Djinn Champion
Requirement: R125+, 12 faction upgrades (this includes faction treaty)
Alignment: Chaos
Unlock Requirements
First Crystal Fragment
Clue: Assistants will lead the way.
Description: A strange, glass-like material that appears to have been shattered into three pieces.
Requirements: R125, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Fairy
Chance: (x / 100,000,000,000 (100B))%, where x is assistant count (including temporary assistants).
Second Crystal Fragment
Clue: Are Faction Coins attracted to glass?
Description: A strange, glass-like material that appears to have been shattered into three pieces.
Requirements: R125, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Faceless
Chance: (log10(1 + x) ^ 3 / 2500000 (2.5M))%, where x is faction coins this game.
Third Crystal Fragment
Clue: Also acts as a spell catalyst.
Description: A strange, glass-like material that appears to have been shattered into three pieces.
Requirements: R125, 12,500+ Excavations, Play as Demon
Chance: (x / 50000000 (50M))%, where x is evil spells this R.
Djinn Mask
Requirement: Find all 3 Crystal Fragments.
Cost: 10 Dqag (1e130)
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana by 150%.
Djinn Quest
Requirements: R125+, Collect all 3 Crystal Fragments and accumulate 2 days of Maelstrom activity time in this Reincarnation.
Cost: 1 Ocqag (1e147)
Effect: Unlocks Djinn Faction
Faction spell
Limited Wish
Effect: Provide a random effect based on your chosen alignment, for 12 seconds. The duration of the spell cannot be modified. Its power increases as you continue casting this spell.
Possible Effects
1: Increase the production of all buildings
2: Increase Assistants
3: All spells durations count more
4: Increase Mana Regeneration
1: Increase the production of all buildings
2: Increase Trophy count and Offline Bonus
3: Increase Mana Regeneration
4: Increase Faction Coin find chance.
1: Increase the production of all buildings
2: All spells durations count more
3: Increase Faction Coin find chance
4: Increase Maximum Mana
Formula: (2.25 * (ln(1 + x) ^ 1.35) * (y ^ 0.45)), where x is Limited Wish activity time this game in seconds and y is a random number between 1 and Limited Wish casts this game rolled on cast.
Spell Trophy & Upgrade
Persistent Entropy
Requirement: R125+, Cast Limited Wish 100 times within 30 minutes of a new game.
Effect: Adds 150 casts to Limited wish formula.
Cost: 10 Octg (1e118)
Note: Elite Faction Upgrades can only be purchased with Mercenary Upgrade 4, 8, 12 and 16.
Note: Elite spells can only be bought from the Mercenary Sorcery contract.
Tier 1 Upgrades
Djinn Trade Treaty
Description: A magical race of ephemeral and elusive beings, unbound by natural rules but instead commanding them. Affiliating with them will grant you the ability to manipulate random outcomes to your advantage.
Requirements: Vanilla and Prestige Union
Cost: 1 Oc (1e27) Fairy and Demon Coins
Effect: Unlocks Djinn Upgrades
The Desire Within
Cost: 1 NoQag (1e150)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on spells of your current alignments cast in this game.
Formula: (25 * ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is alignments spells cast in this game.
Forbidden Will
Cost: 10 NoQag (1e151)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the highest amount of Faction Coins found in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.2 * log10(1 + x) ^ 2), where x is highest amount of Faction Coins found in this Reincarnation.
Magical Circuit
Cost: 100 NoQag (1e152)
Effect: Increase Maximum Mana based on researches selected.
Formula: sum(sumOfDigits(bought research number)) (x ^ 1.15)
Tier 2 Upgrades
Djinn Friendship Pact
Cost: 1 No (1e30) Fairy and Demon Coins
Effect: Unlocks Djinn Upgrades
Aura of Magic
Cost: 100 UQig (1e158)
Effect: Increase non-unique building production based on mana produced this game.
Formula: (0.325 * x ^ 0.325), where x is mana produced this game.
