Exploit your resources with Economics knowledge, taking maximum advantage of your properties and turning time into money.
Increases: Goblin, Druid, and Dwarven production.
Pointing to this ingame will tell you how many Slots (R16-R159) / Points (R160+) are available also tells you your total research points.
Research Point Production
Formula: 100000 * (1 + 0.01 * x ^ 0.7), where x is RP total of facility affinities.
E1 - For Goblin
Research Name: Coinage
Cost: 750 Qag (7.50E125)
Effect: Increase the production of Goblin Banks based on the amount of buildings you own.
Formula: (0.85 * x ^ 0.85)%, where x is your Buildings Owned (This Game) stat.
E10 - For Undead
Research Name: Recycling
Hint: Nation of the dead.
Requirement: 2,000 Undercities
Cost: 28.83 Uqag (2.883E127)
Effect: Increase the production of all other buildings by 95% per Undercity you own.
E25 - For Elf
Research Name: Commerce
Hint: Colored wealth.
Requirement: 100 M (1E8) Faction Coins (Found this Game)
Cost: 12.63 Dqag (1.263E130)
Effect: Gain additional assistants based on the amount of Royal Exchanges you purchased.
Formula: floor((1 + 6 * x) ^ 0.5 - 1), where x is your Royal Exchanges Made stat.
E30 - For All Factions
Research Name: Diplomacy
Hint: Exchange more.
Requirement: 1000 Exchanges (This Game)
Cost: 95.88 Dqag (9.588E130)
Effect: Increases Faction Coin find chance and Royal Exchange bonus based on time spent in this game.
Formula: Faction Coin Chance: floor(1.5 * x ^ 1.05)%
Formula: Royal Exchange bonus: floor(x^0.6)%, where x is Playtime (This Game in minutes).
E50 - For Fairy
Research Name: Bartering
Hint: Royalties earnings.
Requirement: 1,000 Exchanges(as Goblin)
Cost: 318.8 Tqag (3.188E134)
Effect: Reduce Enchanted Field cost multiplier. Reduces cost multiplier by 0.035; with no other reductions applying, the multiplier will be 1.115 instead of 1.15.
E80 - For All Factions
Research Name: Common Business
Hint: Neutral urbanistics.
Requirement: 9,000 Neutral Buildings
Cost: 61.13 Qiqag (6.113E139)
Effect: Increase the production of Good and Evil buildings based on the amount of neutral buildings.
Formula: round((1.75 * x) ^ 0.8)%, where x is the number of neutral buildings you own.
E135 - For All Factions
Research Name: Bribing
Hint: Architectural advantage.
Requirement: 28,000 Total Buildings(as Goblin)
Cost: 296 Ocqag (2.96E149)
Effect: Reduce the building cost multiplier for Unique Buildings. Reduces cost multiplier by 0.02; with no other reductions applying, the multiplier will be 1.13 instead of 1.15.
E145 - For All Factions
Research Name: Royal Demand
Hint: Collect those taxes!
Requirement: 5,000 Tax Collections (This R), Research Cultivation (C10) & Woodcraft (C105)
Cost: 17.07 Noqag (1.707E151)
Effect: Increase Tax Collection reward by 30 seconds of production.
E150 - For All Factions
Research Name: Investment
Requirement: Research Bribing (E135) & Commerce (E25)
Cost: 129.6 Noqag (1.296E152)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of coins you own.
Formula: round(ln(1 + x) ^ 1.25)%, where x is the amount of gold you own.
E200 - For All Factions
Research Name: Acquisition
Requirement: Research Investment (E150) Common Business (E80)
Cost: 82.65 Dqig (8.265E160)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on your percentage of trophies unlocked.
Formula: round(0.0003 * (100 * x) ^ 3.35), where x is trophies unlocked / max trophies.
E225 - For Goblin
Research Name: Forgery
Requirement: Research Coinage (E1) & Gilding (A50)
Cost: 2.087 Qaqig (2.087E165)
Effect: Increase the production of Evil Buildings based on the amount of Goblin Banks you own.
