This page is for the smart people.
foofyderpface: i just accidentally got C340 without realizing i have 910 M rubies
lauriesrank: 910000000 seems excessive
JAN 22 - 6:07PM
foofyderpface: what bl should i do
ivanovich1998: druid
foofyderpface: why druid
ivanovich1998: after r40 always druidline
ivanovich1998: because spell tiers
JAN 22 - 6:08PM
foofyderpface: boi my mana regen is actually over 9000 base
foofyderpface: so not druid
G00FBALL: if you really have 900m rubies it dont matter what mana regen is
JAN 22 - 6:09PM
foofyderpface: i has 900 million rubies so druid bl is not necessary
Fonzoland: oic
foofyderpface: what bloodline should i do
foofyderpface: mana is not needd
6Fire6Devil6: im pretty sure you dont have 900million rubies
G00FBALL: again with 900m rubies any bl will do
foofyderpface: ya i do
JAN 22 - 6:11PM
Fonzoland: some people do, it is called cheating
sciurusaurus: oh, he probably has. save edited rubies.
foofyderpface: u want me to send u the file?
ivanovich1998: yeah, that's what i actually wanted to check :P
foofyderpface: and no, i just have shitloads of kreds
JAN 22 - 6:12PM
sciurusaurus: hm. If someone remembers the name of the previous "I totally bought all those rubies"-guy, I might find the link to the tool in my history
6Fire6Devil6: 900mio/280 per purchase*500 kredits per pruchase
ivanovich1998: oh yeah, pretty sure you had 1.625.000.000 to spare :P
foofyderpface: im goin with elf bl
ivanovich1998: 1.625.000.000 kreds to spare*
JAN 22 - 6:13PM
Fonzoland: just shut your face dude
sciurusaurus: you could have found a save on pastebin or similar. if you truly don't know how to do that yourself, which we only have your word for anyway.
G00FBALL: hmmmm his name started with K
G00FBALL: lol
vd2b: well, no need to edit, just import edited game and you are cheater
ivanovich1998: nor do you know how to lie :P
foofyderpface: I DIDNT U ASSHOLS
JAN 22 - 6:14PM
Fonzoland: ok, muted
G00FBALL: haha
6Fire6Devil6: im pretty sure he didnt spend like 137 million $ here
foofyderpface: t(-_-t)
ivanovich1998: because you surely had 162.500.000$ to spare :P
lauriesrank: I remember when I spent my lottery winnings on kong....
sciurusaurus: extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.
Fonzoland: nah. just requires sunday school
JAN 22 - 6:15PM
lauriesrank: Extraordinary slavers require extraordinary slaps
6Fire6Devil6: lottery win of 2%?
6Fire6Devil6: *2$
lauriesrank: Na, thruppence ha'penny :)
foofyderpface: yu assholes want me to send the file as proof?
JAN 22 - 6:16PM
lauriesrank: Dunno if that was why you in text speak or a typo :D
ivanovich1998: the file doesn't serve as proof of purchasing the rubies :P
Fonzoland: lol
foofyderpface: proof that i have them -_-
ivanovich1998: i could just save edit my file to have a couple quintillion rubies in 5 seconds :P
foofyderpface: theres no way ima convince any of u i didnt cheat
Fonzoland: you guys are actually engaging in that conversation? :D
JAN 22 - 6:17PM
lauriesrank: proof of purchase is not prrof of delivery
sciurusaurus: that you have them does not prove you didn't cheat.. only that you have them.
ivanovich1998: go ahead, prove you spent 165 million dollars in this game
foofyderpface: I CANT
foofyderpface: THATS THE THING
lauriesrank: because you didn't
Fonzoland: it is the trump blind trust being invested
lauriesrank: THAT'S THE THING
ivanovich1998: exactly :P
JAN 22 - 6:18PM
sciurusaurus: we won't believe you because your claim is ridiculous, and you have offered zero proof.
ivanovich1998: just sending the file won't prove anything because anyone can edit their save to have quintillion rubies :P
6Fire6Devil6: give me your login stuff for your E-Banking to confirm the purchase and im fine
JAN 22 - 6:19PM
ivanovich1998: so you either prove you bought them, or stop complaining :P
sciurusaurus: at the very least, provide us with a screenshot of your kong purchase history :P
JAN 22 - 6:20PM
foofyderpface: just so u guys know chat is muted now
Fonzoland: you sir, are definitely a liar, an attention seeker, and a troll. probably a young kid who doesn't get enough love and attention from parents, but that is just speculation.
lauriesrank: Surely it's impossible to prove that which does not exist?
ivanovich1998: here
JAN 22 - 6:21PM
ivanovich1998: a save with 1e45 rubies
ivanovich1998: done in 5 seconds
JAN 22 - 6:22PM
lauriesrank: CHEat!!!
lauriesrank: :)
sciurusaurus: I love how he went "chat is muted now" when he got a suggestion for how he could at least substantiate his claim :P
Fonzoland: ivan: playing for years, cheating with rubies, still not even R7. the ultimate n00b.
ivanovich1998: huh, the value of the save i just made is 1.7e44$
JAN 22 - 6:23PM
lauriesrank: He was gone in 60 seconds too
lauriesrank: although more entertaining of course
ivanovich1998: nothing like showing kids what the real world is :P
JAN 22 - 6:24PM
ivanovich1998: "Welcome to the real world, where nobody gives a **** about you!"
Fonzoland: that is also unfair. people in the real world like to watch when you bleed
lauriesrank: Takes a SPECIAL kind of guy to keep up that kind of pretence
sciurusaurus: I really don't understand why people who lie about "all the rubies I can afford" don't pick a more realistic number.
JAN 22 - 6:25PM
foofyderpface: and...
ivanovich1998: oh look, he's still here :P
Fonzoland: lol, thanks
ivanovich1998: oh no! a kid reported me!
sciurusaurus: congrats. Those reports will do nothing.
ivanovich1998: oh, the hue-mana-tee!
JAN 22 - 6:26PM
lauriesrank: I think you've been reported to some Operating System.... asterix OS :)
ivanovich1998: oh, is that a new fork of linux?
foofyderpface: i don't really hear anything anyone's saying or give two flying ****s at the moment because I MUTED ALL OF YOU ASSHOLES! :D **** YOU GUYS!
Fonzoland: only one i know is *nix
JAN 22 - 6:27PM
sciurusaurus: he is winning like Trump won the popular vote.
ivanovich1998: "Hey everybody! I don't give a **** about you! That's why i'm commenting how much i don't give a ****!"
JUN 25 - 5:03PM
derpdragon45: whats the best idle / magic race that doesn't use clicking?
