Greed costs 150 less mana.
Upgrade Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Avarice Drive (R18+)
Effect: Goblin's Greed counts Faction Coins found in this Reincarnation.
Goblin's Greed Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Goblin
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 10 B (1e10)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 316.2 B (3.162e11)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 10 T (1e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 316.2 (3.162e14)
Tier: 6
Cost 2.916 Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 10 Qa (1e16)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 316.2 Qa (3.162e17)
Night Time (Undead)
Works For: Undead - Cost: 1000 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: The production of assistants is increased by 30% per Necropolis you own.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: True Night
Requirements: Cast Night Time between 11 pm and 6 am.
Effect: Increases Night Time's production of assistants to 40% per Necropolis.
Upgrade Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Midnight Time (R18+)
Effect: Increase Night Time assistant bonus based on time spent offline in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.2 * (x / 60) ^ 0.7)%, where x is time spent offline in this Reincarnation.(in seconds)
Night Time Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Undead
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 10 B (1e10)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 316.2 B (3.162e11)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 10 T (1e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 316.2 T (3.162e14)
Tier: 6
Cost 2.916 Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 10 Qa (1e16)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 316.2 Qa (3.162e17)
Hellfire Blast (Demons)
Works For: Demon - Cost: 1000 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Increase the production of Evil Fortresses and Hell Portals based on your amount of trophies.
Formula: (round(200 * x ^ 0.8))%, where x is your Trophies Unlocked stat.
Effect: Also make Evil spells cast count 50% more per tier.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Hell Rush
Requirements: Cast the Demon spell Hellfire Blast in the first 60 seconds of a playtime.
Effect: Hellfire Blast also boosts Halls of Legends.
Upgrade Cost: 1 M (1e6), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Hellfire Burst (R18+)
Effect: Hellfire Blast also counts Evil spells cast in this reincarnation to increase its bonus.
Formula: (0.1 * x), where x is evil spells cast in this reincarnation.
"Hellfire Blast Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Demon
Tier: 2
Cost 54 Spd (5.4e55) - FC 10 B (1e10)
Tier: 3
Cost 4.629 Dvg (4.629e69) - FC 316.2 B (3.162e11)
Tier: 4
Cost 396.8 Sxvg (3.968e83) - FC 10 T (1e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 34.02 Utg (3.402e97) - FC 316.2 T (3.162e14)
Tier: 6
Cost 2.916 Sxtg (2.916e111) - FC 10 Qa (1e16)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 316.2 Qa (3.162e17)
Combo Strike (Drow)
Works For: Drow - Cost: 800 Mana - Duration: Fixed to 16 seconds
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings by a progressively higher value as you continue casting this spell (This game).
Formula: (30 * (x ^ 0.9))%, where x is the number of times you have cast Combo Strike (This game).
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Perfect Combo
Requirement: Cast Combo Strike 100 times in a single game,The chain is interrupted by casting different spells.
Effect: Increases Combo Strike bonus.
Formula: (40 * (x ^ 0.9))%, where x is the number of times you have cast Combo Strike.
Upgrade Cost: 100 Sxd (1e53), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Versatile Combo (R33+)
Effect: Increase Combo Strike counter based on the amount of spells cast in this game, not including Tax Collection.
New Combo Strike Counter Formula: (x + y), where x is your Combo Strike cast count and y is every other spell (except tax collection and generic) cast count.
Effect: Also increase offline spells cast amount multiplicatively based on your offline Mana Regeneration.
Formula: (10 * log10(1 + x))%, where x is your offline Mana Regeneration.
Combo Strike Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Drow
Effect: Combo strike cast stat increases more when you cast higher tiers.
Tier: 2
Cost 63 Vg (6.3e64) - FC 1 T (1e12)
Tier: 3
Cost 998.1 Qivg (9.981e80) - FC 63.1 T (6.31e13)
Tier: 4
Cost 15.81 Uvg (1.581e97) - FC 3.981 Qa (3.981e15)
Tier: 5
Cost 250.5 Sxtg (2.505e113) - FC 251.2 Qa (2.512e17)
Tier: 6
Cost 3.969 Dqag (3.969e120) - FC 15.85 Qi (1.585e19)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 1 Sx (1e21)
Lightning Strike (Titans)
Works For: Titan - Cost: 900 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: The production of a random building is multiplied by 300% for each Iron Stronghold. Also grants Faction Coins depending on your current amount of gems.
Formula: round(1.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 3), where x is your current gems.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Lightning Storm
Requirement: Cast Lightning Strike 100 times in a single game.
Effect: Increase Lightning Strike bonus to 400% for each Iron Strongholds.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dd (1e40), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Thunderstorm (R25+)
Effect: Lightning Strike now grants more Faction Coins based on your Faction Coin find chance.
Formula: round(x ^ 1.05)%, where x is your current chance to find Faction Coins.