Formula: round(10 * x ^ 0.85)%, where x is the number of Goblin Banks you own.
E230 - For Demon
Research Name: Coercion
Requirement: Research Exertion (W50) & Diplomacy (E30)
Cost: 2.087 Qaqig (2.087E165)
Effect: Increases trophy count based on time spent as Evil this R.
Formula: (0.25 * x ^ 0.5), where x is time spent as Evil this R.
E250 - For All Factions
Research Name: Trade Routes
Requirement: Research Forgery (E225) & Royal Demand (E145)
Cost: 52.7 Qiqig (5.27E169)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on the amount of Royal Exchanges you purchased.
Formula: floor(10 * x ^ 0.55) / 10, where x is your Royal Exchanges Made stat.
E260 - For Druid
Research Name: Sifting
Hint: A lot of men-hirs.
Requirement: 3,000 Stonehenge Circles
Cost: 3.039 SxQig (3.039E171)
Effect: Increase the production of all other buildings based on the amount of Stone Pillars you own.
Formula: (100 * x), where x is Stone Pillars
E275 - For Titan
Research Name: Offering
Hint: Offer Faction Coins, gain production.
Requirement: 1,250 Royal Exchanges(as Titans)
Cost: 175.2 SxQig (1.752E173)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on your Royal Exchange Bonus.
Formula: (x ^ 0.95), where x is your Royal Exchange Bonus.
E290 - For All Factions
Research Name: Surveyorship
Hint: Take an interest in archeology.
Requirement: 7 Artifacts
Cost: 582.7 SpQig (5.827E176)
Effect: Reduces Excavation cost multiplier by 0.025; with no other reductions applying, the multiplier will be 1.175 instead of 1.2.
E320 - For All Factions
Research Name: Smuggling
Hint: You shouldn\'t abdicate so poorly.
Requirement: Have 2x Gems in Abdication Treasury
Cost: 1.117 NoQig (1.117E180)
Effect: Increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of Unique Buildings owned.
Effect: Also increase FC chance find chance by a multiplicative 100%.
Formula: 5 * x ^ 0.9, where x is Unique Building owned
E330 - For All Factions
Research Name: Collection
Requirement: Research Acquisition (E200) & Forgery (E225)
Cost: 6.443 Sxg (6.443E183)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of artifacts you found.
Formula: round(50 * x ^ 1.1)%, where x is the amount of artifacts found.
E350 - For Faceless
Research Name: Repurpose
Requirement: Research Journeymen (C200) & Adaptation (A330)(as Faceless)
Cost: 21.42 USxg (2.142E187)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of Reincarnations you made.
Formula: round(2.5 * x ^ 2.25)%, where x is the amount of times you reincarnated.
E400 - For All Factions
Research Name: Conversion
Requirement: Research Philosopher's Stone (A250) & Repurpose (E350).
Cost: 13.66 QaSxg (1.366E196)
Effect: Increase production bonus from Gems based on your Royal Exchange bonus.
Formula: (0.85 * floor(x ^ 0.85))%, where x is your Royal Exchange Bonus.
E410 - For Dwarf
Research Name: Marketing
Hint: A Blacksmith army.
Requirement: 5000 Blacksmiths
Cost: 787.7 QaSxg (7.877E197)
Effect: Increase production of all other buildings by 75% per Dwarven Forge you own.
E460 - For All Factions
Research Name: Inflation
Hint: Got enough Faction Coins?
Requirement: 100B (1E11) Faction Coins (Found this Game)
Cost: 502.3 SpSxg (5.023E206)
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange Bonus based on the amount of Faction Coins found in this game.
Formula: floor(3.5 * log10(1 + x))%, where x is your Faction Coins Gained (This Game) stat.
E480 - For All Factions
Research Name: Undercutting
Hint: Maximum magic resources required.
Requirement: 15000 max mana
Cost: 1.67 NoSxg (1.67E210)
Effect: Increase the production of non-unique buildings based on total spells cast.
Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.65)%, where x is your Spells Cast (Total) stat.
E495 - For Drow
Research Name: Jewellery
Hint: Special architecture.
Requirement: 12000 Unique Buildings (as Dwarf)
Cost: 731.4 NoSxg (7.314E212)
Effect: Increase the production bonus from gems based on the amount of Spider Sanctuaries you own.
Formula: (0.06 * x ^ 0.8)%, where x is the number of Spider Sanctuaries you own.
E590 - For Goblin,Drow
Research Name: Slavery
Requirement: 200 Drow Exchanges as Droblin, Research Automatons(C225) and Undercutting(E480)
Cost: 39.16 QiSpg (3.916 E229)
Effect: Gain additional assistants based on the amount of Non-Unique buildings you own.
Formula: (0.1 * x ^ 0.8), where x is the number of Non Unique Buildings you own.
E1225 - For Neutral,Dragon
Research Name: Hoarding
Hint: Massive numismatics.
Requirement: 1T (1E12) Faction coins (Found this game)
Cost: 160.2 Uvg (1.602e68)
Effect: Removes 1 Ascension penalty for Royal Exchanges.
E1325 - For All Factions
Research Name: Intimidation
Hint: Unique wonders of the realm.
Requirement: 18000 Unique Buildings
Cost: 144.9 Tvg (1.449e74)
Effect: Reduce Royal Exchange cost multiplier.
Formula: Reduces multiplier by 0.025; with no other reductions applying, base multiplier is 1.1
E1425 - For All Neutral Factions
Research Name: Rarity
Hint: Be neutral. Be different. For a short week.
Requirement: 5 days playtime each with Titan, Druid and Faceless, Research A545, C1300
Cost: 131 Qivg (1.31e80)
Effect: Increase Gem Grinder bonus based on the amount of artifacts you found.
Formula: (1.25 * x ^ 1.25), where x is artifacts found.
E3250 - For All
Research Name: Hirelings
Requirement: (Intimidation E1325) and (Scholarship S2875).
Cost: 661.6 USxg (6.616e188)
Effect: Gives assistants based on the amount of coins you own.
Formula: (1.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.5), where x is amount of coins you own.
E3300 - For Mercenary
Research Name: Estates
Hint: 50k shades of uniqueness.
Requirement: 45000 Unique buildings, (Hoarding E1225) and (Combination A2950).
Cost: 629.2 DSxg (6.292e191)
Effect: Gives you all the Unique Buildings of your alignment.
Effect: Ascension 3: Gain all the Unique Buildings that match your alignments.
E5125 - For All Factions
Research Name: Decentralization
Requirement: R175+, Forgotten Relic, Vault artifact and upgrade
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of buildings you own. Lower tiers get better bonuses.
Formula: ((6 - 0.5 * T) ^ 2 * x ^ 0.75), where T is building tier and x is the number of (every) buildings you own
E5375 - For Balance
Research Name: Whipround
Requirement: R177+, Forgotten Relic, Vault artifact and upgrade
Effect: Increase Royal Exchange bonus additively and multiplicatively based on Tax Collections cast in this game.
Additive: (x ^ 0.2), where x is tax collections (This game)
Multiplicative: (0.85 * x ^ 0.15), where x is tax collections (This game)
E5625 - For All Factions
Research Name: Loan Sharking
Requirement: R179+, Forgotten Relic, Vault artifact and upgrade
Effect: Tax Collection is worth more based on Gold owned.
Formula: (log10(1 + x) ^ 1.8), where x is your current gold
E5875 - For All Factions
Research Name: Prosperity
Requirement: R181+, Forgotten Relic, Vault artifact and upgrade
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on your faction spell activity in this game.
Formula: (0.4 * x ^ 0.4), where x is your least used faction spell (This game)
Note: Only checks the base faction spell of your faction(s). On mercs, scales off Share Benefits and the two chosen Faction Spells.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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