Coolle: that depends on certain breakpoint multipliers
derpdragon45: ... think of me as a noob that doesn't know what you'r talking about
Coolle: did you start excavating yet?
derpdragon45: yep
Coolle: goblins have good multipliers and easy faction coins early on
Coolle: undead are nice too. Decent multipliers and assistants to get you coins
derpdragon45: ok um just so you know i have neutrality
necrodoom: pls no
myogin: undead arn't so nice at all
necrodoom: derpdragon: how many gems?
derpdragon45: 15.27 qi
derpdragon45: mainly from grinding
necrodoom: use titans
derpdragon45: ok thanks
necrodoom: you should be able to get into prestige factions soon or even now
necrodoom: get 200 excavs and unlock dwarf
Coolle: myogin, undead are really good especially when they guy was saying he was new and idling
derpdragon45: thats hard for me cause while i get tons of FC i don't get that many coins
necrodoom: undead are not good, period
myogin: undead seems cool but in realty the aren't
necrodoom: especially now when derpdragon is making toward prestige factions
myogin: they*
necrodoom: derpdragon45: titans are RNG, you need a deepmine strike
necrodoom: but anyway, get 200 excavs and unlock dwarf
ivanovichkoslov: undead are the worst faction
ivanovichkoslov: and no, it's not debatable, they are mathematically the worst
derpdragon45: deepmine strike ?
Coolle: you guys must not understand the maths
myogin: I have a master degree in maths
Coolle: up until a certain point undead are super good because of assistants
necrodoom: yes, derpdragon, lightning strike
reusens: for unlocking faceless they seem alright
necrodoom: coolle: which point?
derpdragon45: ah ok
reusens: *undead
necrodoom: because i dont see this point where undead are useful
ivanovichkoslov: the undead assistants are useless due to how much undead focus on offline boosts
Coolle: before you unlock titans
necrodoom: they have the best early long term growth.. but you dont need growth when production runs last 10 min
Coolle: I didn't even use offline multiplier
ivanovichkoslov: you want assistants? go fairy, which have assistants, assistant production upgrades, and don't lose 90% of production
ivanovichkoslov: you're pre-titans? go elves, they're OP
Coolle: you guys are dumb as ****
Coolle: I'm not pre titan
Coolle: we were talking about early game
necrodoom: we are too
ivanovichkoslov: and so i am
necrodoom: and undead are not worth the time
ivanovichkoslov: elves will make much more money than undead, much faster
Coolle: and how would elves be able to carry someone idling through early game
necrodoom: by actually producing gems
ivanovichkoslov: step 1: get sun blessing
ivanovichkoslov: step 2: cast moon blessing
reusens: But if you need to unlock the faceless, undead seem alright to me, no?
necrodoom: no
ivanovichkoslov: step 3: watch as gems rain from above
ivanovichkoslov: 36 hours as undead are 36 hours wasted
necrodoom: once you settle for faceless unlock, you arent going to production
ivanovichkoslov: go angel and get autocast
necrodoom: you would use dwarf-elves (for production) or dwarf-angel (for casts)
necrodoom: actually, dwarf-fairy over dwarf-elves
Coolle: ivanovich that might be true for first stage, but then the staged multipliers of other races will do just as well
Coolle: forcing all players down a cookie cutter path is also like the dumbest way to present gaming
ivanovichkoslov: it's not my fault elves are just objectively better at early game than anyone else
Coolle: you present functional options and let the player do whatever they want
ivanovichkoslov: actually, elves are better than anyone else pre-mercs till R39
ivanovichkoslov: need only a couple titan runs in the middle between R0 to R7, but afterwards elvenline just makes anything else obsolete
necrodoom: coolle: the cookie cutter path is right if the other path is just abysmally weaker
Coolle: "right"
necrodoom: undead suck, its objective
Coolle: it's only right for the playstyle of running through your first early game
Coolle: and missing out on the mechanics of the game
necrodoom: if 5 min of active play is better than 1 day of offline play
necrodoom: im not going to recommend offline play to anyone
Coolle: lol
Coolle: exactly
necrodoom: because its simply not worth the time
reusens: he asked for the best option, so ...
Coolle: your reasoning proves my point
ivanovichkoslov: no, his reasoning proves my point
necrodoom: your point is 'you should tell people to use crap methods because i will get offended because cookie cutter path'
Coolle: he asked for options for offline
necrodoom: even though cookie cutter path is so because reasons
myogin: no, he asked option for idle
reusens: no, just idle
ivanovichkoslov: he asked for idle, not offline
myogin: not necessary offline
ivanovichkoslov: elves can be played idle due to sun blessing
necrodoom: if offline was usable, i would recommend an alternative
necrodoom: but it isnt
Coolle: well I misunderstood the question then
Coolle: but it's not like I'm offended by the cookie cutter path
myogin: well each one has the right to choose how much time want to waste on realm grinder :D
Coolle: "time to waste"
Coolle: this is why you're idiots
Coolle: wasting your time
Coolle: and teaching people rushing
G00FBALL: haha
Coolle: and thinking that the gameplay you have in mind is the only right one
necrodoom: well im not going to tell someone to waste a week on something that takes a few minutes
necrodoom: if you are going to complain that a walkthough recommends the most effective method then i cant say much
G00FBALL: Realm Grinder the right way^^^
necrodoom: again, if offline was even viable but somewhat weaker
Coolle: because your goal is to get to the later stages and you're thinking others should use the same thing
necrodoom: i would suggest it as an alternative
necrodoom: but its not
necrodoom: it sucks
necrodoom: but you dont want to understand it
Coolle: you don't get gaming or different needs and wants from a game
necrodoom: you are just angry because you are wrong
derpdragon45: what if people can't get on everyday
forcesman: the only way to play realm grinder ^^
reusens: If someone is looking up things in a walkthrough, they want the most efficient path :)
necrodoom: and are trying to justify it with bullshit
Coolle: exactly reusens
reusens: and if someone is asking in a chat how to play the game, they also want the most optimal path ;)
Coolle: @necrodoom try to go visit different gaming forums and get to understand gaming people more
necrodoom: coolle: i will explain it one last time
derpdragon45: btw should you get more gems in backlog or reincarnate when you have it
necrodoom: if there were other as viable methods
forcesman: reincarnate when you have it
necrodoom: i would suggest them
necrodoom: but there isnt
derpdragon45: ok
myogin: you should reincarnate when you fell is fine :P
Coolle: @necrodoom your ideas of "viable" is straight wrong. And you don't see it even when I point it out
myogin: feel*
necrodoom: you have no grasp of what 'viable' is
Coolle: LUL
ivanovichkoslov: getting stoic resistance at R0 is "viable" as undead
ivanovichkoslov: it will take months, but it's possible
necrodoom: you want to tell people to use the faction that is famous for a complete suckiness
necrodoom: all because you were told you are wron
Coolle: yes because I thought he wanted to do things in steps using offline play and rarely logging in
Coolle: I offered a service that's good for people
necrodoom: and even if that was true
Coolle: you're just someone who doens't understand reality
necrodoom: elves are still the better method
Coolle: either narcissist, consumed with yourself. Or just immature
necrodoom: even if you rarely log in
GetYamchad: coolle use this
necrodoom: do your own tests
necrodoom: i did mine
necrodoom: and i know how viable stuff are
necrodoom: if you want to disprove that undead are not viable for any style or play, be my guest
necrodoom: if you are unable to put up with that, though, just stop it, because im not going to argue game meta with someone who decides to recommend people based on his own personal nonsense
jaksus: How do I start the dragon run?
