Below is a list of acronyms, terms, and shortcuts used in Realm Grinder.
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#1: Tax Collection
#2: Call to Arms
#3: 3rd Spell
#4: 4th Spell
#5: 5th Spell
#6: 6th Spell
#7: 7th Spell
#8: 8th Spell
#9: 9th Spell
#0: 10th Spell
#P: 11th Spell
X + click spell: This will set each spell 1 tier at a time and back to 0
Z + click spell: This will set each spell to it's maximum tier
R + click spell: This will reset/restart spell
Tooltip: To set autocasting with tooltip go to options and put a X in Enable Spell Tooltip Persist.
Silver (Primary): CTRL + click spell
Gold (Secondary): SHIFT + click spell
Bronze (Independent): CTRL + SHIFT + click spell
Contingency: SHIFT + click mana
Gold: SHIFT + click spell
Silver: CTRL + click spell
Bronze: CTRL + SHIFT + click spell
You will need to disable BuyMax Button in options to use hotkeys for buildings
Buy 1: Click building
Buy 10: CTRL + click building
Buy 100: SHIFT + click building
Buy 1000: X + click building - R1+
Buy Max: CTRL + SHIFT + click building
You will need to disable BuyMax Button in options to use hotkeys for buildings
Buy 1: Click building
Buy 10: CMD + click building
Buy 100: SHIFT + click building
Buy 1000: X + click building - R1+
Buy Max: CMD + SHIFT + click building
A Run: refers to a game between abdications.
A Session: refers to a game between reincarnations.
This game and Current game: started last abdication, and ends next abdication.
Total: refers to the current reincarnation.
All-Time: covers all reincarnations.
A1: Ascension R40-R99
A2: Ascension R100-R159
A3: Ascension R160+
Pre A: Before R40
Post A: After R39 and R99
R#: Number of times reincarnated (eg: R12 = 12th reincarnation)
FC: Faction Coin
RE: Royal Exchange
RP: Research Point
RUS: Research Upgrade Slot
m/s or mps: Mana per Second
BL: Bloodline
U (Build Name): Builds that target Unique Buildings
NU (Build Name):Builds that do not target Unique Buildings
RNG: Random Number Generator
Merc or Mercs: Mercenary
AH: Advance Heritage
Faction Name +line: Faction names may be shortened
Fairyline: Fairy Bloodline
Angeline: Angel Bloodline
Elfline: Elf Bloodline
Gobline: Goblin Bloodline
Undeadline: Undead Bloodline
Demonline: Demon Bloodline
Titanline: Titan Bloodline
Druidline: Druid Bloodline
Faceline: Faceless Bloodline
Dwarfline: Dwarf Bloodline
Drowline: Drow Bloodline
Dragonline: Dragon Bloodline
Archonline: Archon Bloodline
Djinnline: Djinn Bloodline
Makerline: Makers Bloodline
Short and long names
S: Spellcraft
C: Craftsmanship
D: Divine
E: Economics
A: Alchemy
W: Warfare
F: Forbidden
Fairy (3,2): Simplifies notation of Faction upgrades. The first number represents the tier, and the second the position.
For combined Faction names, the prestiges' precede and is shortened to whatever sounds best.
Dwangels: Dwarf+Angel
Dwaries: Dwarf+Fairy
Dwelf: Dwarf+Elf
Dromon: Drow+Demon
Droblins: Drow+Goblin
Draguid: Dragon+Druid
Faction abbreviations used in Merc Build templates to identify faction upgrades. These are followed by the numbers 1-12 reflecting their overall position. (eg: Dwarf(3,1) Battlehammers = DN7)
FR: Fairy
EL: Elf
AN: Angel
GB: Goblin
UD: Undead
DM: Demon
TT: Titan
DD: Druid
FC: Faceless
DN: Dwarf
DW: Drow
MC: Mercenary
DG: Dragon
AR: Archon
DJ: Djinn
MK: Makers
UB:Name: Unique Building:UB Name
MA:: Mercenary 13th Upgrade (Good and Evil only)(Not available in A3)
UNN: UN=Merc Union(Primary), 2nd N=2nd Union(secondary)
Spells are shortened to their initials. Relies on context to differentiate identical initials.
Pentacast: Casting 5 spells at once.
Combo-Spell/Spell Combo: Several spells or casting several spells (e.g.: "Do a combo-spell")
TC: Tax Collection
CtA: Call to Arms
SS: Spiritual Surge
HL: Holy Light
BF: Blood Frenzy
GG: Gem Grinder
FC: Fairy Chanting (Not to be confused with Faction Coins)
MB: Moon Blessing
GH: God's Hand
GG: Goblin's Greed
NT: Night Time
HB-HFB: Hellfire Blast
LS: Lightning Strike
GB: Grand Balance
BW: Brainwave
DP: Diamond Pickaxe
CS: Combo Strike
DB: Dragon Breath
AC: All Creation
MS: Maelstrom
TF: Temporal Flux
PC: Precognition
LW: Limited Wish
IS: Infinite Spiral
CT: Catalyst
Tiered spells simply have the tier number following the spell's initials (eg: LS1, GG5, CtA5 ...)
CtL: Call to Love
HS: Hailstorm
HW: Heatwave
SE: Shadow Embrace
WotB: Wail of the Banshee
CL: Cannibalize
SS: Spectral Surge
FIB: Farms, Inns, and Blacksmiths
BS: Blacksmith
DM: Deep Mine
IS: Iron Stronghold
AP: Ancient Pyramid
HoL: Hall of Legends
OH: Olympian Hall (Titan's Unique building)
UB: Unique Building (R16-R99)
UB2: Unique Building 2 (R100+)
Mona: Monastery
Laby: Labyrinth
Pillars: Stone Pillars
Barracks: Warrior Barracks
Necros: Necropolis
Pyra: Ancient Pyramids
Den: Wyrm's Den
GotH: Gift of the Heroes
GotK: Gift of the Kings
GotG: Gift of the Gods
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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