Lightning Strike Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Angel, Goblin
Effect: Iron Strongholds count for 75% more per tier for the spell bonus.
Tier: 2
Cost 57 Ocd (5.7e58) - FC 50 B (5e10)
Tier: 3
Cost 27.85 Tvg (2.785e73) - FC 2.013 T (2.013e12)
Tier: 4
Cost 13.61 Ocvg (1.361e88) - FC 81.03 T (8.103e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 6.649 Ttg (6.649e102) - FC 3.262 Qa (3.262e15)
Tier: 6
Cost 3.249 Octg (3.249e117) - FC 131.3 Qa (1.313e17)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 5.287 Qi (5.287e18)
Brainwave (Faceless)
Works For: Faceless - Cost: 600 Mana - Duration: 600 seconds
Effect: Increase production of all buildings by a cumulative 2% per second.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Faceless Overmind
Requirement: Affiliate with the Faceless 5 times in a row.
Effect: Increases Brainwave ticks to 3% per second.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dd (1e40), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Focused Thoughts (R25+)
Effect: Give Brainwave a headstart based on its activity time in this game, with a minimum of 1 minute.
Formula: +1 second per 5 minutes Active Time (This Game).
Tier Upgrade: +10 minutes per tier of Brainwave past tier 1.
Brainwave Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Fairy, Undead
Effect: Brainwave headstarts for an additional 10 minutes per tier.
Tier: 2
Cost 57 Ocd (5.7e58) - FC 50 B (5E10)
Tier: 3
Cost 27.85 Tvg (2.785e73) - FC 2.013 T (2.013e12)
Tier: 4
Cost 13.61 Ocvg (1.360e88) - FC 81.03 T (8.103e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 6.649 Ttg (6.649e102) - FC 3.262 Qa (3.262e15)
Tier: 6
Cost 3.249 Octg (3.249e117) - FC 131.3 Qa (1.313e17)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 5.287 Qi (5.287e18)
Grand Balance (Druid)
Works For: Druid - Cost: 1000 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds (24s/w spell upgrade)
Effect: Increase the production of your least productive building based on the amount of the three most built ones.
Formula: (25 * (x * y * z / (A + 3) ^ 6) ^ 0.9) where x, y and z are the number of your three most-built buildings and A is Ascension.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Halls of Balance (R25+)
Requirements: Have Grand Balance affect Hall of Legends.
Effect: Increases Grand Balance duration to 24 seconds and lower its cost by 200 mana.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dd (1e40), A1+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Primal Balance
Effect: Grand Balance now affects extra buildings based on mana spent this reincarnation.
Formula: (0.00001 * x) ^ (0.2 - 0.025 * A), where x is mana produced (This Reincarnation) and A is Ascension stat.
Targets | A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+1 | 1e5 | 1e5 | 1e5 | 1e5 |
+2 | 3.2e6 | 5.25e6 | 1.016e7 | 2.56e7 |
+3 | 2.43e7 | 5.326e7 | 1.516e8 | 6.561e8 |
+4 | 1.024e8 | 2.756e8 | 1.032e9 | 6.554e9 |
+5 | 3.125e8 | 9.865e8 | 4.569e9 | 3.906e10 |
+6 | 7.776e8 | 2.796e9 | 1.541e10 | 1.68e11 |
+7 | 1.681e9 | 6.747e9 | 4.305e10 | 5.765e11 |
+8 | 3.277e9 | 1.447e10 | 1.049e11 | 1.678e12 |
+9 | 5.905e9 | 2.837e10 | 2.299e11 | 4.305e12 |
+10 | 1e10 | 5.179e10 | 4.642e11 | 1e13 |
Grand Balance Tier 2-7 (R42+)
Faction Coins Needed Elven, Demon
Tier: 2
Cost 57 Ocd (5.7e58) - FC 50 B (5E10)
Tier: 3
Cost 27.85 Tvg (2.785e73) - FC 2.013 T (2.013e12)
Tier: 4
Cost 13.61 Ocvg (1.360e88) - FC 81.03 T (8.103e13)
Tier: 5
Cost 6.649 Ttg (6.649e102) - FC 3.262 Qa (3.262e15)
Tier: 6
Cost 3.249 Octg (3.249e117) - FC 131.3 Qa (1.313e17)
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 5.287 Qi (5.287e18)
Dragon's Breath (Dragon R46+)
Works For: Dragon - Cost: 1500 Mana - Duration: 20 seconds
Effect: Activates one of the following effects at random for 20 seconds.
Requirement: Dragons Trade Treaty
Red: Increase the production of unique buildings based on the amount of Faction Coins found in this game.
Formula: (2 * (ln(1 + x) ^ 2)%, where x is Faction Coins found in this game.
Green: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of spells cast in this game. Higher bonuses are provided to lower building tiers.