JUN 29 - 7:04PM
necrodoom: jaksus: what do you mean by 'dragon run'?
JUN 29 - 7:05PM
necrodoom: dragon stage unlocks? dragon challenges?
jaksus: Dragon faction/upgrades?
JUN 29 - 7:11PM
jaksus: I now have dragons!
Sverch: Congratulations!
jaksus: And now I finished dragons.
JUN 29 - 7:14PM
necrodoom: wat
jaksus: I stocked up gems and reset my excavations.
jaksus: :3
necrodoom: as in, you reincarnated?
jaksus: Just after finishing dragons.
JUN 29 - 7:15PM
jaksus: For reseting excavations, I spent 4 gems.
necrodoom: you mean, rubies?
necrodoom: also, 'finishing dragons'?
jaksus: Yes, sorry, it confuses me.
JUN 29 - 7:16PM
necrodoom: paste an image of what you are seeing please
jaksus: I bought all the upgrades as dragons.
necrodoom: so you unlocked dragon champion
jaksus: Yes.
necrodoom: ah, time for RNG builds
jaksus: Yeah... I already use those. xD
JUN 29 - 7:17PM
necrodoom: before dragon theres no use for RNG builds
jaksus: Yes, there is.
necrodoom: like?
JUN 29 - 7:18PM
jaksus: First while of titans is all RNG builds.
necrodoom: you are using C375
necrodoom: at least i hope you are using it
jaksus: I don't know what that is.
Sverch: He means pre-A, I guess.
necrodoom: the thing that makes lightning strike always hit Olympian halls?
Sverch: But you can use Diamond Pickaxe.
Sverch: Yes.
JUN 29 - 7:19PM
jaksus: I don't use that Necrodoom.
necrodoom: why wouldnt you?
Sverch: That's... strange.
jaksus: I don't know what it is, so no, I would not use it.
jaksus: I don't even know how to get it.
necrodoom: what research build were you using to unlock dragon then
Sverch: Interesting. :)
JUN 29 - 7:20PM
jaksus: To get dragons, I looked at the stats needed for each level, and I just got researches for that.
necrodoom: ah, so you save edited dragons to yourself
Sverch: What?
jaksus: I didn't save edit.
Bbuurrbb: save editing explains spending rubies on excavation resets...
jaksus: Not really.
JUN 29 - 7:21PM
necrodoom: so what R are you?
jaksus: 47.
necrodoom: how many rubies?
jaksus: 113.
Sverch: Wow
necrodoom: yep save editor
Sverch: Quite a lot.
jaksus: I didn't use a save editor for it.
necrodoom: paste a pic of your research tab
JUN 29 - 7:22PM
jaksus: Top or bottom half?
Sverch: It' getting more interesting.)
necrodoom: top half i giess
necrodoom: guess*
JUN 29 - 7:23PM
Sverch: Woah!
Sverch: Why so little unlocked researches?
necrodoom: save editor so hard
jaksus: I don't know how to unlock them, so I don't try to.
Sverch: :D
jaksus: I just play the game however I run into it.
jaksus: If I get a research, I don't know what I did, but I did it.
JUN 29 - 7:24PM
Sverch: How you unlock dragons, again?))
Djoko78: Hey guys ! I had tiered TC, it worked well, but now when I buy the upgrade at e135 coins, it doies not become a "durable" spell. Any idea why ?
jaksus: I clicked random factions and ran them, I started with titans and that was what I needed.
Djoko78: Always with mercs of course
Sverch: XD
JUN 29 - 7:25PM
Sverch: That should be a guide.))
Bbuurrbb: wow you never got 1e9 faction coins to get C50, impressive
necrodoom: considering you cant even start with titan research, yep
JUN 29 - 7:26PM
Sverch: Oh, man, that's one of best, I've ever seen.))
necrodoom: bonus bullshit: jaksus has S215 unlocked
necrodoom: which requires S175, which he doesnt have
Sverch: XD
necrodoom: so much save editing he doesnt even know what research is
jaksus: What's s215 then?
Sverch: :D
Sverch: XD
necrodoom: im not against cheating but if you cheat so hard you dont know how the main feature of 80% of the game is
JUN 29 - 7:27PM
necrodoom: and then try to deny you save edited its just sad
jaksus: I'm not cheating, that's the thing.
Sverch: ^
Sverch: :D
Sverch: XD
Sverch: XDXDXD
Sverch: Man, please, stop while you can.))
jaksus: I don't even use the researches, so why would it matter if I have them or not?
necrodoom: for starters
JUN 29 - 7:28PM
necrodoom: you need these researches to get them Rs
Sverch: That's all you needed to say.
openfire: ol having researches and not using them....
openfire: that tops my list of dumbest things said today
JUN 29 - 7:29PM
Sverch: I guess he just wanted to see all factions without gamepla, my guess.)
Sverch: *gameplay
necrodoom: looks like it, he pretty much literally save edited himself researches listed out of research builds
JUN 29 - 7:30PM
jaksus: Can someone tell me what S175 and S215 are?
Sverch: :D It looks like that! :D
jaksus: Just so I can prove a point.
openfire: s175 is an elf research
Sverch: It's Spellcraft 175 research and 215, accordingly.
openfire: and 215 increases SS based on active spells
JUN 29 - 7:31PM
Sverch: "jaksus: Just so I can prove a point." Point in what?)
jaksus: What would I need S175 for to get S215 then?