Spiritual Bindings
Cost: 1 DQig (1e159)
Effect: Increase assistants based on time spent offline.
Formula: (0.65 * x ^ 0.5), where x is time spent offline this game in seconds.
Wild Surge
Cost: 10 DQig (1e160)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on the duration of your longest spell.
Formula: (0.75 * x ^ 0.75), where x is the duration of your longest spell.
Tier 3 Upgrades
Djinn Alliance
Cost: 1 Dc (1e33) Fairy and Demon Coins
Effect: Unlocks Djinn Upgrades
Wishing Well
Cost: 10 TQig (1e163)
Effect: Multiplicatively increase production bonus from Gems based on the amount of assistants you own.
Formula: (0.05 * x ^ 0.35), where x is mount of assistants you own..
Flashy Storm
Cost: 100 TQig (1e164)
Effect: Increase the production of even-tier buildings on odd days of the month, odd-tier buildings on even days.
Formula: (ln(1 + x) ^ 2.5), where x is assistants owned.
Note: The bonus is based on assistants owned.
Mana Creatures
Cost: 1 QaQig (1e165)
Effect: Increase assistants based on the highest mana produced in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (1.8 * log10(1 + x) ^ 1.8), where x is highest mana produced in a single game this reincarnation.
Djinn Heritage
Requirements: Djinn Champion Trophy
Cost: 1 Ud (1e36) Fairy and Demon Coins
Effect: Increase the production of Unique Buildings based on Limited Wish activity time in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.65), where x is Limited Wish activity time in this Reincarnation in seconds.
Note: Not available till R125
Pavilion Quest
Description: Greetings. You will have the honor of hosting our people. Cover your realm in Chaos magic for us!
Requirements: R130+, 5 days of chaos spell activity time this Game (combined).
Cost: 1 QaQig (1e165)
Note: Chaos spells are: Maelstrom, Limited Wish, Catalyst, Hellfire Blast, Fairy Chanting and Brainwave.
Unique Building Upgrade
Requirements: Pavilion Quest.
Cost: 1 QiQig (1e168)
Effect: Gives Pavillion Unique Building.
Unique Building
Upgrade Slave Pens/Warrior Barracks/Deep Mines to Pavilions, boosting their production based on spells cast in this Reincarnation and unlocking more unique perks for the building.
Formula: Formula: (10 * x ^ 0.5), where x is spells cast this R.
Requirement: Pavilion Quest.
Effect: Grants access to Faction Union.
Djinn Union
Requirements: R130, Unique Building
Cost: 1 Dd (1e39) Fairy and Demon Coins
Effect: Maelstrom bonuses scale faster.
Formula: x1.1 multiplier to exponent of maelstrom formulas.
Effect: Unlocks Djinn Upgrades
Wishes Come True
Requirements: Djinn Union
Cost: 100 QiQig (1e170)
Effect: Increase the production of all buildings based on Limited Wish activity time in this Reincarnation.
Formula: (0.35 * x ^ 0.75), where x is Limited Wish activity time in this Reincarnation.
Blue Powder
Requirements: Djinn Union
Cost: 1 SxQig (1e171)
Effect: Increase mana regeneration based on Royal Exchanges made.
Formula: (0.3 * x ^ 0.8), where x is Royal Exchanges made.
Academic Prodigy
Requirements: Djinn Union
Cost: 10 SxQig (1e172)
Effect: Tax Collections are worth more seconds based on trophies unlocked.
Formula: (5 * x ^ 0.5), where x is trophies unlocked.
| Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodlines
| Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
| Factions | Research |
| Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral Prestige Builds | Research Tree | | Vanilla Factions | Good Factions | Evil Factions | Neutral Factions | Prestige Factions | A2 Elite Factions | | Events | Latest Major Patch | Changelog | Notation | Terminology | Tools | Kongregate Links || Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | | Mercenary | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Archon | Djinn | Makers | |
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