Formula: (0.01 * x ^ 0.625 * (11 - T) ^ 5)%, where x is spells cast (this game) and T is the building tier. (1 for Farms, 11 for Hall of Legends).
Blue: Increase your mana regeneration by 200%
White: Temporarily increase the amount of assistants based on total time spent being neutral.
Formula: (1.35 * floor(x / 60) ^ 0.7), where x is time as neutral this R in seconds.
Black: Increase the production of all buildings based on Dragon's Breath activity time.
Formula: (0.5 * x ^ 0.75)%, where x is Dragon's Breath activity time.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Dragon's Roar
Requirement: Cast Dragon's Breath while having at least 4 other active spells.
Effect: Dragon's Breath multiplicatively increases Faction Coin find chance based on its duration.
Formula: (6 * x ^ 0.6), where x is duration in seconds.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Dd (1e40), A2+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Prismatic Breath (R63+)
Effect: While all 5 breaths are active, Reincarnations count 50% more.
Dragons Breath Tier 2-7 (R46+)
Faction Coins Needed Dwarf, Drow
Effect: Each tier gives another random effect per cast. Tier 5 will trigger all the effects simultaneously.
Effect: Each tier also increase offline production based on mana statistics
Note: No 1 spell will be casted twice in the same cast.
Tier: 2
Cost 69 Dvg (6.9e70) - FC 1 Qa (1e15) Dwarven, Drow
Tier: 3
Cost 35.36 Ocvg (3.536e88) - FC 177.8 Qa (1.778e17) Dwarven, Drow
Tier: 4
Cost 18.12 Qatg (1.812e106) - FC 31.62 Qi (3.162e19) Dwarven, Drow
Tier: 5
Cost 9.289 Qaq (9.289e123) - FC 5.623 Sx (5.623e21) Dwarven, Drow
Tier: 6
Cost 4.751 Sxqag (4.761e141) - FC 1 Sp (1e24) Dwarven, Drow
Tier: 7
Cost Free - FC 177.8 Sp (1.778e26) Dwarven, Drow
Note: Dragon's Breath will cast a random Dragon's Breath spell for the 6th tier.
Note: Dragon's Breath will cast 2 random Dragon's Breath spell for the 7th tier.
Mercenary: Tax Collection (R75+)
Share Benefits (Good Mercenaries)
Requirement: Mercenary Camp
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings and Faction Coin find chance based on this spell tier level for 20 seconds.
Note: A1 can cast up to 36 tiers.
Note: A3 can cast up to 99 tiers.
Note: Tier 41 and above cost x4/x2.25 (with S1275) instead of x2/x1.5 (with S1275) than each previous tier.
Formula: 120 ^ (0.25 * T), where T is tier (FC chance multiplier)
Formula: ((2.20 ^ T) - 1) * 100, multiplicative (production multiplier)
Effect: Also produce Tax Collection casts per second based on your Maximum Mana.
Formula: (0.01 * y * T), where y is max mana, T is tier
Reap Interests (Evil Mercenaries)
Requirement: Tyrant Garrison
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect: Additional casts of Reap Interests increase its seconds worth of production.
Formula: (120000 * log10(8 + 0.125 * x)), where x is amount of TC casts.
Note: Extra time from reap interests does apply to S50.
Note: S50 tax collections do increase reap interests.
Appraisal Vantage (Neutral Mercenaries)
Requirement: Freemason's Hall
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect: Generates additional Faction Coins based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: (x * y ^ 1.275), where x is assistants owned, y is Faction coin chance.
Temporal Flux (Proof of Order)
Requirement: Ascension 2
Cost: 5000 Mana
Effect: Increase Unique building production by time spent this game.
Effect: Also multiplicatively increase Mana Regeneration based on time spent in this game.
Formula: (3.5 * (x / 60) ^ 0.825)%, where x is time in seconds this game.
Angel (Good), Undead (Evil), and Titans (Neutral)
Tier 2 (R120+)
Requirement: Lantern of Guidance (Artifact)
Coin Cost: 120 Notg (1.2e122) Emerald coins
FC Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Angel, Undead, Dwarven and Drow Coins.
Maelstrom (Proof of Chaos)
Requirement: Ascension 2
Cost: 3500 Mana
Effect: Increase the production of three random buildings based on one of these stats in this game, chosen at random: mana produced, trophies unlocked, Faction Coins found or amount of assistants
Mana (0.02 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 5)%, where x is mana produced this game.
Trophy Formula (2.5 * x ^ 0.9)%, where x is trophies unlocked.
Faction Coins (0.01 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 4)%, where x is faction coins found this game.
Assistants(0.25 * (log10(1 + x)) ^ 5)%, where x is amount of assistants.