JUN 29 - 7:32PM
necrodoom: ah, looks like goofwiki got a bit of an error
openfire: ?
openfire: oh lol
byronhaverford: 9.997e139 coins. And my DB switches to white.
necrodoom: still, an impossiblity to get to R46 without so many of these researches
openfire: was very confused
JUN 29 - 7:33PM
jaksus: Necrodoom, not really.
necrodoom: yes really
necrodoom: because from the list of your researches, you wouldve to never went undead, elf or fairy since R20 or so
JUN 29 - 7:34PM
Sverch: It is kinda unbelievable for me either.
jaksus: I have been using mercs and titans sense I unlocked them...
jaksus: I don't find a need for the other ones.
JUN 29 - 7:35PM
necrodoom: titan research unlocks at R23
necrodoom: how did you get to R23 without research?
apocal_88: LOL lets stop bothering him, we all know what he did
jaksus: I never used researches.
necrodoom: considering you will have a hard time getting past R16 with mercs
Sverch: Yeah, that's what we are talking about.)
JUN 29 - 7:36PM
Sverch: apocal_88, We all want to hear his motives.
Sverch: At least me.)
Sverch: *brings popcorn*
necrodoom: there arent enough researches there to form a titan build anyway
jaksus: If you think I can't get far without researches, go ahead and think that, I really don't care what you think about it.
necrodoom: certainly not one to bridge R23-40
JUN 29 - 7:37PM
necrodoom: we all know you save edited hard, i just dont get why you boldly lie like that
jaksus: Necrodoom, I use titans to start gaining gems, then I switch to mercs when I feel ready.
Sverch: Yeah, that "i don't care what you think" pathway.))
necrodoom: and what did you do from ~e100 to R40 gems?
JUN 29 - 7:38PM
Sverch: Never thought I would witness this myself. Waving hi to G00f's wall of shame! 0/ (Igorogis note: WINNER!!!)
jaksus: e100 gems... r47 doesn't even cost 1e50 gems...
apocal_88: Oh man, could this be a troll?
necrodoom: pre-A Rs you doofus
openfire: sounds too serious
JUN 29 - 7:39PM
necrodoom: 'To Reincarnate to R40, you need 1e144 gems.'
openfire: also does sound edited
JUN 29 - 7:40PM
jaksus: You don't need 1e144 gems.
openfire: xD
Sverch: :D
Sverch: XD
openfire: go to some other room kid
necrodoom: how many gems did you need to do R39 then?
jaksus: How should I remember two months ago?
Sverch: Yeah...
JUN 29 - 7:41PM
necrodoom: by remembering ascension lol
Sverch: From R39 to R47 in two months.)
jaksus: Here's the price in a picture for R47 to R48.
Sverch: Quite a progress.)
necrodoom: yeah you dont know what ascension is
Sverch: Yeah. XD
necrodoom: or even what is pre-A and post-A
necrodoom: which you would, if you havent save edited yourself to R46
JUN 29 - 7:42PM
Sverch: Why R46 exactly?
Sverch: Just look how many buildings he got on his screenshot.))
jaksus: I save edited to Rnothing, because I didn't use a save editor. I consider that cheating, and it is also theft.
Sverch: That's rich, man!
Sverch: :D
JUN 29 - 7:43PM
Sverch: I hope someone screening it.)
jaksus: This person can make money off of the game, not much, but still some. It is illegal, simple as that.
necrodoom: lol
necrodoom: how old are you
Sverch: :3
airbournevirus: over 9000
JUN 29 - 7:44PM
jaksus: Older than you by the sounds of it, but I'm 22 years old.
necrodoom: ah, you certainly grown from your profile age
necrodoom: not that i believe either but anyway
jaksus: I can't change it, this profile was given to me, and I can't have Kongragate change it either.
JUN 29 - 7:45PM
Sverch: Very selfsufficent young 22 year-old man.)
necrodoom: given to you.. yeah lol
jaksus: Oops, I have younger siblings because I'm not an only child. Sorry.
JUN 29 - 7:46PM
Sverch: :) Thanks foe the evening, man.))) SHould go now, unfortunately.)
Sverch: *for
necrodoom: jaksus: account sharing then?
JUN 29 - 7:47PM
necrodoom: i thought you dont do 'illegal' stuff?
jaksus: It's not account sharing.
jaksus: Also, account sharing is not illegal.
necrodoom: you are using someone else's account, yes?
jaksus: No, this is currently my account, given from someone else.
necrodoom: so, he shared his account with you
jaksus: It would be illegal if the this was a paid account, this is free.
JUN 29 - 7:48PM
necrodoom: off kong terms: "Account Information: You may not share or transfer your Account or your Account password or other access information with any other party, temporarily or permanently. "
owp1: how are they going to check it?
JUN 29 - 7:49PM
jaksus: They would not be able to.
necrodoom: IPs brah
jaksus: Same IP here as where he used his computer.
jaksus: It's the same computer, and the same place.
JUN 29 - 7:50PM
necrodoom: either case, have fun playing your 'non-save edited' game as a '22 years old' person
necrodoom: just remember you arent fooling anyone
JUN 29 - 7:51PM
jaksus: Yeah, I'm not fooling anyone. I know that.
jaksus: Just because people don't believe me does not mean I am fooling them.
JUN 29 - 7:59PM
openfire: that sentance does not make sense
openfire: sentence*
airbournevirus: just swated ya :) have fun. hopefully you are who you say :) gonna go away for al ong time for donig someting noone cares about
airbournevirus: really though- it's not a big deal. it's a ingle player game
JUN 29 - 8:00PM
airbournevirus: and account sharing happens
azile0: How many years would it take to get to R47 without research?
azile0: Like, just merc builds. Years probably.
JUN 29 - 8:01PM
jaksus: Less than one.
necrodoom: now im interested in what merc build this guy used
jaksus: Ones that give lots of coins, I never picked just one to stay on.
JUN 29 - 8:02PM
azile0: Ahh, the one that gives lots of coins
azile0: I should have known
necrodoom: oh so many of them
jaksus: The reason my last few reincarnations even took so long was from me going offline and not coming back.
azile0: Until you did
dox4242: is there an offline merc build?
necrodoom: yeah, doing R39 with mercs is so ez
Thodekke: zen mercs?
airbournevirus: once you unlock SS game gets lot easier. SS3 mercs for win
Bbuurrbb: did you use the OP Undead for offline production?
