Mercenary Encampment Quest
We salute you, commander. Your strategical skills had not gone unnoticed within our ranks. We have decided to offer you a chance to establish a formal encampment within your boundaries... Build more structures to strengthen our city.
Requirement: Mercenary (Any Alignment), 125000 buildings
Cost: 10 Notg (1e121)
Note: Only needs bought once.
Unlocks: Mercenary Unique Buildings
Unique Buildings
Mercenary Camp
Requirement: Mercenary Encampment Quest
Cost: 100 Qag (1e125)
Effect 1: Allows access to Research Facilities
Effect 2: Upgrade Knights Jousts to Mercenary Camps, boosting their production based on the amount of Non-Unique buildings you own and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (1.25 * (1 + x) ^ 1.05), where X is number of Non-Unique Buildings.
Effect 3: Unlocks Round Table
Round Table (Spell Upgrade)
Requirement: Mercenary Camp
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect 1: Gives 1 additional upgrade from any of the Good factions.
Effect 2: Upgrades Tax Collection spell to Share Benefits. Increases the production of all buildings and Faction Coin find chance based on this spell tier level for 20 seconds. Can be cast up to 35 tiers.
Note: Tier 41 and above cost x4/x2.25 (with S1275) instead of x2/x1.5 (with S1275) than each previous tier.
Faction Spell: Tax Collection
Requirement: Mercenary Camp
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings and Faction Coin find chance based on this spell tier level for 20 seconds. Can be cast up to 36 tiers.
Formula: 120 ^ (0.25 * t), where t is tier (FC chance multiplier)
Formula: ((2.20 ^ T) - 1) * 100, multiplicative (production multiplier)
Effect: Now adds Tax Collections casts based on its duration and current tier cast.
Formula: (10 * x * T), where x is spell duration and T is spell tier
Formula: sum formula is (x ^ (0.15 * T)), where x is spell duration and T is spell tier
Good Mercenary Upgrade 13
You can purchase any upgrade from any Good Faction for an increased price
Requirement: Round Table (Good Spell Upgrade)
Tyrant Garrison
Requirement: Mercenary Encampment Quest
Cost: 100 Qag (1e125)
Effect 1: Allows access to Research Facilities
Effect 2: Upgrade Evil Fortresses to Tyrant Garrisons, boosting their production based on Offline Production Bonus and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Effect 3: Unlocks Dark Covenant
Formula: (0.5 * log10(x) ^ 3.5), where x is Offline Production Bonus.
Requirement: Tyrant Garrison
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect: Additional casts of Reap Interests increase its seconds worth of production.
Formula: (y ^ (1 + 0.24 * log10(1 + x))), where y is TC original power and x is amount of TC casts
Note: Extra time from reap interests does apply to S50.
Note: S50 tax collections do increase reap interests.
Dark Covenant (Spell Upgrade)
Requirement: Tyrant Garrison
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect 1: Gives 1 additional upgrade from any of the Evil factions.
Effect 2: Upgrades Tax Collection spell to Reap Interests Additional casts of Reap Interests increase its seconds worth of production.
Evil Mercenary Upgrade 13
You can purchase any upgrade from any Evil Faction for an increased price.
Requirement: Tyrant Garrison (Evil Spell Upgrade)
Freemason's Hall
Requirement: Mercenary Encampment Quest
Cost: 100 Qag (1e125)
Effect 1: Allows access to Research Facilities
Effect 2: Upgrade Inns to Freemason's Hall, Boosting their production based on the highest amount of assistants you had in a single game (This R) and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: (20 + 20 * x), where x is assistants you had in a single game (This R).
Effect 3: Unlocks Secret Exchange
Secret Exchange (Spell Upgrade)
Requirement: Freemason's Hall
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect : Upgrades Tax Collection spell to Appraisal Vantage, Generates additional Faction Coins per cast
Requirement: Freemason's Hall
Cost: 1 Qaqag (1e135)
Effect: Generates additional Faction Coins per cast
Formula: (2.5 * x ^ 2.5), where x is original Faction Coin chance.
Obsidian Shard
Requirement: 8000th Excavation as any Faction, R75+
Description: Extremely hard and black as darkness itself, this material cannot apparently be carved or melted. It is a mystery how you can make this thing into a sword.