Fairies (Good), Demons (Evil), and Faceless (Neutral)
Tier 2 (R120+)
Requirement: Oil Lamp (Artifact)
Coin Cost: 120 Notg (1.2e122) Emerald coins
FC Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Fairy, Demon, Dwarven and Drow Coins.
All Creation (Proof Of Balance)
Requirement: Ascension 2
Cost: 6000 Mana
Effect: Increase production of all buildings based on mana regeneration rate.
Effect: Also multiplicative increase Faction Coin find chance based on your mana regeneration rate.
Formula: (0.15 * ln(x) ^ 3.5 + 0.9 * x ^ 0.27), where x is mana per seconds.
Elves (Good), Goblins (Evil), and Druid (Neutral)
Tier 2 (R120+)
Requirement: Spark of Life (Artifact)
Coin Cost: 120 Notg (1.2e122) Emerald coins
FC Cost: 1 Sp (1e24) Elven, Goblin, Dwarven and Drow Coins.
Precognition (Archons)
Cost: 123456 mana
Effect: Buildings, Assistants, Royal Exchanges, Spells cast and Clicks count more based on mana produced in this game.
Formula: (ln(x) ^ 1.25) (without AR2), (1.25 * ln(x) ^ 1.5) (with AR2), where x is mana produced in this game.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Chrono Loading
Requirement: R125+, Cast Precognition with at least 100 Qa (1e17) mana regeneration.
Note: Precognition raises regen itself. Make sure that you have 100 Qa (1e17) with it not active
Effect: A fraction of Precognition duration is added to time spent in this game.
Formula: (3600 + 60 * x ^ 0.4), where x is Precognition duration.(seconds)
Effect: Also scale off invisible spell duration modifiers.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Octg (1e118), A3+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Omniscience (R153+)
Effect: Precognition also makes Excavations, Artifacts, Reincarnations, Research points and Lineage levels count 15% more.
Limited Wish (Djinns)
Cost: 888888 mana
Effect: Provide a random effect based on your chosen base alignment, for 12 seconds. The duration of the spell cannot be modified. Its power increases as you continue casting this spell.
Possible Effects
1: Increase the production of all buildings
2: Increase Assistants
3: All spells durations count more
4: Increase Mana Regeneration
1: Increase the production of all buildings
2: Increase Trophy count and Offline Bonus
3: Increase Mana Regeneration
4: Increase Faction Coin find chance.
1: Increase the production of all buildings
2: All spells durations count more
3: Increase Faction Coin find chance
4: Increase Maximum Mana
Formula: (2.25 * (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.35) * (y ^ 0.45)), where x is Limited Wish activity time this game in seconds and y is a random number between 1 and Limited Wish casts this game rolled on cast.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Persistent Entropy
Requirement: R125+, Cast Limited Wish 100 times within 30 minutes of a new game.
Effect: Adds 150 casts to Limited wish formula.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Octg (1e118), A3+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Full Wish (R153+)
Effect: Production of all buildings effect of Limited Wish is active on every cast and is no longer a possible random outcome.
Infinite Spiral (Makers)
Cost: 505000 mana
Effect: Increase assistants based on Maximum Mana.
Formula: (10 * (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.25), where x is Maximum Mana.
Effect: Increase max mana based on FC chance.
Formula: (1.5 * log10(1 + x) ^ 1.5), where x is FC chance.
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on Excavations made, including resets, in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (10 + 0.05 * (x * y) ^ 0.75), where x is excavations done this R (NOT current excavation count), y is free and ruby Excavation Resets this R
Spell Trophy & Upgrade: Reality Crater
Requirements: R125+, Cast Infinite Spiral with at least 10 excavation resets this game.
Effect: Infinite Spiral also reduces excavation cost multiplier based on assistants owned.
Formula: (0.001 * log(1 + x)), where x is assistants owned.
Upgrade Cost: 10 Octg (1e118), A3+ Free
Challenge Upgrade: Gaia's Cradle (R153+)
Effect: All Infinite Spiral effects scale 15% faster.
Catalyst (Djinn Bloodline) (R130+)
Cost: 500000 mana
Effect: Activates a random vanilla or base alignment spell at tier 7 for 60 seconds. This spell's duration cannot be modified.
Note: Can not access Holy Frenzy regardless of alignment.
Requirements: R130+, Djinn Bloodline
1. Choosing this Bloodline or having/buying A400 with Djinn gives you the vanilla spell upgrades that enable the challenge reward when bought.
2. Cannot cast a spell that is already avaliable.
3. The Spell Pool is 8 for Neutral factions, 7 for Good/Evil (-1 faction and -1 alignment spell)
Chaos Madness (Chaos Mercenary) (R194+)
Cost: 500000 mana
Effect: Grants the effect of a random lineage, with the level of your highest lineage for 20 seconds.
Requirements: R194+, Mercenary Challenge 2 completed
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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