JUN 29 - 8:03PM
necrodoom: jaksus prob doesnt have KYE either tbh
airbournevirus: yep. like over 9000 gems a second
jaksus: I don't know what KYE is, so I probably don't.
airbournevirus: lot of screaming
JUN 29 - 8:04PM
owp1: non-KYE merc build?
openfire: -panic intensifies-
necrodoom: non-KYE merc build aka not even merc entry without long IGOT runs
jaksus: I don't know what KYE is, so I don't know.
openfire: omg
openfire: I'm screaming
necrodoom: pic of excavation tab pls
openfire: this is too good
JUN 29 - 8:05PM
dox4242: or pastebin of save?
necrodoom: oh, yeah, pastebin of save is best
JUN 29 - 8:06PM
necrodoom: meh, KYE too low in list
dox4242: heres the last save i had on r47:
JUN 29 - 8:07PM
dox4242: hmm, not enough gems for reinc on that one
JUN 29 - 8:09PM
dox4242: wow, that was almost 40 reincs ago
JUN 29 - 8:10PM
Bbuurrbb: 11400 Excavations at R47 or R48 these IGOT builds must be real
JUN 29 - 8:11PM
necrodoom: dont think
necrodoom: dont think even e290 + easter egg can get these results at.. R60
JUN 29 - 8:14PM
necrodoom: jaksus so to confirm you never cheated, send us save export :D
jaksus: How would that confirm I never cheated?
JUN 29 - 8:15PM
pseudobit: there are plenty of inconsistencies that can arise without careful editing
ivanovichkoslov: time spent as factions is a big one, for example
ivanovichkoslov: if you just cheat your way through, you will lack the time someone would normally have
ivanovichkoslov: or you may have a total time of a week yet be R80, which means you cheated
JUN 29 - 8:16PM
jaksus: I have total time of 10 minutes, but I was on this game and chatting just yesterday.
jaksus: I've been in this chat today for more than 10 minutes.
necrodoom: guy just trolling at this point
jaksus: How would my time prove anything?
pseudobit: I wrote the basis of the editor, I know the format well, I'd be happy to validate your save
ivanovichkoslov: no, total time between factions
JUN 29 - 8:17PM
necrodoom: still, save is fun
pseudobit: time is tracked over multiple sessions
ivanovichkoslov: not the "total" time
ivanovichkoslov: "total" tab in info actually means "this R"
pseudobit: yeah, DG's the best at not being unconfusing
necrodoom: cept faction time which is all game
jaksus: No, it does not.
pseudobit: yes it does
ivanovichkoslov: while time spent as factions means "time spent as this particular faction since i started playing this game"
JUN 29 - 8:18PM
ivanovichkoslov: because consistency
pseudobit: total generally means this R, except in a few cases where it means sum
pseudobit: what it isn't used to mean is all Rs
JUN 29 - 8:19PM
jaksus: I really don't care that you think that my save means anything. I'm still not going to post it.
necrodoom: aww why not
jaksus: I just reincarnated recently, so it wouldn't help anyways.
pseudobit: yes it would, all stats are tracked over all Rs
JUN 29 - 8:20PM
pseudobit: nobody cares if you cheat, it's just confusing why you're lying about it, and in such a transparent way
jaksus: I'm not lying about it, and that's something I don't care about.
JUN 29 - 8:21PM
necrodoom: save pls
ivanovichkoslov: you are lying about it, as it's proven by the fact that half your researches are still locked
jaksus: If you think I am lying, go ahead, I really don't care if you do or don't. This is an online game where I have nothing to do with you.
pseudobit: don't you mean isn't?
JUN 29 - 8:22PM
bioisan: ^this is why I don't talk to people
pseudobit: I'm genuinely confused by that statement
pseudobit: I think I get the intent, but it's very strange
JUN 29 - 8:23PM
bioisan: mine or his?
pseudobit: his
bioisan: yeah
pseudobit: in any case, that is why nobody cares about cheating, but every piece of information you've presented clearly indicates cheating to people who actually know the game
pseudobit: I don't even care about exposing you, I'm genuinely curious what your save looks like
pseudobit: R47 with no research is quite an interesting gamestate
JUN 29 - 8:24PM
jaksus: It looks like a pile of missing things that I don't care about, and then things I have gained along the way.
pseudobit: you need those missing things to get to R47
necrodoom: save pls
ivanovichkoslov: you need those missing things to get anywhere past R20
JUN 29 - 8:25PM
jaksus: Here's my save, I don't care.
necrodoom: yay
ivanovichkoslov: 194 total abdications
JUN 29 - 8:26PM
ivanovichkoslov: you cheated
jaksus: No, I did not cheat.
necrodoom: titan time 3 hours
ivanovichkoslov: you cheated
ivanovichkoslov: unless you mean to tell us you did an average of 4 abdications per reincarnation
JUN 29 - 8:27PM
jaksus: You guys wanted my save, and you said you didn't want to expose me for it.
pseudobit: I said I didn't
pseudobit: I don't speak for them
bioisan: lol
ivanovichkoslov: if you cheated, be honest about it
necrodoom: dragon champion, 1 dragon upgrade bought
necrodoom: gg
jaksus: I still don't care, you people begged me for it, there it is.
ivanovichkoslov: don't say you didn't when it's completely obvious you did
pseudobit: 4 abdications per reincarnation is quite odd though
azile0: Wow he is really digging in, even when the evidence is obvious
JUN 29 - 8:28PM
azile0: Just... give up. your face is red.
Sverch: He's still here! :D
necrodoom: nice amount of gems
necrodoom: '100000000000000000'
jaksus: If you want to yell at me and say I cheated, go ahead, but I didn't, and I won't change my mind.
necrodoom: this takes some skill
Sverch: :D
JUN 29 - 8:29PM
bioisan: @sverch lol
necrodoom: im in love with this save
necrodoom: so hardcore save edited
Sverch: It's nice, how the fact that he cheated won't change his opininon if he cheated.)))
ivanovichkoslov: 56 days played, 54 of which offline
JUN 29 - 8:30PM
ivanovichkoslov: yet R47
Sverch: +
Sverch: ))
bioisan: is it as amusing as the guy who gave himself a few million rubies?
Nick1wasd: Is this another Wall of Shame-er?
Sverch: I now can't decide who's bolder about their lies.)
necrodoom: my personal favoriate is max inns
necrodoom: '507691'
azile0: If i found a way to get a million rubies, I wouldn't talk about it
JUN 29 - 8:31PM
Sverch: Mom, I'm on TV. Hello to all wall of shame watchers. 0/
azile0: :*
bioisan: the kid was complaining about rubies not being useful for anything
Sverch: :DDD
pseudobit: that's prior Rs, necro
necrodoom: oh woops
bioisan: anyone remember candid camera?