Effect: Unlocks Secrets of the Warriors
Secrets of the Warriors
Requirement: Obsidian Shard
Cost: 100 Qiqag (1e140) and 10 Qa (1e16) of every Faction Coin.
Effect: Unlocks Researches for Mercenaries and increases their production by 1000%.
S2875: For Mercenary - Spell Name: Scholarship
Requirement: 11000 Merc Unique Buildings.
Cost: 7.26 Qiqag (7.26e168)
Effect: Increases the production of Non-Unique buildings by 3.5% per Unique building.
S3200: For All Factions - Spell Name: Manipulation
Hint First spell, many served.
Requirement: 1B (1e9) Tax Collection cast, (Calefaction A1325) and (Psionics S1500).
Cost: 387 USsx (3.87.188)
Effect: Each active spell increases mana regen by an additional 8% (good merc TC tiers also count).
Effect: Also increases offline spells cast amount multiplicatively by 1200%
C3000: For Mercenary - Spell Name: Customizing
Requirement: 9000 Excavations as Mercenary.
Cost: 280.7 SpQig (2.807e176)
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings based on the amount of artifacts you own.
Formula: (1.5 * x ^ 1.5), where X is artifacts you own.
C3100: For All Factions - Spell Name: Engineering
Requirement: 15 days Mercenary time spent (All time).
Cost: 329.6 NoQig (3.296e182)
Effect: Increase maximum mana based on the total amount of clicks made (This R).
Formula: (65 * x ^ 0.35), where x is clicks made.
D2775: For Mercenary - Spell Name: Intervention
Requirement: Secrets of the Warriors.
Cost: 6.182 TQig (6.182e162)
Effect: Increases the production of Unique Building based on time spent with Mercenaries.
Formula: 0.1 * x ^ 0.7
D3350: For All Factions - Spell Name: Vampirism
Hint: Sound the alarms, production has gone offline!
Requirement: 100 Sp (1e26)% offline bonus, Intervention (D2775) and Upheaval (W3150).
Cost: 492.5 QaSxg (4.925e197)
Effect: Increase assistants additively and multiplicatively based on your Offline Bonus.
Additive: (3.25 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2.25), where x is your Offline Bonus.
Multiplicative: (0.05 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is your Offline Bonus.
E3250 - For All - Research Name: Hirelings
Requirement: Intimidation (E1325) and Scholarship (S2875).
Cost: 661.6 USxg (6.616e188)
Effect: Gives assistants based on the amount of coins you own.
Formula: (1.5 * ln(1 + x) ^ 1.5), where x is amount of coins you own.
E3300 - For Mercenary - Research Name: Estates
Hint: 50k shades of uniqueness.
Requirement: 45000 Unique buildings, Hoarding (E1225) and Combination (A2950).
Cost: 629.2 DSxg (6.292e191)
Effect: Gives you all the Unique Buildings of your alignment.
A2950: For Mercenary - Spell Name: Combination
Requirement: All Lineages Level at 15.
Cost: 259 SxQig (2.59e173)
Effect: Select an aditional bloodline.
Effect: You also gain all the base effect of its respective Lineage.
A3400: For All Factions - Spell Name: Chemistry
Hint: Get attracted to Faction Coins.
Requirement: 1 No (1e30) FC, Customizing (C3000) and Manipulation (S3200).
Cost: 533.7 QiSxg (5.337e200)
Effect: Increases Faction Coin find chance based on the total amount of Lineage levels you have.
Effect: Also increases Faction Coin find chance by a multiplicative 350%.
Formula: (3 * x ^ 2.25), where x is total Lineage levels.
W3050: For Mercenary - Spell Name: Flanking
Requirement: 50000 Base Assistants, Authority (W1275) and Intimidation (E1325).
Cost: 304.1 OcQig (2.146e179)
Effect: Increases the production of buildings one tiers directly above or below a Unique Building based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: (0.2 * x ^ 0.7), where x is assistants.
W3150: For All Factions - Spell Name: Upheaval
Requirement: 60000 Enchanted Fields, Inns and Dwarven Forges.
Cost: 357.2 Sxg (3.572e185)
Effect: Increases the production of all buildings based on their tier, giving the highest bonus to the lowest.
Formula: (50 * (12 - T) ^ 2.15), where T is building tier.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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