Nick1wasd: "Max faction coins held at once:1"
Nick1wasd: HA
JUN 29 - 8:32PM
necrodoom: still, GL at max evil fortresses '13148' at R47
bioisan: the wall of shame feels like the internet version
bioisan: how do you get 11K+ excavations with only 1 faction coin total?
jaksus: You guys going to continue saying you don't care if I cheated and then leaking everything I sent?
Nick1wasd: This save is janky as hell
JUN 29 - 8:33PM
Thodekke: jaksus, you misunderstand us. We don't care that you cheated. We do care; however, that you lied through your teeth about it. :-)
Sverch: What is "janky"?
Nick1wasd: I'm surprised his game doesn't crash under the weight of this insane data
bioisan: @sverch something that is messed up
ivanovichkoslov: 1)we can't leak what's publicly available
pseudobit: meh, the game doesn't really care about odd gamestates
Nick1wasd: Weird, screwed up, general mess
Sverch: Nice, thanks.)
ivanovichkoslov: anyone can grab your save and see it for themselves
JUN 29 - 8:34PM
jaksus: Yeah, because you all begged me for it.
ivanovichkoslov: 2)we care that you keep saying you didn't cheat when your save clearly proves otherwise
Sverch: At least he was modest about gems.)))))
bioisan: :P
Sverch: Aapocal_88*Rubies.)
Sverch: *Rubies
JUN 29 - 8:35PM
ivanovichkoslov: you have ancient heirloom
ivanovichkoslov: at R47
jaksus: Are you going to continue calling me out?
bioisan: I hope they do
bioisan: it's amusing
Sverch: Guys, how much do I need to stuck s400 to reach R47 requirements?
pseudobit: yeah, ancient heirloom at r47 is not a valid gamestate
Sverch: With Titans.
necrodoom: 6 save edits
Thodekke: Sverch is asking for a friend. xD
ivanovichkoslov: having ancient heirloom at R47 invalidates any attempt at trying to prove you didn't cheat
JUN 29 - 8:36PM
necrodoom: along with anything else
Sverch: How you calculated 6 exactly?
jaksus: pseudobit, ancient heirloom was an item at r17 acquirable at makers fault for 4 months at one point.
necrodoom: you could at least try to lie
pseudobit: when was that?
JUN 29 - 8:37PM
jaksus: When I first started playing, just in a few weeks when it started.
ivanovichkoslov: jaksus, stop lying
ivanovichkoslov: ancient heirloom was added with lineages
bioisan: didn't ancient heirloom come out like a month ago?
jaksus: I'm not lying, that's the funny part.
necrodoom: oh god he still going im crying with laugher
pseudobit: a few weeks after release?
Sverch: necrodoom, sorry to interrupt but how much s400 stuck would be sufficient?
Sverch: :D
jaksus: After I joined the game.
pseudobit: when was that?
ivanovichkoslov: jaksus, you're trying to tell a beta tester he's wrong about an item he helped create
necrodoom: ancient heirloom wasnt even released 4 months ago
JUN 29 - 8:38PM
bioisan: ^that's what I thought
jaksus: Are you getting this from the guides?
Thodekke: Oh man, this is GOLD. Someone get this to Goofy, the Wall of Shame has a new member!
bioisan: ah 3 months ago
pseudobit: ivan and necro are both betatesters and tested the update in which the heirloom was added
Sverch: Why is he so persistent?))
pseudobit: less than 4 months ago
bioisan: dude you can read the patch notes XD
necrodoom: well, not me, but ivan yes
JUN 29 - 8:39PM
Nick1wasd: This is better than TV
necrodoom: but, patch notes clearly show lineages at march 10
pseudobit: oh, thought you were, sorry
jaksus: I'm an alpha tester, who reset my save 3 times to help out the makers of the game, I played before them.
pseudobit: hahahaha
Sverch: XD
Sverch: The cherry!
bioisan: XD
Sverch: XD
jaksus: Do you really think I care about you using beta testers as an excuse?
ivanovichkoslov: you want me to prove it?
bioisan: guys I feel I should point out his profile states he is 17
Sverch: I want to.
JUN 29 - 8:40PM
Sverch: He said he is 22.
bioisan: lmao
jaksus: I am 22, using my brothers old account.
necrodoom: but its not account sharing, because reasons
Sverch: But he don't know how to change age.)
Summit2X: reasons being account creation is "too hard".
pseudobit: it hardly matters if you were an alpha tester, which you weren't
bioisan: today is a good day
jaksus: I can't change my age, this is an account from when your age is locked to what you set it as.
JUN 29 - 8:41PM
pseudobit: the heirloom hasn't been on live for 4 months, so your statement is nonsensical
Sverch: He couldn't save edit age in profile.)
bioisan: ^LOL
jaksus: The heirloom as been out for a long while.
Nick1wasd: No
ivanovichkoslov: no, it hasn't
Nick1wasd: The source code says otherwise
pseudobit: not source, but yes
bioisan: the patch notes literally say otherwise XD
Summit2X: Well, a couple months probably is a LONG time to a 17-year-old.
ivanovichkoslov: you want to start saying the code is wrong too?
pseudobit: patch notes don't specifically mention the heirloom, but it makes no sense without lineages
JUN 29 - 8:42PM
Nick1wasd: And the source code is something Pseu shoves his hands in on a regular basis
pseudobit: not source, but yes
Nick1wasd: Oh, I thought you decompile this thing on a regular basis
jaksus: Should I leave this chat and say hi to people who won't just go on blabbering about a hacked save?
pseudobit: do decompile, but it's not what I'd call source
Nick1wasd: OOOooooo, right
JUN 29 - 8:43PM
pseudobit: we're not even talking about your clearly edited save now
pseudobit: we're talking about the thing you said that is clearly false
Nick1wasd: We're talking about the dumbness of you saying that Heirloom has been around longer than Lineages
Summit2X: Your save editing is sooooo old news now.
pseudobit: here's my RG archive
jaksus: I'm just gonna go now.
JUN 29 - 8:44PM
bioisan: alpha tester Jaksus knows all
DannyRedish - Today at 7:37 PM
i just have a question
how do i unlock research
ive been trying to but it won't let me
eroshade - Today at 7:38 PM
you need to get R16
DannyRedish - Today at 7:38 PM
im R50
eroshade - Today at 7:39 PM
how are you R50 without research?
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:39 PM
what do you mean it won't let you unlock research?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:39 PM
i don't see the research bar
eroshade - Today at 7:40 PM
do you have the unique building?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:40 PM
eroshade - Today at 7:40 PM
what faction?
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:40 PM
how did you get to r50 without research?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:40 PM
i have both the titan and the dragon
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:40 PM
because i smell bullshit
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:40 PM
i bet hes r0
DannyRedish - Today at 7:40 PM
about 6 months of grinding
eroshade - Today at 7:40 PM
if he has titan and drag hes definintely r50
DannyRedish - Today at 7:41 PM
I also might have spent a few hundred on the game....
Tskami - Today at 7:41 PM
curry - Today at 7:41 PM
jesus christ man
eroshade - Today at 7:41 PM
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:41 PM
BUT, and this is a big but, you unlock dragon research at R46
DannyRedish - Today at 7:41 PM
i got addicted
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:41 PM
but if he only says that it doesnt mean anything
jij - Today at 7:41 PM
Tskami - Today at 7:41 PM
still wouldn''t really let you get that far without research
DannyRedish - Today at 7:41 PM
its super easy
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:41 PM
so not having it at R50 smells like bullshit
DannyRedish - Today at 7:41 PM
just wait
eroshade - Today at 7:41 PM
yeah, no
curry - Today at 7:41 PM
just post a screen of your R
jij - Today at 7:41 PM
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:41 PM
just ignore him lol
jij - Today at 7:41 PM
Like 2 Yeats?
eroshade - Today at 7:41 PM
you cant get to R50 without research
jij - Today at 7:41 PM
eroshade - Today at 7:41 PM
no matter how long you wait
Tskami - Today at 7:42 PM
that's not true!
eroshade - Today at 7:42 PM
that would take like 200 years
curry - Today at 7:42 PM
if you post a screen of your R then ppl will chill @DannyRedish
Tskami - Today at 7:42 PM
but 6 months w/o research is fairly bonkers
DannyRedish - Today at 7:42 PM
im trying
Tskami - Today at 7:42 PM
unless you mean without Dragon research specifically
curry - Today at 7:43 PM
its not that hard to post a screenshot lol
DannyRedish - Today at 7:43 PM
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:43 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:43 PM
it took time because im on a shit computer
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:43 PM
but wait this isnt mine
curry - Today at 7:43 PM
sorry didnt mean to be a dick
DannyRedish - Today at 7:43 PM
beneath excavation there is not research
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:44 PM
that's impossible
you should have been able to buy research with titans
curry - Today at 7:44 PM
doesnt it show gems on the reincarnation button anyway?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:44 PM
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:44 PM
show full thing
DannyRedish - Today at 7:44 PM
see no fucking research
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:44 PM
show whole screen
Tskami - Today at 7:44 PM
are you dragons?
oh, also you could pastebin your save
DannyRedish - Today at 7:45 PM
yes but it shows i need to hatch the egg
jij - Today at 7:45 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:45 PM
which sucks
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:45 PM
wait wait wait
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:45 PM
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:45 PM
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:45 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:45 PM
my game is weird
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:45 PM
you sir are a liar
DannyRedish - Today at 7:45 PM
do i have to hard reset?
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:46 PM
if you have to hatch the egg, that means you cheated to get to r50
SalmonRagnar - Today at 7:46 PM
jij - Today at 7:46 PM
have you completed
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:46 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:46 PM
jij - Today at 7:46 PM
the faction quests?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:46 PM
how do you hack?
jij - Today at 7:46 PM
to unlock research
DannyRedish - Today at 7:46 PM
just curious
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:46 PM
confirmed, you hacked the game
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:46 PM
okay there it is
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:46 PM
"just curious"
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:46 PM
DB without dragon(edited)
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:46 PM
curry - Today at 7:46 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:46 PM
so can I hack to unlock research?
jij - Today at 7:47 PM
hack to complete d game
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:47 PM
eroshade - Today at 7:47 PM
ok, hes trolling
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:47 PM
this reminds me of the 910 million rubies guy
Thronnos - Today at 7:47 PM
Lots of new people
Wait what guy
I'm curious
jij - Today at 7:47 PM
lol ivan xD
DannyRedish - Today at 7:47 PM
wait 910 million!!!
jij - Today at 7:47 PM
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:48 PM
there was a guy that claimed to have bought 910 million rubies
DannyRedish - Today at 7:48 PM
thats op as fuck
eroshade - Today at 7:48 PM
or the guy on kong who has all max records on every game. Zodiac killer
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:48 PM
we called him out on it
Tskami - Today at 7:48 PM
issat the guy on musicfamily's wall of shame?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:48 PM
i bought 2500.....
jij - Today at 7:48 PM
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:48 PM
and pseudobyte confirmed they were all hacked
jij - Today at 7:48 PM
is his name
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:48 PM
foofyderpface, correct(edited)
DannyRedish - Today at 7:48 PM
Thronnos - Today at 7:49 PM
I bought the Gifts and stuff but 910 million rubies. Can you imagine that guys production boosts haha
DannyRedish - Today at 7:49 PM
or assistants
he could get like millions....
eroshade - Today at 7:49 PM
Thronnos - Today at 7:49 PM
Hahaha. Starts off a fresh R with like 80k assistants
eroshade - Today at 7:49 PM
the price increases, so prob not millions
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:49 PM
910 million rubies is bad in terms of ruby upgrades
jij - Today at 7:49 PM
just hack sum more rubies
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:49 PM
c340 would be out the roof, though
eroshade - Today at 7:50 PM
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:50 PM
Hello @Jorbug!
Welcome to this hell-hole!
Thronnos - Today at 7:50 PM
I'm almost tempted to make a copy of my save (so as not to mess up my main game) and see exactly how many assistants I could get.
Actually wait.
Tskami - Today at 7:50 PM
You would still have like 50k ruby upgrades in one thing
Thronnos - Today at 7:50 PM
It goes up by 1 each time?
Tskami - Today at 7:51 PM
If you want to break the game, edit in like 3000 days of activity time on BW + S375
Thronnos - Today at 7:51 PM
And if it does go up by 1 how many assistants do you get per tic
DannyRedish - Today at 7:51 PM
ok i found out how to cheat and set my gems from 78.47 qua to 78.47 ocg
Thronnos - Today at 7:51 PM
I can just maths this
eroshade - Today at 7:51 PM
1 per purchase
Tskami - Today at 7:51 PM
Have fun with yer hacks
jij - Today at 7:52 PM
you will not have any fun
DannyRedish - Today at 7:52 PM
i just want research :sob:
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:52 PM
werk yer ass
jij - Today at 7:52 PM
ye bruh
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:52 PM
if you only hadn't hacked the game to get dragons before unlocking them...
jij - Today at 7:52 PM
start fresh without hack
till R16
then unlock it
DannyRedish - Today at 7:53 PM
i didnt!!!
Thronnos - Today at 7:53 PM
So 1 per purchase so all I gotta do is figure out the number of possible upgrades brb while I maths this
Tskami - Today at 7:53 PM
Seriously though how did you get there
DannyRedish - Today at 7:53 PM
now i have 20b assitants :smile:
Tskami - Today at 7:53 PM
Like, what faction(s) did you use
jij - Today at 7:53 PM
eroshade - Today at 7:53 PM
well its impossible to get that far in the game without research, and you cant have Db without drags soooooooo
DannyRedish - Today at 7:53 PM
mainly angel to get the mana....
and i do have drags
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:54 PM
by hacking
Tskami - Today at 7:54 PM
you used mainly angel?
eroshade - Today at 7:54 PM
all i hear is bull shit
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:54 PM
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:54 PM
because it's IMPOSSIBLE to get dragons without hatching the fucking egg
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:54 PM
Hello @Brisance!
DannyRedish - Today at 7:54 PM
i had 2 eggs!!!
eroshade - Today at 7:54 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:54 PM
for no goddamn reason
jij - Today at 7:54 PM
oh noice
double dragon
DannyRedish - Today at 7:54 PM
and angel into titan
eroshade - Today at 7:54 PM
double drags
double production right?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:55 PM
i don't think so....
Tskami - Today at 7:55 PM
just that?
angel and titan?
DannyRedish - Today at 7:55 PM
well until mercenary...
and dwarves....
Thronnos - Today at 7:55 PM
I want double dragons :(
eroshade - Today at 7:55 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:55 PM
i can't activate the second dragon!
its stuck!
the egg won't hatch!
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:55 PM
lol just saying stuff hes heard around
Tskami - Today at 7:55 PM
okay specifically what did you do at e135 gems
jij - Today at 7:55 PM
ofc not you already ''hatched'' one
Tskami - Today at 7:55 PM
like what faction
eroshade - Today at 7:55 PM
nothing of what hes saying makes sense, just ignore him
DannyRedish - Today at 7:56 PM
hmm what reincarnatino?
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:56 PM
can we get him out of here?
Tskami - Today at 7:56 PM
or 37-39 I guess
Thronnos - Today at 7:56 PM
I'm so confused about what just happened lol
Did I miss something?
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:56 PM
now I bet hes looking it up
DannyRedish - Today at 7:57 PM
id go merc with the mana angel upgrades and a titan reduction along with the exchange and dwarven
curry - Today at 7:57 PM
dude asked how to get research but theyre at R50 @Thronnos
Tskami - Today at 7:57 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:57 PM
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:57 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:57 PM
curry - Today at 7:57 PM
has dragons but hasnt hatched the egg yet somehow @Thronnos
jij - Today at 7:57 PM
then cheat it
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:57 PM
jij - Today at 7:57 PM
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:57 PM
at r39
DannyRedish - Today at 7:57 PM
jij - Today at 7:57 PM
look it up
Tskami - Today at 7:57 PM
go vanilla again and unlock research with them
eroshade - Today at 7:58 PM
you dont use merc once after R16 lul
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:58 PM
yup, this guy has cheated their way through the game
Thronnos - Today at 7:58 PM
Well. Here is the thing. This is a single player game. If that's how he wants to play his game, who are we to put him down for it
Tskami - Today at 7:58 PM
I mean, yeah, sure
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:58 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 7:58 PM
jij - Today at 7:58 PM
i use merc for the extra gems using DF and i'm at R27
Thronnos - Today at 7:58 PM
Maybe for him that IS fun
Tskami - Today at 7:58 PM
but it's harder to troubleshoot if they aren't being honest about what happened
Treasure Bag - Today at 7:58 PM
cough rules cough
Thronnos - Today at 7:58 PM
Oh yeah that I can agree with
eroshade - Today at 7:58 PM
we arent putting him down. hes just trying to convince us he isnt cheating lol
curry - Today at 7:58 PM
i just think it's funny
Thronnos - Today at 7:59 PM
Rules say nothing about cheating :P but yes it is funny.
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:59 PM
we're simply stating the facts
Tskami - Today at 7:59 PM
I don't think anyone in here cares if you cheat
jij - Today at 7:59 PM
@Thronnos well, there is a ranking so it's kinda unfair
Tskami - Today at 7:59 PM
lots of people care if you lie
Thronnos - Today at 7:59 PM
And research... I don't remember how I unlocked it. Just just happened at some R lol
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 7:59 PM
getting to R50 thinking you can use mercs at R39 means you cheated your way through
that is a fact
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 7:59 PM
ye its fine just give him a sepreate cheater role
jij - Today at 8:00 PM
make it a rainbow one
Tskami - Today at 8:00 PM
no need to shame people for cheating
DannyRedish - Today at 8:00 PM
im angel but..... no research
jij - Today at 8:00 PM
it's bootyfull
Thronnos - Today at 8:00 PM
You need the unique building
DannyRedish - Today at 8:00 PM
i have it
heavens domain
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 8:00 PM
can we see a shot of that
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 8:00 PM
of the whole game screen
not only the domains
Tskami - Today at 8:01 PM
and you can't buy the upgrade to unlock the research facility?
eroshade - Today at 8:01 PM
DannyRedish - Today at 8:01 PM
Tskami - Today at 8:01 PM
It might be a post-A cost reduction thing that they didn't bother to actually scale
Thronnos - Today at 8:01 PM
That should be it. You do the quest, get the building then buy the research thing I think.
DannyRedish - Today at 8:01 PM
is the upgrade pantheon?
it costs 1 million angel coins :sob:
Tskami - Today at 8:01 PM
because frankly it's not possible to get to ascension without getting research
〖Ƨ¡ήℤ〗 zOBiE - Today at 8:01 PM
just give us a screenshot
Tskami - Today at 8:02 PM
1 million coins is nothing
DannyRedish - Today at 8:02 PM
Tskami - Today at 8:02 PM
Literally nothing
jij - Today at 8:02 PM
you're R50
DannyRedish - Today at 8:02 PM
i cheated to get the coins
because i just started
jij - Today at 8:02 PM
and is worried about 1 mill coins?
Tskami - Today at 8:02 PM
jij - Today at 8:02 PM
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 8:02 PM
you cheated to get to R50
DannyRedish - Today at 8:02 PM
but it works
it worked
i don't need u anymore
Tskami - Today at 8:02 PM
Thronnos - Today at 8:02 PM
Lmao what
Ivanovich Koslov - Today at 8:03 PM
okay, time to pastebin this whole thing
Thronnos - Today at 8:03 PM
Well this has to be one of the strangest conversations ever
jij - Today at 8:03 PM
eroshade - Today at 8:03 PM
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